Cream legbar eggs available to order from this breeding pen, good breed standard birds with correct colouring. Lay a decent blue egg and have had great fertility and hatching from them this season 😊
Lovely hatch of chicks, our first big one of this year 🐣 Ayam cemani, cream legbar and some CLB x jersey giant, few leghorns, pure jersey giants, Norfolk grey bantams, rhode island red bantams and a rumpless Araucana somewhere in there!
Great to have the big new MS heat plates supplied by Strangford Incubators, they also sorted me out with a couple of replacement parts for my MS incubator- much appreciated!
Nice and peaceful in the (mostly) Poland pen today. These are some of our birds bred this year and some breeding females having a break from the males 😅
Although Polands aren’t known for their broody qualities my line of chamois are certainly very prone to sitting and are quite devoted mothers! 3/4 of the hens in this pen sat on eggs together and are co-parenting a brood of 6 🙈
The layers pen enjoying a scoop of corn this morning 😊🐓
Have a spare blue and black pullet to go with a male (blue or black plenty to chose from). Would make a nice breeding trio. Driffield, East Yorkshire
Driffield, East Yorkshire
We definitely have 4 blue and 4 black jersey giant, young pullets, to spare (maybe more but quite difficult to count 🤣🙈) Please message the page if you’re interested!
More than a few mouths to feed this season! 🐓🙈
Some of the oldest chicks this year enjoying the sun ☀️ really pleased with how strong and healthy all the young ones have been this year!
Three JG hens spare, two blue and one splash 🐓
Driffield, East Yorkshire
Really fond of this young male I’ve bred this year, unfortunately missed him when leg ringing as he got big gangly feet early on! Lovely dark mouth and fantastic type, he’s also very laid back and friendly 😊
The growers at home settling in for the night, they do love fresh bedding! 😃😴
Smart looking group of gold and silver legbar bantam pullets 😊
2021 bred silver legbar bantams and large cream legbar boys enjoying a peaceful sunny morning ☀️
Well, I don’t normally keep the golds I get out of my silver laced Poland bantams but this one has taken my fancy! Lovely frizzle pullet 😍
Majority of my broodies this year have been breeds that wouldn’t usually sit - like these two silver legbar bantams. They were initially a little unsure of the chicks but soon warmed to them 😊 there’s only 5 but they’re sharing them happily!