⭐️⭐️Santa Paws Advent Calendar ⭐️⭐️
Here’s a sneak peak of some of the games that are in our Santa Paws Advent Calendar!
From 1st December to 24th December all members get a game to play with your dog!
That’s 24 games to help boost recall, focus, pulling on the lead! 🤩🤩🤩
Taking the drone out for a spin! 🤩⭐️
This is a super cool gadget to help with training videos! 😍
Exciting new addition to Adele’s Dashing Dogs! 🔥⭐️
The ladies are getting sorted for the tups 😍
#djiminipro4 #drone #farm #farmlife #dronephotography #dogtraining
Is your dog uninterested in toys?! 😥
✅Keep your sessions short- start with 5 seconds!
✅ Use a long lead with a fluffy toy on the end
✅Channel your inner squirrel 🤣 keep the toy moving along the ground
✅Turn your body to the side, don’t lean over your dog & keep the pressure off.
✅Leave them wanting more! 🤩🤩🤩
#toys #balls #dogtoy #puppyplay #playtime #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogs #toy
Training dogs to ignore distractions can be tricky!
Bruno is a residential dog who’s just arrived today! He’s a lovely Border Collie who is very excited and stimulated by other dogs. He follows the other dogs, he tries and plays with all of my dogs & he doesn’t listen when other dogs are present.
Step 1- all play with other dogs is stopping. He can play nicely with other dogs, he’s got good confidence with other dogs. Now he needs to learn where the value is at! With humans 🤩💜
With my puppies from day 1 they have separate walks to my other dogs so I can grow a strong relationship with them! Then when they join group walks I keep them on lead so that they can work with me, play with me and generally love hanging out with me when other dogs are around! 💜
✅ When my dog can recall to me when other dogs are around
✅When my dogs can wait and focus on me when other dogs are around
✅ When my dogs can check in with me when other dogs are around
✅ When my dogs can engage, play games and have a good enough bond with me THEN they have access to my adult dog walks.
If my dogs slip in the above criteria then they will go back to solo walks for a bit ⭐️
So if you want dogs like the ones lying down in the video, those that can walk with other dogs and be neutral, dogs that can ignore other dogs, that can listen to you on walks then have a go at the above! ⭐️💜
#dogtraining #distractiontraining #distractions #puppytraining #training #bordercollie #puppies #dogtrainer #obediencetraining #obedience
❌ Does your dog jump at the kitchen benches?
❌ Do they get what they want? Usually food!
❌ Do they pester you when they are cooking?
Firstly ask yourself what behaviour do you want when you are cooking or eating food. Then you have a goal, a target behaviour to achieve.
I want my dogs to be able to settle when I’m cooking so I don’t trip over them and they don’t greed for food. A way that I’ve achieved this is boundaries!
Boundaries are something we want our dogs to stay on until released. This could be a crate, a bed, a mat. Once my dogs know their bed cue, their release cue and they have value to this. Then we are good to go in using this in everyday life such as cooking. When I’m using this in everyday life I don’t tend to use food as this keeps my dogs in work mode. I want them to be able to settle with little in put from me!
You have to be consistent in this in order to get these results! 🤩⭐️
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #manners #foodmanners #puppytraining #obedience
A ‘LOOK’ command
This is how I start it! A look command means look at the obstacle I’m pointing to, this is a fundamental skill for agility 🤩
There’s many reasons why to train this one being that I can leave my dog at the first fence and move further into the course so I can be ahead 🤩 Your dog will look, be focused and jump this fence when you start the course no matter where you are! 😍
I’ve split up Drifts raw food so I can practice this multiple times with his breakfast! Drifts raw food is high value to him! I don’t use a toy at the beginning stages for him as this is too exciting and I want him to think about what he is learning.
⭐️ I ask Drift to do his start line behaviour (a sit)
⭐️ I then place his food out
⭐️I ask for a look and wait for him to look forward at the food bowl (he cannot release on this command)
⭐️Once I have a bit duration in the look I will release on a ‘GO GET IT’
I will be focusing on this for a few sessions then adding some distance and in different places too! 🥰🎉
Are you teaching a ‘look’ at the minute?! ⭐️🤩⭐️
#agilitytraining #dogtraining #agility #training #pippytraining #foundationskills
Pulling up to a walk & is your dog barking, whining or crying to be out?! 😳
Here’s a quick strategy to reduce this!
Take your dog on non event journeys! ⭐️
✅Take your dog in the car to the shops & don’t get them out
✅Take your dog for a drive & don’t get them out
✅Take your dog to where you walk sometimes and have a cup of tea!
Basically the car is becoming a very exciting place to be and means exciting places or exciting things are going to happen. You need to teach your dog that the car does not always mean that exciting things are going to happen! ✅
#dogtraining #puppytraining #dogtrainingtips #carjourneys #excitement #calmdog #barkingdogs
Little & often is key! 🤩
Training sessions don’t have to be planned, they don’t have to be long sessions, they just have to be regular 💜
5-10 mins a day is enough!
With my young dogs or dogs I’m teaching a new skill to I will have a pot of kibble by the kettle. Every time I go and make a cup of tea I train my dog.
For example, every time I put the kettle on I work on Drifts wait! Every time I put the kettle on I work on Moss’s down. It doesn’t take long but you HAVE to be consistent.
Put your pot of kibble by your kettle and start training towards your goal!
1 week free of an online academy! Starting today! 🤩
Remember you can have 1 week free access to an online academy
🐶Obedience academy- strategies to aid walks, confidence games, scent work and so much more!
🐶Agility academy- this has Drifts puppy journey! Jump skills, beginnings of seesaw training, analysis of runs, favourite courses, ground work and foundation skills!
🐶Gundog academy- I think this one is my favourite! Retrieve skills, heel walking, growing steadiness, whistle commands, directionals.
You have to message me with your email address registered to my website so I can give you access!
These are cool resources! Use this free week to see! 🤩
Here’s a sneak peak of a strategy I use to get a bounce back retrieve from our gundog academy
Drifty Nifty in his first agility class! 💜🤩
He thoroughly enjoyed himself!
Working off lead with a chasey dog can be challenging.
I love his ‘get it’ command to get the toy.
Working on his focus and engagement at this point is so important!
We have got some tricks learnt but these need to be a lot stronger.
Monday Motivation! 🤩🤩🤩
What is one thing that you are going to focus on this week? ✅
🤩Boosting recall
🤩Walking to heel
🤩Bed training
🤩Chase struggles
🤩Scent work….
It can sometimes feel overwhelming focusing on the end goal when you have so much you want to work on.
Set yourself 1 thing you are going to either add into your training this week or do differently.
For me, Drifty’s recall needs a boost! Whilst I’m doing this he won’t have much time with the other dogs as he has a lot of value to them and not me at the minute! Your turn- what are you going to do?
This video always reminds me to not take training seriously and enjoy the process with your dog!
So tell me- what you going to add in or do differently?
#mondaymotivation #mondaymood #dogtraining #dogtrainer #puppytraining #mondayblues #cockerspaniel #goals #dogtraininggoals #scentwork #obedience #recall #dogs #puppies
It’s been nearly a week since my mini surgery and I can withstand being on the bike again! 🤩
This is such an easy way to exercise the dogs especially how I’m not up to walking them far at the minute.
It’s such a nice evening to be running the dogs 🥰💜🥰
#quadbike #sunset #bordercollie #husky #exercisingthedogs #runningdogs #sun #love