Thought for the day:
If you have a horse that has been made dull or insensitive be a little careful.
If you are nagging it to work you are probably annoying it.
This can start with just ear pinning and tail swishing.
Continue to be annoying and the horse may start to do what it would do to another horse in that situation.
Many people misread the situation and back off at the horseβs expression of annoyance. This reinforces the behaviour.
Some even blame the horses previous experiences.
The change comes when the handler learns to become much more to the horse than an annoyance.
This can be done largely through our ability to express ourselves correctly without the need for physical contact.
Subtlety is impossible until the horse takes notice of subtle.
Not changing something is the surest way to maintain the status-quo.
Learn to be more than an annoyance.