I thought you have probably all had enough of that “and with that the 2024 season comes to an end” I have 😂
2024 the year my body, brain, both said enough is enough, the year I wasn’t given a choice in choosing to rest I was forced to. I grappled with burn out for most of 2024 fighting the need to slow down, I still am to some degree. The most humbling, transformational experience of my life so far I think. Being faced with fear every day is not something I have ever felt before, having to choose to keep going and refuse to let it own me has been exhausting in itself.
I may not have achieved huge things in 2024 a fair plateau occurred in most areas of my life, but I did survive and I’m still proud of myself for that because I am most definitely not the same person I was in January last year. I have skills and knowledge I didn’t have before.
I have trudged through the blackness that was my mental health, drowned in the discomfort that is anxiety. But I have survived every intrusive thought, every feeling I thought was the worst I could ever feel, every sleepless night when my mind ran away with my body. I know I don’t have to believe every thought, I know I can choose not to disturb myself by leaning into them. My anxiety is allowed to flow now, and my energy levels are to be bloody listened to!
I don’t think I’ll be clear of this because place I have been lodged in for a while yet but I have certainly accepted it as the journey I am on. No resistance is left just acceptance and awareness.
Here’s to good habits in 2025 that bring us peace and joy, to starting again any moment we need, not just at the new year. And to be so kind to ourselves it radiates off us like a glowing light beaconing others to do the same 💫✨