This 15 month old Cavapoo came to me today with a completely pelted coat. Whilst the owners were trying to do their best for him, they were uneducated on how to do this correctly, resulting in his coat becoming one big pelt. The first moment I laid hands on this dog I knew it had to come off and the owner understood and agreed that he needed a fresh start.
Due to how bad this was I did have to charge a matting fee for the wear and tear on my blades and shears, if you get a puppy, especially one with a complex coat such as a doodles, contact your groomer for tips on how to maintain it at home! I can guarantee a vast majority of groomers would rather give advice than have to take off pelt every few months.
(Please note that although this dogs coat is bad, this dog is not neglected in this case. The owners did what they thought was best but were unfamiliar with how to correctly groom the coat!)