StuArtWorks was set up by Graphite Pencil Artist Stuart Attwell to offer a service to people who desired a high quality visually attractive and deeply personal Artwork for an affordable price. All of our Portraits are completed by hand by Stuart and are always to his very high standards. We receive requests from an incredibly varied cross section of the public and these requests can very dramatica
lly. We aim to accept any challenge with regard the the Subject matter of your Portrait and the Composition of the final Portrait. Our more common requests are for:
Pet Portraits
Family Portraits
Animal Portraits
Horse Portraits
Landscapes and Architecture
Fan/Celebrity Art
The idea of having your own personalised and individual original Artwork is simple. They are visually attractive and under stated and make for fantastic conversation pieces and decor but they can carry great sentimental value and create a nostalgic effect. For instance, You may have an old fading Photo of someone dear to you. Perhaps you have a large family which you can never get together, Then why not let us create a group Portrait that never happened. Pet Owners get very attached to their Pets and we find that a Portrait is a fantastic way of remembering those loved ones that are no longer with us. Whatever the reason a Fine Art Portrait can be a very emotive and attractive addition to your home or equally can make for a really thoughtful and meaningful gift for someone special. Our process is simple and you will be able to give as much input into the composition of the Portrait as you like and a proof will be made available to you before Payment for you to approve. Our standards are high and we want you to be as happy with your Portrait as we are.