Did you know...? 💥 I can help you with your dogs behaviour wherever you are in the world! In fact, my clients have come to me from all areas of the UK and Europe, USA, and as far away as New Zealand.
Many people think you need a behaviourist standing beside them, but there are plenty of reasons why you might choose to get help online...
1. You get a greater choice of who you work with - particularly important when you need an expert in a particular area. Most of my online clients come to me for my expertise in trauma recovery, following that it's reactive behaviour and separation anxiety.
2 - No need to remember every detail! I record sessions so you can re-watch them. Much better than trying to remember every conversation you have.
3 - Sessions aren't weather dependant! No matter how stormy, how hot, or how snowy it gets, your progress won't be hindered by the weather!
4 - Sessions are shorter as you won't spend extra time trying to set up, or find, situations to practise in. Instead, you'll make a video in advance for us to review in your session.
5 - Using videos is especially helpful as you won't miss any aspect of the behaviour. You can also rewind, pause and slow down the action which is a huge benefit. In person, once the live situation has passed, the learning opportunity has been lost.
6 - It's less impactful on very anxious or aggressive dogs who might get overwhelmed by a new person visiting.
7 - Not everyone wants strangers visiting them at home.
8 - You can do sessions in your pjs, with a cuppa or even a glass of wine 🍷 (I won't tell!!)
For more info and a quote for online dog behaviour advice and support, please head to my website!