Today is my very spechul day cos it’s my birfday!! I is not happy Bonnie gots a present too but mummy ses that I gets a present when it’s her birfday so it fair! Anyways it’s all about me today cos I is a big 8 years old. Daddy ses it’s time to do the growing up fingy but I is not liking that idea so much ❤️
Not happy that Bonnie is doin all the kisses! Who the heckin fluff does she think she is!!? That’s my daddy and im his number one boy!
I loves being on the field when it’s cool! We is both so hot right now!
I is dead good at adventuring wen we goes on the field but Bonnie is a big baby and stays wiv mummy!
So peeps I is feeling much better today but mummy ses she still has to keep her eyeballs on me just for the next few days. Anyways mummy tooked us adventuring in the park cos she is not a skool an we saw a nice lady that mummy talked wiv. I got bored wiv the chitty chat so I did a pee pee up the ladies leg- that moved her on! Mummy ses she was barrased wiv me an that I is needing some manners. Then I knows mummy wasn’t really cross cos she lets me do my favourite fing and go on the roundybout. Bonnie is not liking it so she just watches an does barkies at the squizzles.
I loves my rocky chair. I has had a busy day at daycare so I needs to do a chill out. Hope mummy doesn’t stop doing the pushy wiv her foot.
Bin adventuring on the field wiv mummy today. Was having a private poop when mummy filmed me - doin me a disrespect mummy!!!
Soooo it’s my lickle sisters birfday today! Miss Sparkles is two but I still fink she is a baby. Anyways she is boring cos all she wanted was a ball an a frowing fing so it can be flinged dead far! Mummy did me a delight an got me a pressie too (I know she would) it a super squeaky softie lion. I loves it. Mummy ses we has to go to daycare today cos there is someone coming to do a job in the house so Bonnie is wearing her birfday badge to show off. I better get some attention too!
Mummy doin me a delight rocking me in my favourite chair while I doin a snoozle.
Me an the bonster luv doin the morning rollies on the field. It was dead early but it was so flippin hot. My butt was doin a sweat!!
Oh my days some peoples has made the grass lickle on the zoomie field and it’s flippin brilliant!