⭐️Appreciation for our school horses⭐️
Don’t forget the school horse that made you.
The patient soul that tolerated your bouncing while you figured out how to sit the trot.
The kind mare that didn’t walk off when you fumbled with the bridle.
The sweet gelding that picked up the correct canter lead even though your body was telling him to do the exact opposite.
The saintly angel that never spooked, which is a good thing because your balance was precarious at best because you only rode once a week.
Too often we forget where we came from. We move on to the next chapter in our lives and say, “Oh my gosh, I’m learning so much! I’m going so far! I could never do this kind of horse on that old school horse!”
But that school horse gave you the confidence to move forward. That school horse took care of you and allowed you to take the time you needed to find your way. You couldn’t have become the rider you are today without that old, dumpy school horse.
So if they are not going fast enough for you. Just remember they helped you get to where you are.