KEEPING US SAFE DURING COVID 19 We have had to make several adjustments to the way we operate to minimise the risk of spreading COVID 19. 1 Firstly we must ask if you have any symptoms or have socialized with anyone who has then please do not come training, and let us know. 2 We have looked at government guide lines and carried out a risk assesment to identify measures we can take and will be put into operation, if anyone can see any more measures we need to take please speak up. 3 Three important measures in force at all times 1 Regular hand sanitizing 2 Maintain social distancing 3 Increase ventilation in tent Masks are not compulsary at this time (but could be subject to change) but maybe worn if you wish. Cleanliness measures Gate is disinfected numerous times each day, hand sanizer is in place at the entrance to the gate and also at the entrance to the tent. Social distancing Sitting down standing still or walking maintain a 2 metre distance. Ventilation Being as we mainly train outdoors ventilation isnt a problem but when we use the tent all doors and sides to be open weather permitting. Further measures to reduce the spread avoid shouting avoid sharing leads toys equipment etc etc . Capacity in the tent will be a maximum of 10 including instructor all to remain seated until invited to come onto the working area. No food or drink for human consumption allowed in the tent. As we have a number of instructors who train at the club supervision from these would be helpful. A record of attendees will be kept ie date name time to aid track and trace. WE CONFIRM WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH GOVERMENT GUIDANCE ON MANAGING RISKS OF COVID 19. 3 STEPS TO SAFER WORKING TOGETHER. 1 We have carried out a COVID 19 risk assesment and shared results with members. 2 We have hygiene procedures in line with government guidance. 3 We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2 metre distance. Manager Tonys Dog Activities Date 12th October 2020 Contact Tony Morris