Pawsitive Pups Dog Training

Pawsitive Pups Dog Training Pawsitive Pups Dog Training & The Happy Herder college, run by Angie Brown DipCBT, CCUI

Just a little reminder...back on Monday 29th July '24. Hope you all have a lovely week! Happy training 🐾🥰

Just a little reminder...back on Monday 29th July '24.

Hope you all have a lovely week! Happy training 🐾🥰

 One space has become available, in my 13:45 Control Unleashed Foundations course (in-person), starting Saturday 3rd Aug...

One space has become available, in my 13:45 Control Unleashed Foundations course (in-person), starting Saturday 3rd August, at our training facility, near Broxburn.

Comment below, or message if you're interested, and I'll get all of the information to you.

Happy to answer any questions too 🐾

Control Unleashed Foundation classes (in-person) now full for this session! If you'd like to be added to the waiting lis...

Control Unleashed Foundation classes (in-person) now full for this session!

If you'd like to be added to the waiting list, for future classes, just comment below!

To all students: There is a group email set up, and your important information, forms etc have been emailed to you, this morning. Please let me know if you haven't received them 😊 (check junk mail).

As a commitment to my ongoing learning, and to provide the best possible care, to the dogs and humans I work with, I'm t...

As a commitment to my ongoing learning, and to provide the best possible care, to the dogs and humans I work with, I'm thrilled to be able to add to my skill set now, and can now share my exciting news...

I passed my exam, WITH MERIT to be a Certified Dog Reactivity Specialist, through Nanci Creedon Dog Behaviourist Academy (she was a trainer on Channel 4's The Dog Academy). For all trainers out there, I highly recommend this course. It's hard going, and lasts 12 weeks, but so worth the effort. Nanci is a brilliant teacher, and a mine of information about all things Reactive Dog.


Passed the amazing Aggression in Dogs Master Course, by Michael Shikashio, which has taught me so much about working with dogs dealing with aggression and higher level, reactivity issues. This course has taken me several months to work through, and some of it is pretty tough to get through, emotionally, but absolutely worth every second, for someone like me, who wants to continue to help families with more challenging dogs.


New website is live!
👩‍🎓 Ready to take the next step in helping your pup reach their full potential? 🐶

Schedule a free discovery call with us to kickstart their training journey!

📞 Get in touch now at to see the difference Pawsitive Pups can make.

💪 reinforcement

An absolute joy to see this duo again, this week. This little guy has been working on some skills to help with his nervo...

An absolute joy to see this duo again, this week. This little guy has been working on some skills to help with his nervousness around other dogs and strange humans. The difference, in only a week, was incredible. Working with his human, we've been teaching him pattern games, and encouraging Ollie to use that highly sensitive Dachshund nose, to help relieve his big feelings. Fantastic progress, and it's a joy working with you both. Keep up the great work!

What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Saturday's loose lead workshop was great fun, and it was lovely to meet thes...

What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Saturday's loose lead workshop was great fun, and it was lovely to meet these beauties 🐾😍.

You guys did a great job, and your certificates are well earned! Also, thanks so much to Diane and Jo at Humble Hounds, for letting us use their amazing daycare fields (which are also bookable as secure fields for your dog's to play and have fun, safely)

Watch this space for future classes and workshops, coming soon!


I'm running this, free, 5-day (around 60/90 mins per day) training course, for anyone struggling with a 'reactive' Border Collie (other breed guardians welcome, however references will all related to Border Collies, due to their, sometime unique, traits)

To make sure you receive ALL notifications, reminders, workbooks, and homework, please register, for free, here:

What we'll cover:

Reactivity - what it is, and isn't, the human side of reactivity

Understanding Body Language - learn to 'read' your dog

The Mystery of Management - What we can do to prevent rehearsal of unwanted behaviours, while we train.

Reinforcement & Rewards - what to use, how and when to use them

Key Skills and Behaviours to teach - learn the skills to help your Border

Collie feel better, learn better, and chill out about all of the exciting things in their world!



If you're taking part in, and have registered for, the Reactive Border Collies Training, this is a reminder to join the Facebook group Pawsitive Pups Dog Training as that's where the lives will be streamed.

This is the page for the business, but the group is aimed at proving guidance and streaming the free live training courses I offer, throughout the year.

Anyone, with dog training challenges, is welcome to join the group though!

Hi Everyone!  Following my recent certification, as a Control Unleashed Instructor, I'm now going to be holding a free 5...

Hi Everyone! Following my recent certification, as a Control Unleashed Instructor, I'm now going to be holding a free 5-day training course (not all day, for 5 days!) for people struggling with Reactivity in their Border Collies.

The course will start on Monday May 27th at 13:00 UK time, and will be at the same time each day, until the Friday, via Facebook Live.

What we'll cover:
The human brain vs the Collie brain - how we view reactivity

What is reactivity (and what it isn't!)

Understanding body language - your dog can tell you all sorts, about how they are feeling, without being able to speak!

The mystery of Management - how to prevent the rehearsal of unwanted behaviours, while we train

Rewards & Reinforcements - what really matters to your dog?

Key Skills and Training - how to work through your dogs' reactions, based on the whys from previous days.

If you're interested in taking part, take a look and sign-up here:

Any questions, feel free to drop me a message and why not join my group Pawsitive Pups Dog Training in the meantime!

Do you find yourself apologising to people, outside, because you're embarrassed by your Border Collie's reactions towards them, or their dogs?


Does your dog have an 'off-switch'? This, short clip shows Zac (my rescue dog) building his ability to get a little bit excited, which he demonstrates in true Collie barking 😉 then, I'm teaching him to just stop and breathe, then go again. It's taken practice, which it does for many Border Collies, as being off duty doesn't come naturally to most of them!

From this, we can build on his ability to switch off and relax (which he does well indoors, but is still learning when outside)

❣️ This weekend, I'm running a promotion...50% off your first month in the Happy Herder! ❣️That's £14.99 for a full mont...

❣️ This weekend, I'm running a promotion...50% off your first month in the Happy Herder! ❣️

That's £14.99 for a full month's training, as many dogs as you have, for less than the cost of a takeaway!!

Over 80 video lessons, recorded live streams, pdf downloads, and more.

✅️ Access to my Happy Herder, private Facebook community
✅️ Live Q&A sessions
✅️ Monthly training challenges
✅️ A welcome call, to help get you started
✅️ Personalised feedback if you upload your training videos.

Click the link in comments, for full details and to sign up now using coupon code:

HALF-OFF (this weekend only)

🐾 Border Collies, say please?!!

Offer valid for first month, full-price payments (£29.99) will automatically resume if you do not cancel before the end of your month.

Thank you to Pawppy's Canine Pack for sharing this. Feeding in to an earlier post I wrote, this short article says it al...

Thank you to Pawppy's Canine Pack for sharing this. Feeding in to an earlier post I wrote, this short article says it all. I've seen people roll their eyes, when I try to explain the ancestral history of their dogs, because it's "not what they're for nowadays" but my mother used to say "what's in the tree, comes out in the branches" ❤️. If it's in their genes, it may be dormant, or sleeping, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.

So many of the behavioural problems, I see, stem from the instincts of the dogs. No, we're not shepherds, or Inuits, or Beaters, but there are ways to give your dog safe outlets for their natural drive and instincts to ensure their happiness and wellbeing.

Everyone who is thinking of getting dogs should read this because you need to understand this reality:

***I am a 21st century dog.***
-I'm a Malinois.
Overskilled among dogs, I excel in all disciplines and I'm always ready to work: I NEED to work.
But nowadays I get asked to chill on the couch all day everyday.

-I am an Akita Inu.
My ancestors were selected for fighting bears.
Today I get asked to be tolerant and I get scolded for my reactivity when another approaches me.

-I am a Beagle.
When I chase my prey, I raise my voice so the hunters could follow.
Today they put an electric collar on me to shut up, and you make me come back to you - no running - with a snap of your fingers.

-I am a Yorkshire Terrier.
I was a terrifying rat hunter in English mines.
Today they think I can't use my legs and they always hold me in their arms.

-I'm a Labrador Retriever.
My vision of happiness is a dive into a pond to bring back the duck he shot to my master.
Today you forget I'm a walking, running, swimming dog; as a result I'm fat, made to stay indoors, and to babysit.

-I am a Jack Russell.
I can take on a fox, a mean badger, and a rat bigger than me in his den.
Today I get scolded for my character and high energy, and forced to turn into a quiet living room dog.

-I am a Siberian Husky.
Experienced the great, wide open spaces of Northern Europe, where I could drag sleds for long distances at impressive speeds.
Today I only have the walls of the house or small garden as a horizon, and the holes I dig in the ground just to release energy and frustration, trying to stay sane.

-I am a border collie
I was made to work hours a day in partnershipwith my master, and I am an unmistakable artist of working with the herd.
Today they are mad at me because, for lack of sheep, I try to check bikes, cars, children in the house and everything in motion.

I am ...
I am a 21st century dog.
I'm pretty, I'm alert, I'm obedient, I stay in a bag...but I'm also an individual who, from centuries of training, needs to express my instincts, and I am *not* suited for the sedentary life you'd want me to lead.
Spending eight hours a day alone in the house or in the garden - with no work and no one to play or run with, seeing you for a short time in the evening when you get home, and only getting a small toilet walk will make me deeply unhappy.
I'll express it by barking all day, turning your yard into a minefield, doing my needs indoors, being unmanageable the rare times I'll find myself outside, and sometimes spending my days sunk, sad, lonely, and depressed, on my pillow.
You may think that I should be happy to be able to enjoy all this comfort while you go to work, but actually I’ll be exhausted and frustrated, because this is absolutely NOT what I'm meant to do, or what I need to be doing.
If you love me, if you've always dreamed of me, if my beautiful blue eyes or my athletic look make you want me, but you can't give me a real dog's life, a life that's really worth living according to my breed, and if you can't offer me the job that my genes are asking, DO NOT buy or adopt me!
If you like the way I look but aren't willing to accept my temperament, gifts, and traits derived from long genetic selection, and you think you can change them with only your good will, then DO NOT BUY OR ADOPT ME.
I’m a dog from the 21st century, yes, but deep inside me, the one who fought, the one who hunted, the one who pulled sleds, the one who guided and protected a herd still lives within.
So think **very** carefully before you choose your dog. And think about getting two, rather than one, so I won't be so very lonely waiting for you all day. Eight or ten hours is just a workday to you, but it's an eternity for me to be alone.
Like David Attenborough Fans for more:


Check out my blog post

Is your Border Collie showing signs of reactivity? Discover how to identify and manage it effectively. Visit to find out more! 🌟 Share your experiences with us.

Border Collies are renowned for their intelligence, independence of thought, agility, and unparalleled work ethic. However, alongside their remarkable traits, and often unquenchable athleticism, our dogs can sometimes exhibit behaviours that might seem challenging to mere mortals, such as us. One su...

Introducing another dog to your household is a BIG decision. What's the current setup? Which breeds/sexes do you have al...

Introducing another dog to your household is a BIG decision. What's the current setup? Which breeds/sexes do you have already? Are the resident dogs well-adjusted enough to be likely to accept the new addition? What's the temperament/history of the new dog? In our case, Zac was a circa 8-year-old rescue, afraid of life but loved other people and dogs. He wasn't even bothered by cats.

To say Oskar's nose has been out of joint, would be an understatement!

It's taken 9 months of work, and supervising their interactions, training together, and separately, but finally, the boys are able to lie together ❤️ 💙. Bailey, on the other hand...she just acted like Zac had always been there, from the start.

Don't be afraid to have a conversation with your vet, when it comes to your Border Collie's care. This article also ment...

Don't be afraid to have a conversation with your vet, when it comes to your Border Collie's care. This article also mentions White German Shepherds and a couple of other breeds too.

A couple of times, this week, I've read about Border Collies having life threatening issues, while being prepped for surgeries.

I've also had 3 clients, over the past 4 months, whose Collies were prescribed anti-epilepsy drugs for anxiety, and they reacted adversely to them.

I'd like to say, first of all, THESE INSTANCES ARE VERY RARE, AND SHOULDN'T STOP PEOPLE SEEKING APPROPRIATE TREATMENT FOR THEIR DOGS. However, it prompted me to do some research, which I do tons of anyway, in my work with Collies.

This article is very jargony, but nevertheless important, and I wanted to share.

Essentially, most already know that Collies can't have products with Ivermectin in them, but newer research suggests that there are possibly a variety of other chemicals that warrant asking questions too.

It's not saying 'white feet, don't treat' but it is saying 'white feet, ask questions and check to see if we can treat'

If it helps one owner, to ask questions and avoid complications for your dog's, then it's worth sharing.

It's also scientific research, as with every piece of advuce I offer. #:~:text=Recognizing%20that%20the%20collies%20and,%2Dsensitive%20collies%20(2).

The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.

 I have some very exciting news to share! After much back and forth, I can confirm that, from early April, I'll be runni...

I have some very exciting news to share! After much back and forth, I can confirm that, from early April, I'll be running 1-2-1 sessions, classes and workshops, from our very own training facility 😍.

It's currently a work in progress, but I was so excited to share it with you all. Little bit of imagination required, at the moment 😂.

The facility is located in the grounds of the beautiful Craigton Steading, just outside Winchburgh. Only 2 minutes from the M9 motorway, but completely peaceful, secluded and free from cars, and other fast moving triggers.

I'll be starting with:
🐾Adolescent classes from 26th March at 6pm.

🐾Loose lead Walking Workshop on Saturday 30th March from 1-3:30pm

🐾Puppy Classes to be confirmed

Lots more to be added.

Get in touch to book your space! These classes are not just for Border Collies, but for all breeds!

If 1-2-1 is more suited, just let me know and we can get you booked in 🐾.

Happy Herder Online Training is open for enrolment.If you're struggling with your Border Collie, and feel like you have ...

Happy Herder Online Training is open for enrolment.

If you're struggling with your Border Collie, and feel like you have tried everything, why not give it a go?

Click the link below for more information:

Don't worry, you're not alone. I've been there too, and I'm here to help you navigate the unique challenges of raising a Border Collie.


Does your puppy/rescue, or dog, really recognise their name? This easy peasy game helps build name recognition, AS WELL AS doubling up as a baseline for recall.

The game is called Whiplash Turn...give it a go!

If you'd like to see more videos, and training, visit


Thursday thought challenge:

What is THE, single,most important thing you think you can (and should) do, to prepare for a new dog coming into your family?

Any suggestions in the comments please...I'll add the correct answer (yes, there's a right answer 😉) at the end of the day.

COLD WEATHER GUIDANCE FOR YOU DOG.We often talk about how hot is safe, for dogs to be outside walking, but what about ho...


We often talk about how hot is safe, for dogs to be outside walking, but what about how cold?

Different breeds can cope with varying degrees of cold, for example, a Husky, or a Great Pyrenees, can cope with some pretty extreme temperatures. They're the exception, rather than the rule though.

Given the drops in temperature this week, I thought it would be good to offer some guidance. The picture below, courtesy of Better Vets, shows some guidance as to how long it may be safe, for most breeds, to play outside safely.

When you're out, if you see any of the following, and it's not normal behaviour for your dog, it's time to bring your dog inside to the warm...

❣️ lifting and shaking paws
❣️ unusual stopping/refusal to move
❣️ whining
❣️ excessive panting
❣️ shivering

Be guided by your dog.

Would you walk in it, in your bare feet for an hour? If the answer is no, then limit exposure for your dog's pads.

Frozen ground can cause cuts and gashes to paw pads, and damge ligaments and muscles, so limit chasing of balls etc.

Most of all, stay safe in this next couple of weeks 🐾💕


New for 2024!

Struggling with your rescue dog?

Get in touch for help. Rescues can often require a very different approach to training, than dogs you've had since a puppy.

🐾 Very limited history
🐾 Unknown specific breed traits (especially for cross-breeds)
🐾 Often, we have no idea what treatment they received previously
🐾 Unexpected behaviours

❣️ Careful introductions
❣️ Plenty of patience
❣️ Go at the dog's pace. He'll let you know when he's ready
❣️ Start as if you're training a puppy

Rescues come to us from a whole host of backgrounds, and we can't always know what that was like. These histories have shaped the dog you see in front of you, but that doesn't have to be their story.

I can help you build a training plan, which is crucial, as it helps you see progress. I can also help you identify the most important things to work on, and build a step-by-step approach to achieving that.

With progress updates, and videos to accompany the training sessions, if needed, we can work together to bring out the best in your dog, and your relationship.

If you want to make lasting changes, get in touch for help.

Happy New Year to all of you! I'm excited to get cracking and look forward to working with you all, this year. What trai...

Happy New Year to all of you! I'm excited to get cracking and look forward to working with you all, this year.

What training goals do you have for 2024?

Let's start with something fun. Post a photo that describes your pup best 🐾😍

Full of beans, energetic, serious, snuggly? Let's see...Oskar is energetic and on-the-go.







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