Happy Monday folks!
Who knew we would be recall training a generator over the weekend! 🤣🤣 Pleased to say it soon settled on place on a bath mat!
Day 4 with no leccy begins as with many folk around the country still.
We will be working on as normal this week, all evening training jobs are out and about, bonus! Sheepdog training has taken a bit of a battering after yesterday's rain which was next level but sure it's all an adventure!
Hope you are all doing ok and didn't have much damage from the storm.
2024 has brought many challenges but with that it's brought determination and focus so for that I'm very grateful.
It brought the arrival of Blue and Ruairì. I always tell folk, "you get the dog that you are meant to have at that moment of your life". I truly believe the boys arrived at the right time.
We have ended the year with an awesome crop of lambs and some much needed family time.
It's been a ride!
2025 we are so ready for you! Let's do this!
Happy New Year!
Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Daoibh!
Boldog új évet!
#newyear #letsdothis
Brace......rant incoming!! 🙈🙈
We went for a quick run with Kush and Sto to Drumkeeragh first thing. It's been a while.
I lost count of the number of poo bags we saw, just dumped on the side or swinging from trees. It's disgusting!!
I'm very pro picking up your dogs poo, however in the forest if you aren't going to bring the bagged poo with you and put it in a bin then you would be better making sure it's flicked off the path and into the undergrowth . With the amount of rain down this morning all these poo's would have been well washed away instead they are hanging like decorations off dog sh*t trees and on the path verges.
Come on dog owners. We're better than this.
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dromarahills #ireland
When the sheep haven't arrived yet , you work with what you have got! 🤣🤣
Chase has been coming on lovely with the sheep so it's fab to see him practicing at home.
#bordercollie #workingdog #farmdog #dogtraining #dogadventures #sheepdogtraining #shetlandpony #dromarahills #ireland
What could it be?!
Guesses in the comments!
#excitingtimes #expansion #smallbusiness #familybusiness #letsdothis
It's been a busy few weeks between home, work and a bout of feeling very poorly so I haven't had much chance to get some proper training done with my own dogs and with three youngsters coming on they need a fair bit of training. Blocked a couple of hours out in the diary today and headed out with Kush, Ruairì and Blue.
So much fun! I'm at my happiest when I'm training, even in the rain!
They all did amazing and will sleep well tonight...as will I!
#dogtrainer #dogtrainerlife #workingdog #sheepdog #bordercollie #dogadventures #happyplace #dromarahills #ireland
Goose rocking it at Livestock Desensitisation and high Distraction recall class.
Next class with availability starts Wednesday 2nd October 630-730pm.
Message the page to book your place.
#recalltraining #dogtrainer #lovinglife
This is why we offer pet dogs sheep work. This is Nix, this is his third session with the sheep, second in the pen and already he is learning to stick to the outside when going round the sheep. He has started learning his directional commands and is working super hard on his down command.
Nix was a rescue who had a ,frankly, awful past but his forever family is amazing and watching his confidence grow each week is the best. He loves it!
What's the knock on effect in everyday life? His confidence is increasing, he is listening to his mum better and he is gaining control around stock that for Nix will be used round horses and in general while out in public.
Give us a shout if you would like to come and have fun with your dog.
#dogtraining #sheepdog #workingdog #dogadventures #happydog #rescuedog #dromarahills #ireland
Sometimes you just need to slow down, dick around and have some fun! It's good for the soul! And boy does a good belly laugh make you feel so good!
I've more clips that I'll pop on stories but thought this deserved a spot on the grid. Great memories made in between training sessions this afternoon.
#nevertoooldforfun #funtimes #memories #rurallife #ruralliving #feral #wildatheart #dromarahills #ireland
Lupa the heeler in for fun sheepdog work today. She has been working hard, her sides, her recall and her down coming on lovely.
Out in the real world she has perfected her recall and her down command in high distraction environments like the local park and with a rural house move on the cards it is giving her owners top control with livestock which is always useful for high drive breeds with rural homes. Keeping neighbourly relations sweet!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #sheepdogtraining #workingdog #petdog #dogadventures #dromarahills #ireland
Kush, my little meth badger!
We are working hard on her walk ups and slowing her down. She is slowly getting the hang of being slow but her recall continues to be perfect. Learning patience takes patience!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #sheepdogtraining #sheepdog #bordercollie #dogadventures #dromarahills #ireland
Annie gained full recall in last month's livestock Desensitisation and high Distraction recall class.
Would you like your dog to have the same?
We have two spaces left in July's 4 week course starting this Tuesday 2nd July 630-730pm. Send us a message if you would like a place.
#dogtraining #dogadventures #recall #livestock #highdistraction #dromarahills #ireland