Hairy Dog Grooming Salon, Dartmouth

Hairy Dog Grooming Salon, Dartmouth All your dogs grooming needs in a luxury and relaxing environment. Booking essential! Call on 01803 712343


Permanently closed.

From doggy facials to ultrasonic teeth cleaning, we provide everything for your pampered pooch!

Well, that’s it folks! I’ve had an amazing (almost) decade grooming your beautiful dogs and I’ve loved every second! A h...

Well, that’s it folks!
I’ve had an amazing (almost) decade grooming your beautiful dogs and I’ve loved every second!

A huge thank you to all of my amazing customers for trusting me to look after your dogs and pamper them, Hairy Dog wouldn’t have been such a success without you all!

I’ll miss everyone loads, especially my four legged friends but On to new adventures!

All the best,
Helen ♥️🐶🐾

Only a few spaces left for summer grooms! Here is a list of my availability left until close in September 😞 - that’s it ...

Only a few spaces left for summer grooms!

Here is a list of my availability left until close in September 😞 - that’s it then folks so book asap!


M̷o̷n̷ ̷1̷s̷t̷ ̷-̷ ̷1̷.̷3̷0̷p̷m̷
M̸o̸n̸ ̸8̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸9̸a̸m̸ ̸&̸ 1.30pm
Tues 9th - 10.30 am & 1.45pm & 3.15pm
Thurs 11th - 12.30pm (1hr slot)
Tues 23rd - 8.30am
Weds 24th - 3pm

🤙01803 712343
💌 Or DM me


To My Dear Customers, It is with great sorrow that I am announcing the permanent closure of Hairy Dog Grooming Salon’s d...

To My Dear Customers,

It is with great sorrow that I am announcing the permanent closure of Hairy Dog Grooming Salon’s doors at the end of August 2022 (final date to be confirmed).

As most of you know, the kennels where I rent my salon are closing due to a retirement sale. I have spent many months looking at alternative options to be able to continue grooming, however due to a deteriorating health condition I have struggled with since starting the business coupled with the long daily commute I have regretfully decided not to continue my business in Dartmouth.

It has been a really tough and sad decision that I’ve had to make. You have been remarkable and loyal clients; many of you have become friends. I have known most of you for many years, grooming your dogs for the majority of their lives, and in some cases welcoming new additions to your families.

I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to all of you for spreading the word about my services, I’ve always been kept happily busy and have welcomed many new customers over the years and have been very proud of the success that Hairy Dog has become.

It has been an incredibly tough decision knowing that I won’t see a lot of my customers, because I do indeed love all of my Hairy Dog pack as if they were my own, but I sincerely want to thank each and every one of you for your kindness, and for trusting me with the care of your dogs for all these years.

I am working extra hours throughout August to fit everyone in so if your dogs due a groom please get in contact asap as spaces are limited.

If anyone would like information for local groomers please let me know, and if you’d like information regarding your dogs grooming to pass to a new groomer, I’d be happy to share it.

Best wishes


I’ve been keeping a close eye on the weather forecasts due to the predicted heat waves and will continue to monitor into...

I’ve been keeping a close eye on the weather forecasts due to the predicted heat waves and will continue to monitor into next week. While I understand the heat is an issue, Hairy Dog salon is kept pretty cool and so far the temperature has been contained at a decent level and all dogs have been calm and ok during grooming and go home feeling much better for having their coat brushed and cut shorter. I will continue with appointments next week but have brought all appointments to early morning and close for the afternoon once they’re done. If the temperature gets too hot I will close and customers will be informed as soon as I can so please bear this in mind if you’re booked in next week.

In the mean time, offer your dogs plenty of cool fresh water, cooling pads are great for them, make sure their coats are well brushed so that cool air can help them regulate their temp, and DO NOT walk them in the daytime.

PLEASE STOP WALKING YOUR DOGS IN THIS HEAT!Dogs are so faithful they will walk by our sides no matter what, but this hea...


Dogs are so faithful they will walk by our sides no matter what, but this heat is too much for them, the floor is HOT, you try walking around with no shoes on when the sun is blazing, on hot tarmac and pavements and see how your feet feel at the end of the day.
Common sense people, leave your dogs at home during the day, somewhere cool with plenty of fresh water…leave the walks for super early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s cooler.

Sorry for the post but I’m so fed up of seeing dogs being dragged through town in this heat.

I don’t know if this has been posted before but it’s certainly worth a repost, especially if we get the heatwave they’re...

I don’t know if this has been posted before but it’s certainly worth a repost, especially if we get the heatwave they’re predicting over the next few months…

It won’t kill your dog to miss a few walks….the heat will kill them…

Only a few spaces left for summer grooms! Here is a list of my availability left until September - that’s it folks till ...

Only a few spaces left for summer grooms!

Here is a list of my availability left until September - that’s it folks till autumn so book asap!


T̸u̸e̸s̸ ̸2̸8̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸2̸p̸m̸ ̸&̸ ̸3̸̸̸.̸̸̸3̸̸̸0̸̸̸p̸̸̸m̸̸̸
W̸̶̸e̸̶̸d̸̶̸s̸̶̸ ̸̶̸2̸̶̸9̸̶̸t̸̶̸h̸̶̸ ̸̶̸-̸̶̸ ̸̶̸3̸̶̸.̸̶̸1̸̶̸5̸̶̸p̸̶̸m̸̶̸

☀️ JULY ☀️

T̸u̸e̸s̸ ̸5̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸9̸a̸m̸ ̸&̸ ̸1̸0̸.̸3̸0̸a̸m̸
M̸o̸n̸ ̸1̸1̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸9̸̸̸a̸̸̸m̸̸̸ ̸&̸ ̸1̸2̸.̸3̸0̸p̸m̸
F̸r̸i̸ ̸1̸5̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸1̸0̸.̸1̸5̸a̸m̸

M̸o̸n̸ ̸1̸8̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸3̸.̸3̸0̸p̸m̸
T̸u̸e̸s̸ ̸1̸9̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸1̸1̸.̸3̸0̸a̸m̸ ̸(̸s̸m̸a̸l̸l̸ ̸d̸o̸g̸ ̸o̸n̸l̸y̸)̸
M̸o̸n̸ ̸2̸5̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸1̸2̸p̸m̸
̸T̸u̸e̸s̸ ̸2̸6̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸9̸a̸m̸


M̷o̷n̷ ̷1̷s̷t̷ ̷-̷ ̷1̷.̷3̷0̷p̷m̷
M̸o̸n̸ ̸8̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸9̸a̸m̸ ̸&̸ ̸1̸̸̸.̸̸̸1̸̸̸5̸̸̸p̸̸̸m̸̸̸
Tues 9th - 10.30 am & 1.45pm
T̸h̸u̸r̸s̸ ̸1̸1̸t̸h̸ ̸-̸ ̸1̸1̸a̸m̸
Tues 23rd - 8.30am
Weds 24th - 11.15am
Tues 30th - 10am

🤙01803 712343
💌 Or DM me


Last minute Appointment Available:Weds 23rd March at 9am!Get in touch ASAP to book-07456 89398101803 712343Info@hairydog...

Last minute Appointment Available:

Weds 23rd March at 9am!

Get in touch ASAP to book-
07456 893981
01803 712343
[email protected]
Or send me a DM 💬




All routes to the salon are flooded so be careful.

This silly sausage won’t even consider letting me dry her unless her towel is wrapped firmly around her head!! ❤️

This silly sausage won’t even consider letting me dry her unless her towel is wrapped firmly around her head!! ❤️


For your information -

🤩APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE IN JANUARY🤩 📞 01803 712343📧💬 send me a DM


📞 01803 712343
📧 [email protected]
💬 send me a DM


***IMPORTANT*** Thursday 16th dec at 8.45am
There has been an accident on the road coming from Bugford nurseries so there won’t be any passing by for a while.

You will have to reach me from the other direction, via strawberry valley (the thinner road 😬)

Last two tubs of treat available! First come first served! £7 each 🐶

Last two tubs of treat available! First come first served! £7 each 🐶

Sorry for such a glum post but please read and bear in mind. Your dog is your best friend and to them you are their whol...

Sorry for such a glum post but please read and bear in mind. Your dog is your best friend and to them you are their whole world so please don’t abandon them at the very last hurdle. 💜

P.S. this is in NO way aimed at anyone in particular, I just saw the post and wanted to share it because it breaks my heart thinking about one of my dogs passing alone, so just wanted to share this perspective. 🧡

“Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep. Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job.

The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep. The fact is that 90 % of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying animal. People leave so that they don't see their pet leave. But they don't realize that it's in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most.

Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end. ′′It's inevitable that they die before you. Don't forget that you were the center of their life. Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don't leave them.

Dont let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they dont like. It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last minutes of their life. They dont understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owner’s consolation.

Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are completely strangers to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you. Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake. Be with them until the end.”

- Tricia Mo’orea

Photo credit: Travis Patenaude.

🦠 COVID Update  🦠Due to the new Omicron variant and to protect the safety of myself, my clients, and families:💜 From tom...

🦠 COVID Update 🦠

Due to the new Omicron variant and to protect the safety of myself, my clients, and families:

💜 From tomorrow could you please ensure you always wear a mask when coming into the grooming salon unless you are exempt 😷

🖤 Please sanitise your hands on your way in. Sanitiser is provided 🧴

💜 If you have any symptoms of cold/flu/covid, I kindly ask you to rearrange your appointment until symptoms have gone 🤧

I am so grateful for your support and I assure you I don’t put these measures in place lightly 🥺 but safety it of utmost importance for everyone during these times.

Stay safe out there folks!

Helen 🤍

The diary is officially open for 2022 so let me know if you’d like to block book appointments. A lot of you have already...

The diary is officially open for 2022 so let me know if you’d like to block book appointments.

A lot of you have already been in touch to book the whole years worth of appointments so thank you for being so organised!

If I haven’t given you your appointments yet, give me a nudge!! 🐶

I have 8 spaces left before the end of the year. If you haven’t got your pooch booked in- do it fast as that’s all the s...

I have 8 spaces left before the end of the year. If you haven’t got your pooch booked in- do it fast as that’s all the spaces until 2022!

🎃Happy howl-o-ween 🎃 to all the Hairy Dog pack! 🧙‍♀️Have a fun weekend (and to all the humans out there enjoying the fun...

🎃Happy howl-o-ween 🎃 to all the Hairy Dog pack! 🧙‍♀️Have a fun weekend (and to all the humans out there enjoying the fun, don’t forget all the costumes and scaring can be a bit much for some dogs, so please bear them in mind!)

How satisfying getting chunks of Tartar like these off a dogs teeth! Emmipet teeth cleaning service available at Hairy D...

How satisfying getting chunks of Tartar like these off a dogs teeth!

Emmipet teeth cleaning service available at Hairy Dog Salon! Get value packages available too boost your dogs dental health!

Get in touch on 01803 712343 🐶

Facebook is giving me a headache!I STILL CANT SEND MESSAGES from my Hairy Dog page, so if you've messaged me already, i'...

Facebook is giving me a headache!
I STILL CANT SEND MESSAGES from my Hairy Dog page, so if you've messaged me already, i'm so sorry I can't reply at this time.

My email is
[email protected]
if you want to get in contact or call me on
01803 712343

Sorry for the inconvenience, i'm trying to figure it out but it seems pretty impossible to get in contact with any support at facebook hq! :(

🐶 Last minute availability 🐶TUESDAY12th OCTOBER @ 9.30am

🐶 Last minute availability 🐶

TUESDAY12th OCTOBER @ 9.30am


It seems I have been temporarily blocked from sending messages on this page! No idea why… but if you send me a message and don’t get a response that’s why! What on Earth is going on with Facebook at the moment! 🙄


Ashcross Kennels


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