“King” the Alapaha Blue Blood American Bulldog in his new harness that I got him as a present … because he’s such a good boy ❤️
Sarah & Simon who own Maggie the GSD X Akita that I train sent me this feedback video on how good young Maggie is doing after only two training sessions ❤️
A little Protection Drill with Günther 👽
Troy Boy - Lazy Bastard 🤣
Troy Boy - Lazy Bastard 🤣
My Pack ❤️
Siebensterne’s Deutscher Schäferhunds
(Seven Stars German Shepherds)
Patrons: Sanctuary Military Veterans
Sponsor: SSAFA
(Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Families Association)
Training Program: British 1st Military Working Dog Regiment
Owner: K9 International UK
Trainer: K9 International Training Academy Kennel: Siebensterne Deutscher Schäferhunds
(Seven Stars German Shepherds)
Occupation: Elite Protection K9s
Employer: Kopf Jäger K9 Security
(Head Hunter K9 Security)
Loyalty Allegiance Honour
The Pack haven’t been taught to have these positive qualities
It’s natural to them
They are Pure Ancient Spirits of Nature
They are Higher Beings
They are Spirits
With Pure Souls
Super Senses
And Primordial Spirit Energy
They can eat bones
Eat their own sh*t
Then look you in the eye
And see your Energy/Spirit Body
Smell your Disease/Mood/Thoughts
Hear your heartbeat
Hear your blood circulating
It sounds like the wind to them
They can Read your Mind
These particular dogs have very Ancient DNA
Selected breeding over generations and generations and generations including Wolf DNA
They are the original Line of German Shepherd
The Germanische Urhund
(German Original Dog)
The Deutscher Schutzhund
(German Protection Dog)
The Protection Working Line
Not the Pet and Show Line that came to the West.
They don’t wear woolly jumpers
I don’t treat them or dress them as children This Pack are Warriors
The SAS of the dog World
As Nature originally intended
As real original dogs should be
Each one is a different character
They don’t need training to guard me and be faithful
They just KNOW
I therefore reciprocate and give them my Loyalty Allegiance and Honour
Anything less would be a betrayal of their Love and Loyalty to me
I will never betray them
I will never betray their trust in me
I will never betray their love for me
Young “Mo” the Collie X Labrador and his owner Gail in for his Private Training Session at my K9 International’s Training Academy this morning.
Although a lovely lad, Mo is not the easiest dog to train because he’s easily distracted.
Gail is doing a great job with him.
Here, I am drilling him, no chain, no leash, for the first time.
No treats
I train most dogs without treats (there are some short term exceptions)
Because a dog shouldn’t need a treat to do as you say.
If, long term, it does
It’s not your dog
It belongs to the treats.
Your dog should do as it’s told
Out of Allegiance
Denzel the 7 months old German Shepherd and owner Joanne in for his Private Training Session at my K9 International’s Training Academy.
Denzel can be be a bit of a rapscallion but did extremely well in this session as did Joanne.
I give Joanne 10/10 for her commitment to upping her game to deal with Denzel 💯
Well done Joanne 👍🏻
Stanley & Eric the German Boxers with owners Sue and son Dan in for their Private Training Session at my K9 International’s Training Academy
Obedience drills aplenty
Sue and Dan stepping up their game and working towards their K9 Handling Certificates
Well done to all ❤️
“Mo” the young Collie X Labrador and his owner Gail doing some basic leash drills in their Private Training Session at my K9 International’s Training Academy this morning. Mo is the most loving and friendly of dogs. Such a delight to even be near. Loves cuddles ❤️
Big Bobby the 12 months old German Shepherd with his owners Scott & Ella in for his Private Training Session at my K9 International’s Training Academy this evening.
Although he isn’t working line I’ve just started him on some Handler Defence drills. He’s doing well
Apart from being the most stunning German Shepherd that I’ve ever met he has a Healing Energy that reaches the very depths of your Soul.
Such a loving and friendly dog.
Some things are more important than bossing your dog around in obedience drills… like .. the Bond.. the Friendship..
… the Love ❤️
Maximus ❤️
A little obedience honing…
Siebensterne’s Maximus Invicta
(Seven Stars Greatest Undefeated)
Germanische Urhund
(German “Original Dog”)
Deutscher Schutzhund
(German Protection Dog)
Rudelführer: Siebensterne’s Deutscher Schäferhunds
(Pack Leader: Seven Stars German Shepherds)
Real World Security K9
Working Line
Blood Line:
Five Generation Pedigree
British Kennel Club
Patrons: Sanctuary Military Veterans
Sponsor: SSAFA
(Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Families Association)
Owner: K9 International UK
Kennel: Siebensterne’s
Deutscher Schäferhunds
(Seven Stars German Shepherds)
Trainers: K9 International Training Academy
Occupation: Elite Protection K9
Employer: Kopf Jäger K9 Security
(Head Hunter K9 Security)
Sire: Siebensterne’s Alpha Litter20
Eric & Stanley the German Boxers with owner Sue and son Dan in for their Private Training Session at my K9 International’s Training Academy this morning
Video of Eric doing a little drill ❤️