Happy hump day!!
Feel the mid-week love!! 🐶❤️🐶
2 years???? What a 2 years they've been!!!
Thank you to all who have helped make Totally Barking Dog Walking Services What it is today.💜
Especially my furry work mates that I get to go out on daily adventures with. 🐶
When your office is the woods and the canteen is the blackberry bush and apple tree......work doesn't seem too bad. 🤣🤣
My heart is full of gratitude 🙏 🥹 🐶❤️✨️
Were wombling and walking in the woods this morning!!! ❤️🐶❤️
Hope you all have a great day!!! 👍 😉
Towels and doggy dressing gowns in the washer, ready for action and now out to explore somewhere new.
Never stops working, doesn't Branch Manager Badger!!! 🤣🤣
We've been blessed with an extra pair of hands this week, after a brief 'hour' of sickness resulted in 48 hours off school!! 🙄🤣
The dogs were pleased for another playmate, though!! 👍 🐶 👧 ❤️
Just another 'Totally Barking' day. ♥️
A soggy day exploring in Stoney Cliffe woods with these guys. Thank goodness for wellies and waterproofs. ☔️
The dogs and ducks weren't complaining though! 💦😊
I even collected some wild garlic for tea. 😋
Badger has spent all afternoon perfecting the moon walk. He's completely mastered it now i think!! 🤣🤣🤣
I so neeeeed to put this to music. Shame I'm crap at tech!!! 🙄
Me and Arlo have been playing in the woods today. We've found a new bit and we're super excited. 🤗
I can't even begin to tell you how much that makes me happy............... And look at that blue sky. 😎🐶🐾🐾👢👢💖
Totally Barking adventures. 🌿🐕