Never underestimate the power of a digging dachshund 🤣🥰
Hope you’re all doing ok? What a strange and worrying time this is. I’m feeling lonely but I know others are struggling to keep their children entertained or longing for a bit of ‘me’ time, it’s affecting us all in different ways.
I have spoken to my GP and guidance for me has now changed and I can follow the guidance given for the majority (although the NHS asthma page says differently?) Otis is over the moon that we can go out walking again 😊.
Here’s a little video of Otis having his breakfast this morning. Having to work for his breakfast is using his brain and this tires dogs out more than running around (which is very stimulating to them), licking is also very calming. I’ll try and post things I’m doing with Otis to keep him entertained and happy and hopefully it will help with your dogs too.
Have a good day and stay safe 🐶😊
Been doing some great stuff with Molly to ensure she has lots of mental stimulation. Here she is this morning having her breakfast rolled up in a towel 😊🐶
Otis has developed a fascination with the ice this year 😂
Part 3 - why does Otis roll like this? 😂
Dolly and my crazy boy part 2 😊
Dolly and Otis having fun this morning part 1
Otis doing his favourite thing, rolling around in the grass, he's so funny, love him so much 💙🐾
Dolly and Otis enjoying the long grass 😂🐾
Finally updated my phone so been playing around, this is quite cool 😃🐾
The dogs having in great fun in the long grass at Chesworth 😃🐾
Max and Otis playing in the garden 😃