I support the Conservative Party/Reform candidate. I have met Glen and know he will not let you down. Use your vote. Vote for change. Vote for Glen. Action for child poverty and family life. We can share what we have and work together as well as China whether it be income or sharing Roman Ridge with cyclists! He makes a fair point we don’t want to end up like China with cameras everywhere, social credits, class war, confrontation, restrictions. Taking away liberty is not the answer. People have lives to lead. It may work for China but it doesn’t for us. No one goes hungry. Each year we lose 0.5m of our most skilled people to emigration. Immigration has risen to 1.2m. The market economy has delivered here and in China. The Conservatives/Farage gave the Country the chance to vote for Brexit and you did. There were good reasons for doing so and they haven’t changed. Growth and jobs dont magically appear. No one owes us a living. Growth has been better or equal to the eurozone. Like many countries including China the birth rate has stagnated. Real wages have stagnated. Yes there are climate and population changes which are out of our control but we can and will adapt to them with positive action. There are hard choices to make on the NHS which continues to deliver for everyone facing an urgent health crisis. We have with the leadership of Boris Johnson faced down Covid and the Russian land grab in Ukraine and the financial leadership of Rishi Sunak has maintained full employment in the face of these challenges. And we have the Cricket to look forward to after the election. Everyone can understand that!