🟡 Amber Level care for sprain and strain recovery
There is much that you can do with your first aid kit that can be helpful. Homeopathic remedies can be so useful in supporting the damaged tissues repairing themselves.
There are three classic remedies to consider:
Arnica – So useful for physical trauma in all shapes and forms. Often not wanting fuss or being touched.
Ruta Grav – Great for joints, ligaments and periosteum. Worse first movement, better gentle exercise, worse doing too much. Worse cold & damp, better warm & dry.
Rhus Tox – Great for joint and muscular injury alike. Worse first movement, better gentle exercise, worse doing too much. Worse cold & damp, better warm & dry.
Sometimes you may see a clear picture. Other times it can be a little unclear. Nonetheless when you know the type of injury, it is likely that the above remedies will be useful. In fact they are very complimentary and often work well when given together.
A very useful approach is to add one pill of each to a small glass of water and stir well. Then give a few drops by mouth as a dose. Using the same glass, and stirring well each time, you can repeat a dose. Initially every 1-2 hours, then gradually reducing to every 3-4 hours, then on to three times daily for a few days, then wean off from there with improvement.
One other remedy you will find in your kit that may be useful is:
Bryonia – The classic indication for this in injury is worse for any movement, better for lying still. Also worse for touch, and paradoxically better for firm pressure. So if you see this picture, then it could be a useful remedy.
Remember to make notes of progress in your journal and have your Red Flag plan in the background in case things are not improving. With patience and care, your dog can be running round having fun again, full of athletic prowess.