Two Weeks ago , The Club come into information relating to a Young Male Chongqing Dog , who had been picked up by the Dog Warden , in the North of England. He had been picked up as a Stray found Running the Streets and was now being advertised on that council website, in hope of tracking his owner.
Initially, we as a club , were concerned his owner couldn’t find him , so we started to look for information that could help us locate his owner. We already knew where he was as it had said that in the council advert. We had Help and information that lead us to his owner’s identity, and we went about trying to unable him to collect his dog and take him home. Despite several attempts to provide help and assistance, including with the shelter and kennel fees and costs , the owner was not receptive and excuse after excuse come forward . At This point we knew that there was an Issue, and this young Male Chongqing dog’s time was limited and getting shorter by each day . Myself, Sinead and Robby discussed his situation, as it was obvious that the owner, his family or friends had no intention of getting him out of the shelter. We decided that the best solution was that he would come and live with me as part of my family where he can be safe for the rest of his life. Now , this was never in my plans , it was something my heart and fate told me to do. I knew that taking on an adult male Chongqing dog with all the risks and problems that could be involved was not for the faint hearted, aswell as the fact that he was at the complete opposite side of the country to me and the journey to him was going to be horrendous.
But, We decided that he was going to be offered a home with us. At this point , both Sinead and Robby ( the club Secretary and Chairman) and Myself , contacted his breeder to check with them on any information they had for him and give him the opportunity to decide what he felt would be for the best for this boy . His breeder was happy for him to come to me and live his life. His breeder had initially homed him as a puppy on an agreement that he would go back to his breeder and not be rehomed unless in agreement with his breeder.
This however seems that it was never done , as we have since discovered that he had been resold on the free ads and been rehomed at least 3 times . Anyway , so with both the agreement of the Breeder , and the Clubs backing and assistance, this boy was going to be offered a home with me and my family. We also discovered that his proper name was “ Kenshi “ although he had been given at least 2 other names I know of . The next hurdle was the Shelter, as “ Kenshi “ had now been in the Shelter over a week , he was council property, and I had to talk to them and ask for their help and understanding, I explained my situation and experience and with help from a letter written from the club to prove what I was saying, aswell as my personal information and paying all the costs involved, They agreed to let me collect him .
This just left us with a last minute over 600 mile round trip to get there and pick him up . We left at 4.30am in the morning of the following day , and picked “ Kenshi” up at 10am from the Shelter. He came out nervously, and I’m not going to lie , when I saw the “ Nervous” collar he was wearing my heart dropped a little. With the help of the lovely kennel maid , we managed to get him into the car crate with bribes of cheese !!! He was nervous and quiet , but I expected nothing less , he had been through hell and my job now was to let him know that it was all behind him and he’s new life had started . We stopped at the services on the way back where I shared a Chicken baguette with him , well , he ate it , but I was happy to watch . We eventually got home , cold, hungry tired and overwhelmed, and that was just “ Kenshi “ !!!!
I cleaned him up , he ate all his dinner and we all slept !!
The next morning, “ Kenshi “ was happier and more confident and walked outside with me with no problems. My Gang , I have to say have been absolutely wonderful as they always are , there has been no signs of aggression and even unhappiness from anyone, my fur kids are all super special and I’m so proud of them all.
“ Kenshi” has come on leaps and bounds in the last 4 days , he is happy and confident and even likes me to kiss him on the top of his head. I have done some training with him and he seems happy with doing this. He is eating and drinking, and our future looks bright .
He will spend the rest of his life here with me and my family, and fingers crossed he will be at our breed club show to meet you all in July .
We want to say the biggest Thank you to everyone who helped to enable this to happen, and especially to Sinead and Robby.
There maybe a time when another Chongqing dog shows up in a rescue, or a Shelter, needing someone with a big heart and some experience, please , please .. if you think in the future you could help to rehome a Chongqing dog who may have little or no other chance . Contact Sinead Mitchell and leave your information and details on the list of potential homes.
Our Breed needs us to support them and be there
Thank you to everyone