Shetlands Playing
Lanamist Violetta, Parlington Kitty, colt foal Kinkell Ever Ready, Destiny and some of the others enjoying a run around in the winter sun.
Parlington Kitty and Lanamist Violetta exploring the area around the stables and meeting some of the boys, Tawna Mario was especially excited.
The boys have been having some fun in the field and stretching their legs. I've also included a clip of Mawcarse Archibald jumping in slow motion.
Ponies that appear in this video: Tawna Mario, Collytown Moritz, Foxsedge Corinthian, Mawcarse Ernest, Mawcarse Edwardo, Mawcarse Archibald, Utopia's Silver Cloud and Fell cross, Aragorn Strider.
Tawna Mario's tracking. Having watched the SPSBS zoom talk earlier in the week we had a closer look at the confirmation and movement of a few of our ponies.
We introduced Mawcarse Edwardo and Archibald to walking through water today. Here is Eddie making his way through one of the puddles. (Deep enough to go over my wellies!) It was Eddie's first time out on the roads so he has also encountered traffic and road markings for the first time. They both managed really well. Archie wasn't keen to walk through the water on the road but by the end was also passing through puddles without any issues.
Our miniature colts, Tawna Mario and Collytown Moritz (Mo) are best friends and really enjoy playing together like boys should.
Collytown Moritz having fun in the snow.
Tawna Mario (mini skewbald) and Collytown Shetland Stud's Moritz (mini bay) have joined Mawcarse Ernest (standard chestnut), Utopia's Silver Cloud (standard grey) and Bobby (blue dun). Foxsedge Shetland Ponies' Corinthian (red dun), known as Fox, will join them once he has settled in and been handled a bit more.
First arrival
Our baby sitter arrived today to give him time to settle before the foals arrive.