Rosie came in to us after eating half a share bag of chocolate raisins. Rosie’s owner was quick on phoning up our emergency line and getting her in to induce vomiting to try and bring up as much of the chocolate raisins as possible!🍇🍫
After sickness was induced in Rosie, Rosie’s owner opted for some bloodwork and charcoal to make sure that there was no damage, and Rosie went to stay with the team at Emergency Vets Glasgow for some fluids and observation overnight.🚑
We are glad to say that Rosie is on the mend and back to her tail wagging self 🎉🐾
Both raisins and chocolate are toxic to dogs, and if ingested can lead to gut problems, vomiting and diarrhoea and in serious cases kidney problems, which is why it is so important to get your pet checked out if they have possibly ingested either of these products!