Chickens will eat just about anything they can get their beaks around - they'll even have a go at the things that they can't too! They are omnivores who will just as happily chow down on their daily portion of pellets as they will your veg peelings or off cuts of meat.
We've all heard from our mums best-friends neighbour's sister who has had chickens for years and only ever fed them on kitchen scraps - and they will take them happily! But that doesn't mean that they should.
Not only are a number of foods not good for your hens, feeding them kitchen scraps is now illegal! That's not to say that if you grew a few too many lettuces this summer that you're committing a crime by throwing the girls a few leaves, but any potential cross contamination from processed foods or meats presents a real problem.
We've put together our list of approved treats to keep your girls happy (in small quantities), as well a few things that you might not have known were really bad... ๐