Labvent calendar day 21
Labvent Calendar – Day 21
Introducing our endocrinology analyser the AIA 360… This analsyer enables us to run tests for Thyroxine (T4) and Cortisol in-house.
Thyroxine is a really useful diagnostic and monitoring test for cats with abnormal thyroid production. Hyperthyroidism (over production) is a common disease in middle-aged and older cats. Regular re-checks enable us to ensure our patients diagnosed with this are receiving the correct treatment to keep the issue under control.
Cortisol is a useful test for dogs with, suspected or diagnosed, cortisol abnormalities including Cushing’s disease. On average we run 7 tests through our AIA 360 per day.
#PrideLab #prideveterinaryreferrals #ivcevidensia
Labvent Calendar
Labvent Calendar – Day 8
Faecal analysis - The Yule Log!
There are some presents that get left under the Christmas tree that not everyone may be thankful for, and they often find their way to the Lab for testing. However faecal analysis can be a powerful tool in the diagnosis and management of many conditions. Our full faecal analysis includes ELISA screens for giardia, cryptosporidium and rota virus; all culprits of causing diarrhoea. We also complete a digestion screen, and a worm egg and coccidia count. Here we can see Lab Tech Sam dealing with today’s “yule log”, which wasn’t too offensive as it was from a horse. She found worm eggs present in the sample, and in this video we can see a lovely wiggly larva practicing his dance moves inside the egg.
#PrideLab #prideveterinaryreferrals #ivcevidensia
Labvent Calendar
Labvent Calendar – Day 7
Biochemistry Analyser
A Spaceman came travelling, on his ship from afar….
Actually, it’s just our Biochemistry analyser, but many people do say it looks like a spaceship. We use a wet chemistry analyser to run biochemistry tests at Pride, this is the gold standard method and it allows us to run up to 20 tests for 30 different patients within two hours. It means we can run some more specialist tests, rather than having to send samples away to commercial labs, enabling us to offer a faster and more cost-effective service for our patients and clients.
#PrideLab #ivcevidensia #prideveterinaryreferrals
Labvent Calendar
Labvent Calendar – Day 5
Blood smears
We are very fortunate at Pride Lab to have an experienced team of Lab technicians who double up as skilled haematologists. For every haematology test that we run, we also evaluate a blood smear by assessing the cells microscopically. We have a common saying in our Lab, “If you don’t make a smear, you’ve got no idea”! There are so many things that a haematology analyser can’t tell you, but a trained eye can. We assess the blood smear for any cellular abnormalities, blood parasites, potential platelet clumping (a common occurrence that analysers are unable to deal with) and the presence of neoplastic and mitotic cells.
#LabventCalendar #ivcevidensia #prideveterinaryreferrals
Labvent Calendar
Labvent Calendar – Day 4
Urinalysis is one of the most popular and valuable tests that is requested at Pride Lab Each day we receive an average of requests for this test panel. Our full urinalysis involves a variety of tests, all of which provide crucial information for an accurate and rapid diagnosis. Specific gravity indicates the concentration of the urine, a urine dip stick can test for glucose, ketones, pH, protein, red blood cells and white blood cells, a urine sediment examination can detect urine crystals, bacteria, urinary casts, normal/abnormal epithelial cells, red blood cells and white blood cells and on rare occasions, urinary parasites.
Lab Tech Sam has definitely had her Weetabix today as she completes urinalysis in record time…
#LabventCalendar #prideveterinaryreferrals #ivcevidensia
Labvent calendar day 2
Labvent Calendar – Day 2
Here we have Lab elf Heather running a sample through our haematology analyser. This sample is for one of our regular Chemotherapy patients. We have a specialist oncology department at Pride Veterinary Centre where our Oncologist and team look after our patients fighting cancer. Before each treatment with chemotherapy, we run haematology tests for the patient to ensure that they have enough white blood cells, in particular neutrophils, to fight off any potential infections. Chemotherapy can lower the number of these cells within the body, so it is crucial to ensure that the patient has sufficient to begin with.
Haematology in general is a powerful tool in the diagnosis and treatment of many disorders and alongside biochemistry can give a good picture of the general health of our patients. On average we run haematology for 28 patients each day.
#PrideLab #ivcevidensia #prideveterinaryreferrals
Labvent Calendar
Labvent Calendar – Day 1
Introducing The Labvent Calendar
Today is day one of our Labvent Calendar, where up until Christmas, we will be sharing a brief snapshot of what goes on in our in-house Laboratory, formally known as Pride Veterinary Referrals Diagnostic Laboratory.
Our in-house Lab enables us to provide high quality, rapid results for our patients, helping to diagnose, treat and monitor a wide range of conditions and disease. There are currently seven members of the team and over the next 25 days we plan to introduce you to all of them and to a lot of what they do. As you can see from the video, they are a bunch of busy elves.
#PrideLab #ivcevidensia #prideveterinaryreferrals
Beautiful Bertie came in the other day to donate blood for the first time and was an absolute star!
He couldn't wait to start playing with his new toy, in-between head scratches and tucking into some dinner post donation 😻
There is currently no blood bank for cats in the UK (unlike dogs) and so we are always looking for potential donors to join our register.
If your cat is between 1yr and 8yrs old, vaccinated, over 4kg, with no medical issues and is comfortable in the veterinary environment then they could be the purrrfect life saver! 🦸♀️
For more information about joining the register, please email [email protected] or call Pride and ask to speak with a medicine nurse #IVCevidensia #veterinarymedicine #PrideVeterinaryreferrals #goodnews #InternalMedicine #VetCare #PetCommunity #FelineCare #HappyCats #felineblood #savinglives
Meet Neo, He was admitted to the Neurology department following an acute onset of hind limb paraplegia. Following a Neurological assessment and MRI, it was discovered that he had a non compressive, hydrated, disc extrusion. Luckily for Neo, this can be managed conservatively (without surgery). The videos are taken by Emma (one of our Neurology Nurses) following his inpatient physiotherapy. Mental stimulation is extremely important for our patients well-being, especially for those breeds who are normally particularly active!
Don't you think Neo is absolutely gorgeous? Please join us in wishing him a speedy recovery!
#bordercollie #patientcare #mentalstimulationfordogs #prideveterinaryreferrals #ivcevidensia #neurology
🐾 Exciting News from the rehabilitation department at Pride Veterinary Referrals! 🐾
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve now replaced our aquatic treadmill!
Check out this adorable video of Lola enjoying her hydrotherapy session with our talented physiotherapist, Beth!
Lola is having maintenance physiotherapy sessions following spinal surgery and has absolutely loved her time in the new treadmill, and we’re sure your pets will too!
If your pet is recovering from surgery, has any chronic mobility issues or just needs to build up their cardiovascular fitness, you should consider getting a referral to our aquatic treadmill!
#caninehydrotherapy #ivdd #rehabilitation #physiotherapy #prideveterinaryreferrals #ivcevidensia
Trixie's Story
Trixie presented to our Internal Medicine service here at Pride Veterinary Referrals last month after a short period of vomiting. She was initially examined under sedation at her regular veterinary practice where she was found to have a piece of string wrapped around the base of her tongue. Unfortunately, simply pulling linear foreign bodies can be very dangerous and may result in intestinal perforation. Knowing this, the vet referred her for endoscopic retrieval.
Francisco, our final-year internal medicine resident, saw Trixie as an emergency. With the help of our diagnostic imaging team, the foreign body could be seen extending to the mid-duodenum (part of the small intestine). Luckily, there was no evidence of intestinal perforation. Trixie was anaesthetised by our specialist anaesthetists and taken to endoscopy.
Endoscopic retrieval of the string was successful, with three long pieces of string removed from her stomach and small intestine. She recovered well from anaesthesia and was discharged home the same day.
A month on, she is back to her normal self and being kept well away from the sewing supplies!#prideveterinaryreferrals #ivcevidensia #IVCEvidensia #RVN #internalmedicine #veterinaryendoscopy
Kendrick had BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome)
surgery earlier this year
This is a video of Kendrick before his surgery and also one after surgery.
Wouldn't you agree the surgery has made a huge difference for him!
With the weather warming up, you may have noticed your own dog having increasing symptoms of:
Noisy breathing ( snoring/wheezing/snorting,
Reduction in exercise,
Gagging when swallowing food or water,
Laboured breathing,
Open mouth breathing,
and even in severe cases, your pet may collapse.
If you feel that your pet suffers with any of the above signs, please contact your primary care vet for a consultation to see if a referral to our surgery team would be beneficial.
#ivcevidensia #prideveterinaryreferrals #boas