Pennie Clayton-Horse and Hound School

Pennie Clayton-Horse and Hound School Welcome to my page

Training for horse and rider and dogs and Bowen therapy for every body Horse and Hound school was founded by Pennie Clayton.

I offer training for horse and rider and hounds and Bowen therapy for horses, dogs and people.

There has been a bit of a pause in the posts mostly because I have had a few days away and I haven't had time to post an...

There has been a bit of a pause in the posts mostly because I have had a few days away and I haven't had time to post anything

here are some up and coming events

There will be a new puppy course starting on 21 September at 9.30

The puppy courses are 6 weeks and cover life skills including walking on a loose lead/ recall/ introduction to scent work

Social walks every Saturday -these are really useful for any dogs particularly adolescent dogs that need to practice and learn to further develop their social skills

If you need specialist help with your reactive dog or you have a newly rescued dog I am happy to help advise and support you

There is a reason behind each and every behaviour whether you are observing a dog, horse or human

There is a reason behind each and every behaviour whether you are observing a dog, horse or human

For those of you with puppies, please don't take any notice of those awful posts that inform people that their puppies h...

For those of you with puppies, please don't take any notice of those awful posts that inform people that their puppies have "separation anxiety" or "aggression" problems because they are unsettled when you leave or bite hard and get frustrated by the pain when they are teething

Puppies have no life experience-they need nurturing and parenting-not finger pointing and blame-and don't blame yourself either if you feel your puppy is exhibiting what you feel are problem behaviours

Let me assure you this is really unusual-and if you need help please select a kind, ethical trainer or behaviour support to reassure you that everything is fine

Puppies are a full time job. but don't think that means you have to walk for hours-and caring for a puppy IS NOT prescriptive-the more time you can give to them, the more likely they are to be secure and feel like they can relax and feel safe

The things that are not needed are crates (actually lets call them cages as that is what they are} crates DO NOT build independence. help with toilet training and nether are they places to calm down-these skills need to be taught to puppies by us-not by an "thing" like a cage

If your puppy is overwhelmed find a nice chew-offer it and sit down with your puppy and "be with them"-do not let a crate parent your puppy!

AND PLEASE!!! Do not rely on Tik Tok or social media to supply help or take advice from-your puppy is a sentient creature that needs guidance from the people they live with.

One other point-that I forgot to add yesterday-if a puppy is biting hard and for long periods of time please go to the vet and have them checked for GIARDIA-this often proves to be the problem

Special August offerCombined lesson and Bowen session for either you or your horse will be only £85.00 for the whole of ...

Special August offer

Combined lesson and Bowen session for either you or your horse will be only £85.00 for the whole of August.

Lessons can be flatwork, polework or jumping and I will give you some homework too, if you need it, plus a Bowen session directly after for either you or your horse.
The normal price for lessons is £45.00 and for Bowen £50.00 so this is a bargain.
Travel costs may need to be added depending on where you are located.
I am fully qualified(BHS.Int.Teach/ Cert.ECBS/ ESEBT) and insured and teach horses and riders to all levels.

I specialise in helping people to develop their confidence and helping horse and rider to improve through working on better balance by helping the rider to achieve a more independent seat and developing strength and flexibility by using correct school patterns this combined offer is particularly good for either horses or riders that are just returning to work after an injury, but you do not have need to have a green horse to book!

Bowen is a non manipulative physical therapy that works over soft tissue, muscles and tendons. It is gentle, relaxing and some people actually fall asleep when receiving a treatment-as do horses!
Bowen for riders is great to help with aches, pains and problems with crookedness, which of course will affect the horse.Bowen can be done through light clothing so you can have a treatment at your yard after a lesson.

Bowen is great for horses and riders and can help with
Inability to pick up correct lead
Muscle tension

If you would like to have a chat about how Bowen can help you or your horse please do call 07910 720961

Independent thinkingAugust is one of those months, it is precious as sometimes we get proper summer weather and it is a ...

Independent thinking

August is one of those months, it is precious as sometimes we get proper summer weather and it is a great time to take a bit of time out with your dogs, I loathe thinking about the autumn and one of the things I hate is the encroaching darkness

August is a great foraging month, this morning I was foraging for some pine cones in the churchyard it was so calm and quiet and beautiful and it is a time for a deep breath and to think about just how precious days are that are spent with the dogs.

This morning as I was foraging my older greyhound was off lead and just tootling around sniffing and keeping an eye on me-I think she has decided to do this as she has taken a matriarch role just lately

I was lost in my search and she had been just behind me carefully putting her feet on the squishy areas where the pine cones and needles had dropped, at some stage she obviously thought it was all a bit bonkers and had moved away
I suddenly realised she wasn’t around-and started to look for her, and got a little worried that I couldn’t immediately see her-I should have known, she was on the other side of the path in her sphinx mode just watching me.

This is when I really appreciate what I was taught about dogs early on when I started studying canine behaviour. I was so wrapped up in training and a social diary that I had ignored that essential component that dogs are independent thinkers
I love the way she was watching quietly as I searched for pine cones, picking them up and discarding some of them and then walking on-it wasn’t her search, it was mine so she quietly stepped aside to watch me do this as so often I have watched her sniff and scent and dig

Letting dogs work things out and encouraging more independent thinking is really valuable-training can only carry us so far on your journey through life with your dog

Be careful with your dogs - they can and do get through fencing and hedges if they left in the gardenPlease check your f...

Be careful with your dogs - they can and do get through fencing and hedges if they left in the garden

Please check your fences and make sure there is no one place that your dog can get through and find themselves in danger

Plus also make sure your dog is microchipped

Last call for Puppy Summer School. I have a few places leftRecallWalking on a loose leadRoad safetySocialisationWe also ...

Last call for Puppy Summer School.

I have a few places left


Walking on a loose lead

Road safety


We also cover teething/ toilet training/ canine communication and enrichment and you will have a comprehensive set of detailed notes to refer back to

Introduction to scent work-and we have fun too!

For more information call or send a message via WhatsApp 07910 720961

What IS most important in the life you live with your dog?Most of the things that we feel are essential and important ar...

What IS most important in the life you live with your dog?

Most of the things that we feel are essential and important are not those that many of our dogs would rank as important

While this is one of my first attempts to do a word cloud -and it may be that I left a few off, which I can add in later you will find oddly enough that training isn't listed

Yes, I am a dog trainer but I understand the importance of a dogs basic needs and dogs LEARN so much as they live with us

They are not helpless, and we should provide them with the choices they need to feel comfortable and oddly enough training drops low on the list
If we don't understand how to work a little bit of learning into our dogs lives then their wellbeing suffers

Wellbeing and welfare are vastly more important than a dog that walks at your side-why?
Because a dog that has a minimum of stress and anxiety in their life will pick up lifeskills REALLY fast

It is up to us to provide the right environment and address their needs

Pain comes in various forms-as I am a therapist for people as well as animals, my human clients often tell me about thei...

Pain comes in various forms-as I am a therapist for people as well as animals, my human clients often tell me about their pain

They may describe it as

Pins and needles
Like "nerve pain"

It may come on

Or build slowly

Not one of us hasn't experienced pain, we all know what pain is

And yet

Many people don't understand that their dogs may be in pain when they do something unexpected or their behaviour gradually changes

* Dogs can and DO experience all of the sensations above

* This covers puppies that are teething-yes it is PAINFUL-that is why they need loads of stuff to chew on to alleviate the discomfort

* Can be seen if a dog limps, even if that dogs chases around with apparent joy-never underestimate the power of adrenalin

* Dogs that become aggressive are always in pain-they are not being bad and do not need to be punished

Please look harder and observe more if your dog doesn't seem "quite right" the reason will often be pain related

If you ever need to chat through any issues you have with your dog please give me a call or send WhatsApp 07910 720961


What is your favourite way of keeping your dogs cool?

Sometimes things don't go quite to plan,This is common as we are living with all of our animals but if our horses change...

Sometimes things don't go quite to plan,

This is common as we are living with all of our animals but if our horses change then we really need to respond in the right way at the right time

Changes could be major or be so slow that they are easily missed-so this means we need to be really thoughtful in how we respond and we may actually need to drop expectations and think about how best to proceed.


Puppy Summer School-come and join the fun

Outdoor classes at Dartford Heath

5 sessions £95.00

Included is an e-book that takes you through the training that we do and includes how to keep your puppy safe in the summer months

The course will be a little more informal than classes held earlier this year but will have the same very important content which will help you to teach your puppy all the skills they need and will include an introduction to scentwork

Each class will consist of some learning and part social walk - this is because it is important for the puppies on the course to understand how to communicate with each other, and when the green light flashes on to play

Play is important in a puppies life but we also have to parent puppies and make sure they don't get too tired -which can result in biting when they are teething

If you have a puppy and would like to sign up please send a message via WhatsApp 07910 720961 or you can email [email protected]

Welcome to my page

Training for horse and rider and dogs and Bowen therapy for every body

Summer Puppy School is starting on Saturday 27th July @ 9.30More details to follow but this is an outdoor class-it will ...

Summer Puppy School is starting on Saturday 27th July @ 9.30

More details to follow but this is an outdoor class-it will be flexible as I know many people will be going on holiday over this period

The classes cover teaching your puppy lifeskills-and remember that it is not only the puppies that need to learn - you do too!
Puppies rely on us to get things right-but they are very forgiving if we sometimes get sidetracked so we have to forgive them for the same problems too!

For more information WhatApp 07910 720961

I am proud to be part of this scheme.Pet Remedy can be a great part of helping to support your horse or dog through diff...

I am proud to be part of this scheme.
Pet Remedy can be a great part of helping to support your horse or dog through difficult times

The graphic shows how Pet Remedy can be of help in times of stress including thunder storms, fireworks, if you have just rehomed a new dog, have a new puppy that never seems to settle or if you are about to go to a show with your horse and you know they will be unsettled

I have a code which can be used if you want to try any of the products this will give you a 25% discount

If you have any questions about Pet Remedy go directly to the website

New blog post

New blog post

What is the right equipment to walk your dog in? Clearly it has to be comfortable for the dog and easy for the guardian to put onOur dogs’ comfort is really important, and there are situations that mean that some dogs have to wear muzzles but these too can be comfortableThis post is about walking ...

Sometimes there are questions that need to be asked and answered I can't think of anything more disturbing than watching...

Sometimes there are questions that need to be asked and answered

I can't think of anything more disturbing than watching a highly promoted but unqualified person showing the world how to change a dogs behaviour

There are a few programmes that have promoted positive training-but the reason they are often dumped by the TV companies is because they are a bit boring
When it comes to helping people and their dogs form a better bond and understanding there are no magic wands or cymbals crashing or magic words that immediately stop dogs behaving in ways that are "unacceptable"

Supressing behaviours, especially when dogs are in pain, are scared, young, old, confused or are hungry, frustrated or tired is not clever, big or knowledgeable -it is abuse

Encouraging dog guardians to spot communication and to actually understand why a dog may be reluctant to return on a walk, or why a dog barks at a window, or to understand why they freeze on a walk is the most important lesson any canine professional can deliver

Please don't compare what you see on the telly to how a well qualified conscientious canine professional will work with your dog
It is the true professional that loves dogs that will provide you with the knowledge and know how to build a stronger bond with your dog

No gimmicks here-but do click on the links for more information

Well done to Hampton Court Flower show and the RHS for putting these signs upMany people don't think enough about whethe...

Well done to Hampton Court Flower show and the RHS for putting these signs up

Many people don't think enough about whether their dogs really enjoy going to these big shows

I would say they don't -the place was heaving-I heard one woman say her puppy was only 4 months old-this is NOT the type of place to "socialise" a puppy

Enough said

Grass seed season is here!These posters have appeared on one of our walks-it is really good information but difficult to...

Grass seed season is here!

These posters have appeared on one of our walks-it is really good information but difficult to see the smaller poster so I will duplicate in this thread
I would credit the person that wrote it and put it up, but there is nothing on the posters for me to credit anyone

*NOSE-watch out for nasal discharge, continuous sneezing, rubbing of face or breathing difficulties . Grass seeds in airways can cause damage and even become life threatening if it moves to the lungs

*EYES-signs include swollen eye,and can be inflamed, red or watery

*EARS-Dogs may hold their heads to one side, scratch their ears shake the head or tilt the head at an angle. If not removed this can lead to infection, ruptured ears leading to deafness and imbalance and eventual death

*FEET-look for swelling and a weeping hole. The dog may lick the infected area and/ or limp. Seeds can travel up the leg to joints

*STOMACH AND LUNGS-dogs can ingest and inhale grass seeds in a variety of ways. Signs include coughing or retching. Infections can lead to pneumonia and if undiagnosed can be fatal

The In Hand / Groundwork day was a huge successWe covered a HUGE amount of ground-not with the horses but there is far m...

The In Hand / Groundwork day was a huge success
We covered a HUGE amount of ground-not with the horses but there is far more to thinking about how to work a horse from the ground than just picking up a cavesson

We talked about
The horses balance
Muscular dysfunction

Watched some short demos of how best to approach lungeing, long reining and ground work to help prepare young horses to be ridden

We also had time to talk about clicker training, the importance of positive reinforcement and looked at proprioception and asked the group to do some pole work on foot and they also clicker trained each other!

We will be doing a similar day very soon-so if you are interested send a message and I will add you to the list


How many of you that have a puppy suffered from the puppy blues?

Even when prepared puppies are far from easy.....

There are still a few places left on the In Hand/ Groundwork clinic which is being held on SaturdayHere are most of the ...

There are still a few places left on the In Hand/ Groundwork clinic which is being held on Saturday

Here are most of the details-it will be a very good informative day with lots of opportunities to ask questions and receive good information about how to work horses from the ground in a positive way which avoids confrontation and stress for the horses we work with

Event by Psyche Dell and Tatsfield Court Clinics
Tatsfield Court Stables

Duration: 10-3.00
In hand workshop
Saturday 29th June 10am-3pm

Tatsfield Court Stables. near Westerham

The day is aimed at those who want to have a better understanding of the benefits of training horses from the ground.
We will be covering;
• The physical benefits of working the horse from the ground, including basic anatomy and functional posture.
• Recognising levels of understanding, stress, and when to stop!
• Introduction of different techniques, and equipment, how knowledge is better than straps!
• Lungeing/longreining, good and bad.
• Reinforcement, timing and recognising positive changes.
• Poles, proprioception and confidence building
This is a theory day, so no need to bring a horse, although there will be spaces for 2 demo horses. Please get in touch if you would like to book, and/or bring your horse!

£30 per person (includes lunch) spaces will be limited.

Whatsapp 07910 720961

Kinesiology TapingSome of you will know I am an equine and canine bodyworkerAs such I spend a lot of time researching an...

Kinesiology Taping

Some of you will know I am an equine and canine bodyworker
As such I spend a lot of time researching and taking courses to help me to understand more about how the bodies of dogs and horses function and what I can do to make sure they are comfortable after treatments
A few weeks ago I did an equine taping course and it has proved very interesting for the dogs too

I have been experimenting with one of my greyhounds-she has had restriction in her fascia in the large muscles of her right hind leg for a while, which I can't seem to solve so I am experimenting with taping that area. Greyhounds often suffer with fascial restriction and old injuries after their racing careers

It has certainly been helping alongside Bowen so I am really happy about that.

Before you wonder-yes I have put tape on myself-it sits like a second skin, and I taped one of my feet a while back because it was aching half way through the night. The tape helped with the pain, I fell asleep and it stayed on my foot for 3 days after and did not move

It is definitely helpful and for the people, horses and dogs that I have taped it has not been restrictive or caused any problems

It works by lifting the hair and recoils when applied carefully and lifts the skin creating space between the tissues- and before you ask-yes it has been extensively researched through MRI and ultrasound examinations and it is likely that you have seen many runners sporting brightly coloured tape as they run which helps to support muscles and areas that have been injured in the past.
It can stay in place for many days and when removed it is painless and will peel off if it is taken off in the direction of the hair

It is also useful for supporting proprioception issues especially if your horse or dog has been unwell and the "body map" has changed

If you would like more information or would like to book a Bowen treatment for yourself, your dog or your horse WhatsApp or call 07910 720961

This week I have been discussing how important it is for horses to have bodywork-this is because often horses can have a...

This week I have been discussing how important it is for horses to have bodywork-this is because often horses can have aches, pains and spasms in muscles and will keep quiet about what they are experiencing

It is up to us to provide horses with a good level of welfare which will impact on wellbeing

Horses need

Access to turnout-as much as possible

An appropriate diet-horses need fibre!

Places to rest and sleep-this does not necessarily mean a stable-often yards are busy and horses are continually disturbed by people and horses moving in and out

Friends-horses are a social species

Good well fitted tack

Good footcare and dental work

Any professionals that help you with your horse need to be considerate and ethical

Adding enrichment regularly is also important-I will write more about this next week, but I have written a course that will tell you everything you need to know

Follow the link to access it

Its the truth! Not many people have heard of Bowen and before I started training I had heard bad reports about BowenThes...

Its the truth! Not many people have heard of Bowen and before I started training I had heard bad reports about Bowen

These reports were destructive and they prevented me training or investigating Bowen for many years
I later found out that the particular reports were about someone who had never finished their training in Bowen

This is always something I regret as it is a wonderful therapy. As I studied and trained on humans I realised that communication is so important during a treatment

When I work on horses I have learnt that small amounts of treatment are often more effective than carrying on regardless of any calming signals or reactions to the treatment which is being received

Many horses have incredibly sore muscles and I know that if I step back and give them a bit of time this allows them to relax and will inform me as to whether I continue or not -and this also applies to dogs too

Many people assume that this means we are being ineffective but animals often know their bodies better than humans-and I am quite prepared to let them make their own decisions and to allow them to guide me, I have spent enough time working with horses and dogs to know when to stop or give them a bit of time to process what is going on

Bodywork for horses and dogs is really important-often things get missed in our day to day life and making sure they are comfortable and able to move without tension is important

If you would like more information about Bowen you can call or send a Whatsapp 07910 720961

If you have lost your confidence in riding there are ways of building it once againIt just takes time and support. There...

If you have lost your confidence in riding there are ways of building it once again
It just takes time and support.

There are many things to consider-not just that you may not be able to put your foot in a stirrup to get one, but that your horse is likely to be affected by what you are feeling too

Gut instincts are important-listen to yourself and when you are ready to start rebuilding give me a call
WhatsApp-07910 07910 720961

Working horses from the ground-day workshopThis is an on foot workshop-you don't need a horse-in fact you will probably ...

Working horses from the ground-day workshop
This is an on foot workshop-you don't need a horse-in fact you will probably benefit more if you can just attend, listen and watch

Saturday 29th June 10am-3pm
Tatsfield Court Stables. Clarks Lane, near Westerham, Kent TN16 2JU

If you have experienced any loss of confidence in riding then being able to work your horse in hand/ from the ground becomes even more important

We are running an In Hand day on 29th June which begins at 10.00 and finishes at 3.00 and which covers a lot of ground!

The most important thing about working horses from the ground is that they are comfortable and relaxed-lungeing and long reining is not about "getting the energy out of the horse" as this only creates added adrenaline and horses that are overstimulated are more likely to spook and becomes more anxious

We will be looking at how and why ground work is beneficial and how to actually help develop the horse in the correct way
This also helps the confidence of both horse and rider

The cost is only £30.00 per person-which includes lunch, but numbers are limited

This is a theory day, so no need to bring a horse, although there will be spaces for 2 demo horses. Please get in touch if you would like to book, and/or bring your horse!

Please book with either Psyche 07747 022213 or Pennie 07910 720961


Hawley Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8:30pm
Saturday 9am - 4:30pm
Sunday 10am - 5:30pm




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