WOWdogs Edinburgh

WOWdogs Edinburgh Accredited Games Based Force Free Puppy and Dog Trainer/ Scent work, Walker Colinton/ South Edinburgh My current dog is a gorgeous wee cavapoo called Tiggy.

For more info my website is

I’m Susan, and am an accredited Pro Dog (games based/ force free trainer). I have experience owning and working with many breeds of dogs at various ages and stages.. I have recently given up my long standing dietetic post in the NHS, to focus full time on my long term desire and passion to help dogs and their owners. I have a huge interest in dog beha

viour, canine nutrition, puppies, adolescents and general behaviour struggles. I have experience walking dogs at a local dog rescue and am a mum of an animal daft teenager and I’m very passionate about how animals can enrich family life. My Training: *

Absolute Dogs :
Accredited Pro Dog Trainer plus Geek add on (brain health, separation, resource guarding, noise reactivity, health, dog dog reactivity, multi dogs, the bucket, concept training)
Residential Pro Dog Training at Bowerland, Devon - 7 days Train the Trainer
Off leash freedom, household manners, reactivity - boot camps - over 6 months
Canine First Aid
Puppy pathways, Absolute Puppy
Absolute Adolescence
Small dogs
Poodle and crosses
Mini courses - stop barking, stop pulling, stop jumping

School of Canine Science
6 week Puppy Course
Behaviour and Nutrition
Business in a box
Dog dog reactivity

Genius K9
Foundations for Life course plus add on masterclasses eg play, recall, lead walking

Behavet - Veterinary Behaviourist Group Teaching
Dog Dog reactivity
Happy handing - grooming and vet visits
Chaos to Calm

Member of Help my Dog Hub - weekly learning from a veterinary behaviourist dog trainer
I also have 25 years of experience working with people, translating science into practical support for patients and a strong nutritional background. I continue to keep up to date on the Help my Dog hub, alongside the above training providers
I would love to help you with any struggles your dog may have, whether just scared of life or pulling on lead, barking, to general training or preventative advice for puppies, adolescents, senior, or rescue dogs. If you just want ideas for enrichment, games I can help with this too. Please scroll down for info on options and pricing. Additionally, I also offer adhoc local dog walking in the EH13/EH14 areas, covering when regular walkers on holiday) or walk and train, puppy coaching at my home, puppy, cat, rodent home visits. I am first aid trained and fully insured. What I offer:

With all packages I offer a free phonecall to see if I can help/good fit and how training might help and how many sessions you might wish. Please contact me via form below or via page wowdogs_edinburgh or whats app 07941 806352. These are suggested options below but can be tailored to what you and you dog may require. New client package:

A Discovery 60min first session (can be over zoom if preferred) - behaviour questions (may send a questionnaire beforehand), history and some foundation games to get started. This will immediately start working on the struggle eg barking, reactivity, loose lead, confidence, rescue dog help.
3 x 1hr in person sessions - ideally roughly 2-4 weeks apart, this really is the minimum amount of time to implement a plan and see results. Email with plan of action and relevant resources provided. Full support via what’s app given between sessions.

Puppy Package - 1 to 1 support
4 -6 x sessions (initial one - 90mins, others 45-60mins) of 121 coaching sessions with you and your puppy, ideally weekly/fortnightly. This is a massive opportunity to create a confident and optimistic puppy and give them skills early on to help teach loose lead walking, recall and good household manners via simple games and relationship building. Socialisation option to meet my calm, friendly dog. Family involvement - kids love playing the games
E resources to support your learning, demo of games
Pre puppy arrival call available too at no extra cost.

Puppy coaching - Option for me to do train your puppy, without you necessarily being there, (combination of out and about and at mine where I have a large secure garden. I work on games, confidence, basic household manners etc and feed back everything. It has been requested and worked well and gives owners a little break too. The puppy has some appropriate exposure to the environment in a safe way by an experienced kind trainer. Prices from £30/hr for minimum 1.5 hrs depending on location. Puppy Classes - Coming soon! Adolescent Package
4 x 1hr session with you and your dog
This is when dogs can test boundaries, develop bad habits and lose confidence. It is an important time to continue to relationship build with your dog and manage blips/prevent rehearsal of unwanted behaviours. Free eresources.

ConFUNdence Circuits - see advert (£35 for 50mins or 3 sessions for £80). This can take place in your garden or my garden and will teach some confidence games, use of basic agiiity equipment, enrichment strategies. This will help with any dog struggle and give you tools to use. Booster Sessions - see advert - designed to be one off sessions to address a straightforward issue. Subscription - various price options for regular weekly or monthly sessions, drop me a message. Can be to address a training need, enrichment, confidence building, active training walks, working around a stooge dog, learning games, socialisation, fitness etc

Other Options:

If you are familiar with games based training and looking for a top up, or have a minor struggle or just want a single session - £45 (60-75 mins)
Follow on packages for clients who want to continue after initial package of 4 sessions 4 x 1hr - £120 or £35 per hour. Online training- A great option and can work really well with games based training. Please ask for details. Walk and train - I can walk your dog (or walk with you) introduce games based training, deal with reactivity on walks and provide some feedback/suggestions- from £25 per hour
Local adhoc dog walks 30-60 mins, regular dog walker away, no probs, get in touch to see if I can help- from £20 (solo or with my dog if appropriate)
Other drop in pet services, puppy, cat, rodent visits - from £15 (local within EH13/EH14)

* The field of dog training is unregulated. There are many training organisations eg PACT, ABTC, IMDT but none of them are responsible for benchmarking and validating the standard necessary to be a dog trainer. These provide paid membership, after passing their course and sitting their own test. They are not legally recognised industry regulars. This is not to say the courses aren’t good but I believe there are many others, equal or better and I have endeavoured to train (and continue to learn) with different well established organisations.

Male dogs - Should you neuter? This can be an emotive topic, but these are some facts, (detailed by an experience vet/be...

Male dogs - Should you neuter?

This can be an emotive topic, but these are some facts, (detailed by an experience vet/behaviourist) to help decision making but should always be discussed with your vet in relation to your individual dog. However, it is good to be informed and know your options.

Owners may choose to neuter, under the pretence of improving behaviour struggles. However, it could be more likely to make struggles eg reactivity, separation or exuberance worse. There is limited evidence to support any improvement.

Testosterone and behaviour

Testosterone is primarily produced in te**es, but it is also produced in other body parts. When castrated - te**es are removed so the main source of testosterone is gone.

What does testosterone do?

It increases confidence - Within the brain the amygdala’s purpose (or drama almond) gets activated when danger or worry is anticipated eg dog reacting to noise, separation, other dogs etc.

Testosterone increases the threshold level to when dog may feel anxious about other dogs ie makes amygdala a bit numb. This is reflected in increased confidence so less likely to react.
However, it can also be the volume dial on the brain, hence make responses that are already present, more active or intense, reduces their ability to disengage so can’t be distracted.

These behaviour struggles wont just stop without testosterone & may make them worse if they are less confident. Very small change of improvement.

There shouldn’t be a blanket approach to all dogs. Some options:

Work on behaviour and skill up confidence/calmness
Non permanent option - test it by an implant which will block effects of testosterone for 6/12 months to test it first. It can be reversible.

What to do if castrated already?

Don’t worry, we can still skill up our dog, and change behaviour struggles. testosterone is nice to have but not essential, as can be produced in other parts of the body eg adrenal glands. Short bursts of exercise can lead to increased production. If too much exercise, then cortisol pushes it down again (bucket filling)

Short fun games are great as boosting testosterone
I can signpost to a great resource on this topic.

Thank you to everyone that is following me! I have reached 100 followers today🎉, which is a wee milestone for a small bu...

Thank you to everyone that is following me!

I have reached 100 followers today🎉, which is a wee milestone for a small business. Facebook algorithm (😩) then allows me access to more data insights, sends my posts to hopefully more than 5 people at a time, so it really helps me!

I know some of you are following purely to support me and don’t even have dogs.🙏🏻

I have tried to work hard on improving my social media skills, sat on many webinars and although it has improved I still have a way to go. Im not going to lie, I would rather be training the dogs but it is not only essential for my business, I just want to get some good (kind), and helpful information out there to help owners and their dogs!

I would love to have celebrated with posting a real aurora picture with Tiggy in the forefront but that didn’t happen 😂🐶🌃🌌 so this fake version will have to do! The aurora picture is real, (courtesy of my sister) and I have plonked Tiggy in it!

Thanks all!

One space left for puppy classes at Swanston starting 28th May! 🐶

One space left for puppy classes at Swanston starting 28th May! 🐶

Pretty sure this is true 😂, and the head tilt!

Pretty sure this is true 😂, and the head tilt!


Walks are great NET training opportunities. Take a few minutes to focus and play with your dog, it really helps them want to hang out with you (think lead walking/recall)
Below is a video of just working through a few things (jumping up, sending them away for a treat but choosing to come straight back) and topping up behaviours (middle, sit, spin) but really it is having the dogs focussing and sticking around that is important as there are other dogs and people very close.

Try pausing your walk for a few minutes, small daily training makes all the difference!

A little about me for those that don’t know me! To help with dogs you have to also form a connection with the owners to ...

A little about me for those that don’t know me!

To help with dogs you have to also form a connection with the owners to get results. This is important, not every client will be a good match, that's ok!

I would only work with clients who are committed to force free/fear free training going forward, if punishment or aversives used before then sometimes when you know better, you do better, no judgement.


Does your dog do this ?
Action prompting!
Getting near her tea time and I’m getting this!
She paws me, and just looks & wiggles- the barking/ whinging will start very soon!

What to do?

Give them a consolation prize, so don’t give them what they want ie her dinner but do something else eg toy play, cuddle, a quick games.
If it carries on, pop a puppy line/lead on to change the picture!
It’s hard to resist the wee face 🥰

I def suffer analysis paralysis but this is another paralysis I encounter 😂 - my last dog (identical to this dog) was a ...

I def suffer analysis paralysis but this is another paralysis I encounter 😂 - my last dog (identical to this dog) was a lap fixture 🥰, Tiggy not quite so bad! Anyone else???

Calmness tipsHow your dog spends its day will influence how calm and chilled they are. What they do today,  they do more...

Calmness tips

How your dog spends its day will influence how calm and chilled they are. What they do today, they do more of tomorrow. It’s something you need to grow.

Passive calming activities- licking, sniffing, chewing, massage, gentle striking all lower arousal and release oxytocin. Factor these opportunities into your dogs day.

Active rest - At times, limit your dogs choices eg crate/pen/other room (if your dog is OK with this). Even popping a lead on in the house / sitting on your knee will reduce their choices.

Reward behaviours that your dog chooses to do that you like eg chooses to settle, calmly reward this. Remember to rehearse the room, don’t play tug in the same room you want to chill.


A few suggestions - cover windows, limit barking opportunities or play ball continually, your dog just becomes more energise and practises high energy.

Puppy Blues 😥Yes this exists.Puppies can be completely overwhelming in the first few weeks in their new home. New owners...

Puppy Blues 😥

Yes this exists.

Puppies can be completely overwhelming in the first few weeks in their new home.

New owners can be anxious, possibly sleep deprived and might be thinking what on earth have they done.

I’m ashamed to say, my second puppy absolutely broke me. No joke, she cried for 14 nights solid, I cried many nights too. I was given terrible advice by our breeder. Puppy number one slept through the night from day dot.

No damage done but I would never do the same again.
When you know better you do better right!?

I have had clients really struggle and there isn’t much obvious support, until maybe puppy classes start (apart from Google or well meaning family/friends etc). A couple have sadly relinquished their puppy. They were good people but overwhelmed.

If you know anyone in this position or about to get a puppy, please pass on my details as some support can help during this crucial time with relationship building, creating good habits, comforting their pup- remember they are babies and everything is new and some advice/support during the first few weeks can help. Even toilet training can be demoralising.

This is definitely one of my passion areas but I’m not sure how to offer help.

My biggest tips:

New owners must take some time off to support their pup or there it is likely to be a very bumpy road ahead.
‘Training’ in the form of basic games/bonding/supportive advice can start the day the pup comes home. 🐶

Thing to do with your dog this week!Take your dog on a new walk, could be a lead walk in a different area, take them to ...

Thing to do with your dog this week!

Take your dog on a new walk, could be a lead walk in a different area, take them to a new park, woods, beach etc. Even reverse your current walk. They will love the new smells etc.

My week!A few dogs this week, Poppy, Georgie, Ruo and another training session for Lara, a gorgeous red setter who we ar...

My week!

A few dogs this week, Poppy, Georgie, Ruo and another training session for Lara, a gorgeous red setter who we are working on reactivity to other dogs, alongside loose lead walking.
Been promoting my new block of puppy classes- (only 1 space left) which is fab, excited about training up at Swanston as can work outside too in the pentland hills!

Sad news though, as I said farewell to Frank - wire haired dachshund 🥲, who I’ve been working with for about 18 weeks I think. He is off to East Lothian to live his best life near the sea! I have loved being involved in his training, he has such a big personality for a wee dog, lovely nature and super eager to train! He loved the games, he always hopped straight onto a raised bed when he got into the house waiting for his training!
I will miss his wee face and his mischievous ways and hope he has had a positive start to adolescence! 😳

I know he is popular so you can still follow him on his insta handle .

Behave Frank for your pawrents! 😉😀🐶

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Whose dog loves a good old scratch? 😃

Really interesting post!

Really interesting post!

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not colour blind.

A dog’s visual world is certainly not as vibrantly colourful as ours, but they do see a range of yellow, grey and blue shades and have better night and peripheral vision than we do.

Colour is interpreted and discerned by nerve cells in the eyes. The retina has two main types of cells called rods, which detect light levels and motion and cones which differentiate colour.

A human’s eyes have three types of cones which can identify combinations of red, blue, and green.

Dogs have only two types of cones that are only able to discern shades of blue, yellow and grey – this perception of colour is called dichromatic vision.

An ophthalmology professor at the University of Washington discovered that dogs could see blues and yellows but not reds and greens. This information would have been confirmed by anatomical investigation of a dog’s eye.

It would make more sense if manufacturers of dog toys would take a dog’s colour spectrum into account when producing dog toys.

Toys are usually made to visually appeal to people, not dogs.

Shades of yellow, grey or blue are far more appealing to your dog than a bright shade of red or another colour.

One thing to do with your dog this week!Teach your dog to catch! This can be so useful, as well as fun for your dog. It ...

One thing to do with your dog this week!

Teach your dog to catch! This can be so useful, as well as fun for your dog. It can help with lead walking, as if you drop food from your between your fingers, they will focus on your hand as you walk them on their lead. Another top tip, if they can catch and they need to swallow a pill, you can get them catching treats then sneak in the pill and they will just gobble it! Works a treat. Start with food dropping a short distance and praise any attempt to catch, they will learn quickly!

** Puppy Classes** and **Life Skill Classes**New 5 week block of small group puppy & life skill classes at the Wellness ...

** Puppy Classes** and **Life Skill Classes**

New 5 week block of small group puppy & life skill classes at the Wellness Barn, Swanston, starting end of May on Tuesday evenings.

Games based, force free indoor training by an accredited trainer, but also real life training outdoors in the beautiful surrounding environment.
Covering all the usual puppy fundamentals for puppies under 6 months and life skill classes for older dogs, (who are comfortable in proximity to other dogs).
These will be fun, friendly and practical classes, with supporting notes, videos etc within the beautiful Pentland Hills.
Only 3 dogs per class.
Individual puppy or dog training also available.
Please get in touch to book or for further information. Please share with anyone you may know that might be looking for classes. 🙏🏻🐶

Does you dog have a naughty sense, a sense that leads them into trouble eg visual movement to chasing things, sniffing t...

Does you dog have a naughty sense, a sense that leads them into trouble eg visual movement to chasing things, sniffing to going awol in the gorse (like my previous dog) or just not listening to you as sniffing loads. It could be hearing things that leads to barking. Less common is touch but might be the vet/groomer touching them leads to over stimulation and a reaction. the more they do it the more bad choices they make.

Different breeds will have different naughty senses.

There are 2 ways to deal with this when required.

Switch it

If you can identify what sense gets them into trouble, you can develop a different sense in that situation.

For example, if chase driven, you can work on techniques that encourages them to use their nose eg scatter feed or if sniffy, work on them using their eyes, chasing food.

Direct it

If switching is too difficult you can direct it.

For example a sniffy dog who wants to sniff or flush something out, you can direct their sniffing to what you want them to sniff, tasty food, tripe stick etc. If policing the environment is there thing, you can teach them to police the ground instead.

Pick your battles!

You can direct it or you can switch it. So you can direct that sense into something more appropriate than what your dog maybe naturally wants to do. Or what you can do is you can switch it out for another sense.

Picture of 3 sniffy dogs who sniffed out fox poo then made the bad choice to roll in it 😂

How much do you spoil your pet?I score 9/10 😳🐶🥰Let me know I’m not alone 😂

How much do you spoil your pet?
I score 9/10 😳🐶🥰
Let me know I’m not alone 😂

Back to work after an amazing mini-break! Great opportunity to have some space to think about things going forward for W...

Back to work after an amazing mini-break! Great opportunity to have some space to think about things going forward for WOWdogs 🐶

Coming soon:

Small group puppy classes - likely end of May at Swanston

Life skills/general training classes - as above, will run after puppy classes, suitable for all dogs as training never ends!

Will update once venue booking confirmed, please do keep in mind if you know anyone who might be getting a puppy or have just got a puppy.

Introduction to scent classes coming in the future once I complete my instructor training at the end of May.

Confidence, games based sessions using basic agility equipment.

Ongoing 1-2-1 training or puppy coaching, walk and train.

Photo not of dogs but beautiful Icelandic horses which we were lucky to spend time with! 🐴


Geek Out!


The two really important considerations in the emotional arena for dogs, particularly those with behavioural struggles are fear and over-arousal.

Fear - spinning, pulling on lead, barking, lunging, licking,
Over arousal - same as above

We don’t necessarily know which emotion.

The biggest gift we can give these dogs is Calmness. If a dog is calm, they are likely to be settled, relaxing, chewing (appropriate) walking nicely on lead, sleeping, sniffing etc. You can teach calmness and it is such a great foundation to have alongside working on optimism and confidence.

Remember, what they rehearse they become, the more time they spend in calmness, the less their bucket is filled or they are practicing other behaviours.

Drop me a message if you would like any help with inspiring calmness in your dog 🐕


Give you dog their dinner by either playing catch or pinging it around as in this video. Look at her tail and the fun she is having. If kids in your house, I'm sure they will love this one. If you feed wet or raw, put in a Kong, hoof, lickimat and freeze. (Avoid slippy floors if your dog has any injuries or issues, carpet is better).

I have a growing interest in canine nutrition, (maybe obvious to those who know my dietetic background) and completed lo...

I have a growing interest in canine nutrition, (maybe obvious to those who know my dietetic background) and completed lots of learning around the topic. It’s a big area to consider in dog behaviour, longevity & prevention of disease.

An unhealthy gut microbiome (colonies of beneficial bacteria) can negatively affect your dog’s emotions and behaviour.

The food our dogs eat shapes the gut microbiome and if it’s in poor condition it can cause chronic illnesses, a poorer immune response and negatively affect their behaviour.

Positive nutritional influences are:

Variety of foods consumed- not the same kibble/protein source every meal for ever.
Consuming less processed foods (any food that has been altered). Includes lower quality kibble which maybe has been ultra processed.

What to do?

Safe and wise to encourage owners to feed their dog some fresh food a few times per week as a minimum, regardless of whether they feed kibble, wet food or raw. This could make a huge impact on longitivity, happiness, health and improve behaviour and there is strong evidence to support the addition of fresh food.

Use some of their daily food allowance for training, playing games and rewarding the behaviours we are trying to grow and for calming activities.

Consider the Contra-freeloading principle -dogs enjoy working for their food

Here is visual example of what I feed Tiggy, mostly alongside a good quality kibble - wet food, cooked veg, raw egg, can of sardines/tuna, chicken/turkey, sausage (not with onions), stuffed tracheas/hooves, yoghurt and some supplements (gut and anti plaque).
She has healthy poo with any of this lot. She gets less in a bowl, so I have allowance for training and to give her long lasting chews. She is a very happy dog.

Huge THANK YOU to everyone who has reviewed or recommended WOWdogs!I’ve learnt recently how important google reviews on ...

Huge THANK YOU to everyone who has reviewed or recommended WOWdogs!

I’ve learnt recently how important google reviews on social media are to a small local business. They help increase my reach so I can help more dogs and their owners. After months & months of Google not recognising my website, they finally have so this has now become more important! 🥳

However, I know at least 2 people who have left one but it’s then been removed 😩 so I have never seen it, therefore I have not acknowledged it.

Please could you comment ‘me’ if you have left one and I haven’t replied to it as I will ask Google to look into it.

If anyone else I’ve worked with has a minute and happy to leave a review, this would be hugely appreciated! I will pop my link in the comments! 🙏🏻


This weeks Sunday night tip is :
If you have a snuffle mat, use it to give your dogs kibble (or hide some tasty treats), if you don’t have one, hide food in a rolled up dish towel, in muffin tins with tennis balls on top or in a pile of blankets/throws. Great enrichment activity.

Happy Easter 🐣 Hoping it’s the start of some ☀️ and less mud!

Happy Easter 🐣
Hoping it’s the start of some ☀️ and less mud!

This made me laugh! Chocolate  is poisonous for dogs so hide (or eat those choccy eggs)🪺 🍳 🥚 🍫 Happy Easter 🐣

This made me laugh!
Chocolate is poisonous for dogs so hide (or eat those choccy eggs)🪺 🍳 🥚 🍫
Happy Easter 🐣


Brilliant progress with Lola’s loose lead walking. Using my favourite rewind game to help when she starts pulling forward, which she does beautifully! Well done Lola 👏🏻




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