I have read this story more than once now and I feel I can’t not share as the message behind it has stuck out and reminded me of part of my purpose. “There was a great fire in the forest, and all the animals where fleeing the fire, the jaguar looks up and see’s the hummingbird flying back towards the fire, and then back towards the river and then over head again towards the fire, he calls out to the tiny hummingbird, we have to go it isn’t safe. The humming bird says, “I’m taking what water I can to stop the fire. I’m doing my part no matter how small it is, because I have to care for the forest that has cared for me my whole life” At this the jaguar stops, pauses is reminded of the forest he loves and joins the hummingbird in trying to save the forest and slowly the rest of the animals follow. From nowhere the sky opens and rain pours down, extinguishing the fire”
You can use the fire as something you feel deeply about, for me it’s more than one thing, the care and consideration of animals in our human lives, whether that is in sport or how animals are treated in the food chain these days. I consume social media like you are doing right now and I see a lot of bad practice with horses, not always but often, top riders talking about their horses getting 1hr of turn out in individual pens with no grass even just sand. Horses with totally un formed bodies being ridden and worked for financial gain. My voice for horses will not quiet and as I learn more of what horses truly need, what helps them thrive and flourish my voice will only grow louder.
I found Christmas harder this year with meat being consumed around me in large proportions, I sat and ate my mushrooms and vegetables thinking of the lives that were lost and the animals that are no longer here for the pleasure of humans. You can be offended by what I say but you won’t be more sad than the animals that lost their lives for your pleasure. Those animals that walk gently where they are asked and then slaughtered.
I know my one small voice may not put out the fire but if we all start being aware of the fire that is around us then maybe we can start a shift that is so desperately needed.