🐶 Poppy 🐶
Poppy has been with me for a full week now, and I can honestly say she is sweet girl! She absolutely loves humans would spend all day cuddling.
She is looking for a dog person home where she is the only dog.
She is the breed according active, but has great recall.
We have been on many walks with lots of different dogs and she has been taking everything in her stride!
If there is any interest please either message me or go straight to HVWC - Hungarian Vizsla Welfare Charity to apply for her adoption
She is a great dog that will be an amazing dog for someone! And I m glad I have met this super affectionate girl,
🦮 Intro to Mantrailing January (14.01.24) (ONLY 1 Space left) 🦮
I will be holding another intro to mantrailing in January!!
As always every dog is welcome, no matter of age, breed, or what training they have done before. Reactive dogs are welcome!
Mantrailing is a great sport that engages the dogs nose and problem solving skills.
We teach the dog to follow a specific human scent and find the human!
Come along to the intro, spaces will be limited!
14.01.2024 9am-12pm £35
Camperdown (Golfers car park)
🦮 Training 🦮
For me training my dog looks different every day/week/month depending on what I m working on, which mood I am in, what my dog is feeling like etc.
And sometimes it’s going for a shopping spree with you mom into town, and making Rosie wait while my mom is getting some food.
In these situations I don’t ask anything of Rosie, she doesn’t have a command, all I want from her is to wait with me.
Anyone who knows Rosie knows that this is super hard for her, she is a dog that’s always on the go, and doesn’t like standing still. So moments like this are really important.
⭐️ Thoughts on training ⭐️
The other day I was walking with Jess and she asked me what I did to make Rosie turn out so well…
I didn’t have an answer for her cause I honestly didn’t know…
And I think there isn’t one thing that made Rosie turn out the way she did (everyone’s favourite shepherd)
But one of the things I had done from the moment I got her at 10 weeks old was confront her with anything and everything she was unsure of, instead of comforting her and amplifying her worry I would interact with whatever she was unsure of.
No one ever told me to that it was just an instinct of mine, as I knew that giving her any attention in that moment would assure her that there is something to be worried about, instead I took control over the situation and showed her that I m not worried about it so she doesn’t have to be either.
While this isn’t "training" in any obedience it is important to include exposure on a daily basis as part of the training we do with our dogs.
Today I walked the dogs passed my horses field to get to a nice open field where I could let them off, while passing Star started barking and baking up. So I decided to go in the field with my horses and introduce them, confront what she was worried about. And she stopped barking as soon as we went in and started to get curious as soon as I started interacting with the horses. So I walked with her and the horses for a bit let her sniff them and them her, and waited for her to start interacting with me again and taking food, as soon as I was sure she wasn’t that worried anymore we left the field and went passed a few more horses on our way, which she didn’t even acknowledged as she knew what they are.
🦮 Mantrailing last weekend 🦮
I have been absolutely terrible at keeping this page updated!
I really need to work on that, but I have been having fun with my clients last weekend, and we only got a little bit wet 😂
Absolutely love seeing already the improvement in the different dogs!
❤️ Thank you ❤️
Just wanted to thank everyone for coming along to todays mantrailing intro and progression!!
Everyone did so amazing, and it’s great to see how much they learn even within one session.
I think we had a great mixture of all different dogs today, breed and personality which was great to see!
🐶 catch it before it gets a habit 🐶
I had very much a practice what you preach moment today.
I went to the coffee morning of Honest Hounds on Sunday and had a great conversation in which we talked about reactivity and play.
I said that I find it surprising that owners don’t actively play with their dogs outside and that I see it more strongly in owners with anxiety and/or reactive dogs (my own observation not science based) as this was never a question for me. And that it is quite hard for a dog that is in high energy and having adrenaline rushing through them to "just" calm down and it’s unfair to expect it of them. So I encourage play a lot with my clients, as it automatically increases engagement as they have to focus on you to play with you. And it teaches you a lot about your dog and body language.
Rosie has found Squirrels quite exciting since we moved here and there are specific woods where she now knows there are squirrels to chase. And I have been able to catch it 90% of the time before she ignored me, but she still has been on high alert as soon as we enter the woods, which has been annoying me.
And today I realized I have been super Lack with my engagement with her on my walks with her, cause anyone who knows her knows she is as good as gold. So instead of getting annoyed at her I went back to being fun and actively playing with her throughout the walk. That does not mean just chucking the ball for her but engaging with the play.
Within minutes she stopped being on alert and looking for squirrels case she found her chase with me and just trotted after me without being promoted to do so.
So remember to actively engage with your dog in a way that they think it’s the best time of their life and you will build a relationship with your dog that’s fun for both of you!
First clip from last week you can see her whole body being tense and on the go (had her on lead as I didn’t want her chasing anything) second clip from today where s
🦮 Mantrailing 🦮
Had such a great day getting more people into my favorite sport!
So amazing to see them progress even through the workshop day!
New dates will be released tomorrow, with intros and progression!
🥰 wholesome moments 🥰
I caught this moment of everyone while I was filling up the water on the other side of the fence.
This video shows so much!
Fist and most importantly my horses seem happy and settled, Tox is rolling and clearly enjoying it, Diamond is her curious self and is looking what my dad is doing.
And then there is Rosie who is showing what it means when a dog is safe around horses. What fascinates me even more that she is like that even though me (her primary human, as we usually life alone) is not there, it’s my family who she only sees a few weeks a year, and I still don’t worry with her.
The moments when all the hard work pays off and you have moments of harmony between human and dog (and this case horse) ❤️ it was just to good not to share 🥰
❤️ New home ❤️
What do you do when you are suppose to write a thesis but it’s nice weather?!?!
Right you take a break and do some reps with your dogs in your new front garden 😂 and have a bit of play.
Yes I did step on her toe, but no dog was harmed she forgave me with the next treat. 🙈
🦮 Mantrailing Intro 23.09. Dundee 🦮
I have some last minute spaces due to cancellation for my intro to mantrailing on Saturday!!
It will be ONLY £30 instead of £35 for a 3h intro workshop!
Great opportunity for anyone who wants to find out what mantrailing is all about!!
It’s super fun, and can be done by any dog! And I really do mean any dog, no matter what precious training and age, if it is reactive or not.
If you have any questions feel free to message the page!!
🐶 Indication game challenge 🐶
As it’s a horrible wet day outside how about some games in the house?!?!
So all my current and future and maybe scentwork people out there…
Let’s do some indications!!!
The most important part of scentwork is their ability to show you where the scent is so I always use this game to get a better indication of Rosie as this is what she struggles with the most!
So my challenge to you is show me your rainy day indication game!!! How well can your dog Pause over an item of your choosing?!?!
Just choose any item (I have two different ones in the video to give you some ideas) and reward the moment the nose of your dog is on the item.
If your timing is good you will see your dog trying to out its nose quicker and quicker and hopefully longer on the item!!
🦮 Evie 🦮
Evie was at our Urban trailing session on Saturday, a few months ago this would have been impossible, cars driving past her has been her biggest trigger.
But she honestly smashed it, not even acknowledging cars driving past her while she was working. So impressed by her 🥰 you can hear the cars driving past in the video, sorry for my breathing 😂🙈
And such a brilliant trail of her, nose down and straight on the trail!
I had the second session with Maisie yesterday and she is doing so well!!!
I m always glad when I hear positive feedback from the owners and they can report progress.
This lady has learned that she just has to bark long enough to get attention or whatever she wants. So we focused on engagement and general training the past to weeks, to get some quick rewards for not barking in, to teach her the concept we are asking her for.
Yesterday we practice putting that into practice and asked her for some relaxed quiet behavior.
She did so well!! Still a bit work ahead with her, but definitely a huge improvement to where we started!!
🥵 Hot days 🥵
Today we had 35 degrees here in Germany 🥵 so me and Rosie hid in the house for most of the day.
I was glad for the thunderstorm that cooled everything down.
Days like these I m glad I can tire Rosie out without having to leave the house.
This was the gun oil search from the other day. She did really well!!
🐶 Cooper 🐶
I had a meet up with a friend who just got a rescue dog 3 weeks ago.
She wanted my advice and some tips and an assessment to see what she should be working on with him.
As she is only had him for 3 weeks, he is still settling in an adjusting to his new home.
So we talked about some general training she should try with him and started working on his recall.
One of the things Cooper will have to learn is that not every dog wants to play and interact with him.
Best teacher for that is another dog, while Rosie is super sociable she doesn’t interact with dogs that are hyper or demanding.
The video shows how a balanced dog will just ignore the behavior of another dog when it is not balanced.
🐾 Rosie 🐾
Not sure how your holidays look like, but having a high energy dog I never get much time off from training.
She has been out playing all day, with her ball and another dog but when it was time to settle tonight I could see she wasn’t ready her brain was still to busy.
Which again makes me recognize that physical exercise and mental stimulation are two different things, as I said she has been running around a lot today but I didn’t get a chance to challenge her brain. Which she then let me know by pacing and throwing toys around etc.
Instead of getting annoyed at her for being like this I decided to do some indications with her and starting to work on our gun oil scent for scentwork.
I put a clip together with most of the training I did, I like to mix things up for her within a session as I know how quickly she gets board if I ask her the same question over and over again.
In the end we did our first proper search for gun oil which I will post separate as it’s to long 😊
🐾 Holiday 🐾
Rosie and me arrived at my parents house last night, and we will stay here in Germany for the next two weeks.
Yesterday during our travel we started of in a small village and had a whole enclosed field to our self, so I practiced some stays with her in a non distracting but new environment. Which is great to see how solid it is, and repetitions are best way to improving and keeping it in mind.
And then we were in a really busy country park for a nice long walk which was really beautiful and great to see how solid Rosie is and perfectly ignored all the other dogs and humans around her, even kids calling out for her zooming around on scooters didn’t phase her at all, she stayed with me.
I m always impressed by my high energy, excitable dog making the right decision and staying nice and calm without me having to tell her 🥰
#lifestyle #brainwork #foryou #nosework #obedience #new #learning #dogtraining #happydogs #fun
🐾 obedience/bonding session 🐾
Had another great evening getting out around other dogs getting them focused and happy to be with you.
Lots of great work of everyone, seen a big difference in some of the dogs and handlers!
These sessions are open to all of my clients, to work on new and old skills and ask anything they might have on their mind.
#lifestyle #brainwork #foryou #nosework #obedience #new #learning #dogtraining #happydogs #fun