End of a chapter - Dyno Dog Gear is closing.
I'm about to embark on new adventures and sadly it means saying goodbye to Dyno Dog Gear.
It all started with two old ropes, which I was reluctant to throw away, making first leads on my kitchen table, learning to sew and everything else that comes with running a business. I still remember the excitement of getting first orders four years ago, thank you to those brave customers 😊, but frankly that excitement hasn’t vanished. I do still love making them and sending them out.
Thank you to everyone who bought my leads & collars, donated a rope, messaged, sent photos of your doggies, shared or supported Dyno Dog Gear in any other way. I’ll be doing a special thank you posts and share your photos 😊.
I’m proud of what I achieved, but more importantly I’m happy that hundreds of meters of old rope didn’t end up in landfill and are hopefully still living their best second life.
The online shop is still open until Sunday 25 August.