A very relaxed and beautifully behaved Staffordshire Bull Terrier in for progesterone test yesterday and off to see her stud today 🐶
Are you travelling a long way for a stud dog?
Do you have a dog that has unpredictable seasons?
Are you wanting to know prime time for mating to ensure maximum litter sizes and reduce the likelihood of runts?
Progesterone testing is a very simple, quick and effective way of knowing exactly what stage of the season your bitch is at, and can help hugely to pinpoint the ideal time for matings.
The blood sample can be brought or posted to us and the test run, or if needed, we have a fully qualified local vet who can do this for you onsite at Wyecarr meaning only one trip for the full job! With results in as little as 30 minutes, instead of waiting up to 48 hours from vets, it’s a no brainer!