Three years ago we went to see an old tractor shed in a field in Forest Row. We had been looking for a few months and this one felt perfect. The owners were so friendly and were the first ones to not cringe when we mentioned dogs.
I wanted to create a space that was familiar and comfortable, small to avoid big groups. A space where I could spend my days playing and training.
We had so many ideas but it all just seemed so unrealistic but we were determined that we'd be able to do something with this place.
Jon gave up work to start building while I spent a year applying for planning permission. It was an absolute slog, he was only meant to be off work for 6 months 🤣. Without him, this wouldn't have been possible.
It's been the best decision of our lives. It has been so much more than I hoped, we're greeted every day with excited tails and the best owners. I get to buy toys and come up with games and puzzle and then arrange Halloween parties!! I never thought I'd be this lucky.
It's been the best three years, minus a really horrible loss recently 💔
Thank you all for being supportive, kind and encouraging. Day care is just me and Jon so the messages you send, the conversations we have with owners, the things we get up to with the dogs is what we come home and talk about over dinner, it's what we tell our daughters about. They have literally grown up with your dogs and I'm so proud that they get to experience all of this.
Sorry to ramble, I just can't believe it's been three years!!!
You're all amazing, thank you thank you thank you ❤️
***EDIT:: JUST TO BE CLEAR WE DONT KEEP CHILDREN IN CAGES (most of the time) and these pictures are definitely before we started building day care 🤣🤣