Goodbye January 2024 👋 you've been long, cold, frosty, beautiful, productive, busy, tireless and educating but it's over now - bring on February and the start of our events! 💪
#downsidefarm #oxfordshireafternoontea #alpacaafternoontea #oxfordshiremums #oxfordshiredayout #alpacafarmlife #oxfordshirefarm #oxfordshireevents #alpacawool #afternoonteauk #afternoontea #alpacas #alpacalove #alpacafarm #alpacatrekking #alpacawalking #alpaca #farmlife #farming #farmer #farminglife #oxford #Oxfordshire #oxfordshirebusiness
Ladies first... 🐓
The girls were very eager to out this morning... not sure why, as this weather is really not pleasant 🌧
I certainly wasn't as "eager" to get out of bed this morning 🥴 what about you?
#downsidefarm #alpacafarmlife #oxfordshirefarm #alpacawool #oxfordshirebusiness #alpacafarmer #alpacalove #alpaca #alpacas #alpacatrekking #exbatteryhens #chickens #chickenlife #chickenfarm #farmlife #farming #farm #farmerslife #farming #farminglife #farminglifestyle #chickenworld
The sunshine today was glorious ☀️ and so we took the opportunity to mingle the new boys with the original boys 🦙
There was some initial heirachy arguments (as expected) but within minutes they were settled, calm and all grazing the fresh grass together! 🌱 HOORAH!
#autumn2023 #winteriscoming #farmlifestyle #alpacas #autumn #autumnvibes #cosy #alpacafarm #alpacalover #alpacasinoxfordshire #oxfordshirefarming #alpaca #alpacalove #alpacawalking #alpacatrekking #alpacawalk #alpacawool #alpaca #oxfordshire #farming #farmlife
Who remembers baby Philip? 🐑🥲
Not so little anymore!
#oxfordshirefarm #newfarming #oxfordshirecountryside #oxfordshirebusiness #farmlifestyle #farmlife #farming #alpacasinoxfordshire #alpacalove #Alpaca
Petunia enjoys lots of strokes and cuddles, she hops up onto my lap and pecks at my clothes 🥰
Monday mornings 👀 #watchthisspace
#alpacas #alpacalove #farmlife
Our lovely ladies are all very happy - they're getting much braver and a lot more inquisitive now 🤪 they're laying regularly and the eggs are looking much better; the shells are so much smoother and healthier! 🥚
The girls are absolutely LOVING their sprinkler today 🌞