Whilst I am counting down the days not till Christmas but till spring, JP and Amber couldn't be happier splashing through all the water everywhere 😁
This has absolutely made my day/week/month. It's quite some time since Pops has tried to play with Bean (or as I call it beat him up🤣). She's obviously feeling well today and was doing her best to get him to join in. Beanie, always the gentleman seems to understand that he needs to be very gentle with Pops now and that their rough and tumble days are over. Love these 2 old bears🥰
Soppy post alert! Watching Pops getting old is lately hitting me hard. I get told a lot that it's to be expected at her age and with her spinal condition and I know we've been very lucky that she was so well till she was nearly 11. It still doesn't make it easier, she's my first dog and it's the first time I am going through something like this. Lately she had quite a setback with her mobility and was not allowed to do much. We are working on getting her better again and today I promised Pops that we go out in the forest and that she can get as mucky and wet as she wants and get a lot of treats. In her true fashion she made the most out of it and several times refused to come out of the water🤣. Once soggy she felt much more spritely, had a a lot of fuss from several people we met (and treats!) and even tried to play with some dogs (had to almost manhandle her so she doesn't hurt herself🤣). It was lovely to see her enjoying herself 🥰.
How to keep warm in this cold weather with Amber, Max and Teddy😅
Bella has arrived for another holiday stay today and it's wonderful to see how well she's doing despite her quite advanced age. As Poppy's playing days seem to be well and truly over (😪) I had to step in today as Bella fancied a play. Love this crazy old girl🤣🥰.
This is what walking little Phoebe looks like the majority of the time when it's cooler and there is water everywhere. The girl knows how to make the most out of her walks🤣.
Bella (who is staying with us atm) might be 13 years old but it doesn't stop her from enjoying an occasional play with her friends (especially her toyboys😅) Loved watching her having a play with Bernie today. Excuse my giggles and have a good long weekend everybody😎
Only one early beach trip for us this morning as it's too hot to do anything else. Red was just a bit happy splashing through the water before it got too warm😁
Some pictures from our week so far😁
This weather certainly has got it's advantages! Full house at the HQ today, which usually means me eating my lunch is accompanied by lots of staring and drooling. Not today🤣. Don't be fooled by the dogs though, they were all alert as soon as I was finished as they know they will get a piece of cheese🤣🤤.
Mud therapy/baths for humans are not cheap, luckily the same doesn't apply to doggy ones. Poppy a.k.a. JP always knows how to enjoy one🤣.