Anyone for some Classical woofing? Bertie and his beautiful operatic voice. 🥰🥰
Happy Birthday Rolo!!
Happy Birthday to Rolo!!!! Hope you were spoilt with lots of treats and walks! Lots of love from us all at Stay and Play!
Happy 8th Birthday to the terrific two, Fred and Barney!!!We love you so much!!!
Oh Romeo!
Rolo went home on Monday a day before Romeo and after Rolo left Romeo was searching for him, even sitting by the back door to wait for him. I’ve never experienced this before so it shows how much Romeo really loved Rolo. This was the evening before Romeo went home and he looks so sad…. I definitely think he has a friend for life with Rolo. It’s going to be carnage when they next meet!! 🤣🤣
Oh dear…
So when I said Romeo really likes our other homestay pup chocolate lab Rolo, I didn’t think he would try and look like him too!
Vera’s mum Lyndsey trying to get Vera to go home after a very fun day spent with us…. 😂
Vera’s mum Lyndsey trying to get Vera to go home after a fun day spent here with us 😂
What an incredible display.
Once all the dogs are fed, watered and walked, we went and too Aoife to this beautiful house in Douglas who have put on the most incredible display for the everyone but especially for the children. All of the money raised is going to the Food bank so please give what you can.
42 Ballabrooie way, Douglas is the address.
Well done Barbara Livsey, and thank you so much for putting so much effort into this. Our little daughter loved it. 💕
Dog lights!!
Not a great video, but here is Archie wearing his light up necklace!
These are not only great for safety, but also to make others aware that you have a dog with you.
Many people who have a reactive dog, walk them in the evening or early in the morning and with the dark nights coming sometimes people can’t see you coming, especially if you have a black dog like Archie!!
We got ours from Amazon, but I know there are a few places on the island that sell them. 🐾
When the morning walks hits hard…. 😂
🎵Sound on 🎵
Cutest video of Carmen…. 🥰🐾🥰
Gorgeous day for a dog walk…. And a unicycle ride! Vera and Poppy came to stay and we had such a lovely time with them.
Vera absolutely LOVES Rich and stuck by his side while he went on a unicycle ride.
When the sun comes out….. I’m definitely more like Leo. 😂☀️🐶🐾