Plank forearm around the circle and do a tricep push up at every cone. On the minute every minute, switch and go inside the circle for an core oblique challenge.
We where back at Pilrig this morning for Braw Bootcamp. With the team putting in a great effort as always as they were put through their paces over 3 rounds.
After a extended core blast at the start. Followed by a triple strength & cardio round lasting just under 30 mins. The video below is a wee clip of the finisher:
1 pommel jump
1 squat thrust
1 push up
1 rollover to crunch = 1 rep
Do this twice and then run 40 meters twice.
Add on 2 reps & runs every round up to 10.
Great for core strength end endurance.
Thanks as always for coming along & have a great w/end.
Back next Saturday at 10am.
#brawbootcamp #outdoorfitness #pilrigpark #leithfitness #groupexercise #edinburghfitness #corestrength #strengthandconditioning #bootcamp
Round 3 at Bootcamp this morning:
With a partner:
21 squat presses + v-sit crunch taps
switch and take 1 off every set all the way down to 1 squat press!.
Easy Peasy!!!
The Finisher at Braw Bootcamp this morning:
Another great shift by the team this morning!.
After a fullbody workout over 3 rounds. Here is little clip of the finisher:
In pairs do 100 med ball slams between the two of you. You can only do 10 max in one go whilst your partner does half burpees until you have done your 10 reps.
Great for building power and aerobic fitness.
Back next Saturday at 10am.
Have a great w/end team.
#brawbootcamp #endurancetraining #leithfitness #pilrigpark #groupfitness #OutdoorFitness #groupexercise #strengthandconditioning #Bootcamp #ropeexercises #corestrength
A cardio/core round during Braw Bootcamp today.
10 plank forearms - high knee sprints
switch and take 1 off each round.
Great for aerobic endurance and core strength.
What a shift by the team today!.
Like the previous 45 minutes wasn't enough. The team finished with the squat thrust finisher today!.
Squat Thrusts are extremely tough but are great at building power, strength and aerobic endurance.
In 2 teams get in as many individual squat thrust as you can.
15 secs work/10 secs recover
14 secs work/10 sec recovery
All the way down to 1 second.
The team with highest amount gives the other team a 1 minute exercise to finish.
As the team came to the end here you can see how tough it is.
Awesome job as always everyone. Thank you for coming out.
Back next Saturday at 10am.
Have a great w/end
#brawbootcamp #OutdoorExercise #groupfitness #pilrigpark #leithfitness #endurancetraining #squatthrusts #outdoorfitness #corestrength #Bootcamp #strengthandconditioning
Mike Tyson Push Up finisher this morning at Bootcamp:
10 Mike Tyson Push Ups + 50 metre Run x 10
Easy Peasy for the Braw Bootcampers!!!
Thanks for coming out team.
Back next Saturday at 10am.
Have a great w/end
#brawbootcamp #strengthandconditioning #endurancetraining #StrengthAndStability #leithfitness #bootcamp #EdinburghFitness #OutdoorExercise #Groupfitness #corechallenge
Braw Bootcamp Finisher:
What a shift from the Team today at Braw Bootcamp.
After a core blast to start. The team then had a 4 exercise 220 repetition set mixed in with various movement exercises. Then there was this killer finisher to finish off at Pilrig this morning.
90 seconds seesaw plank + squat oblique knee crunch
Repeat and take off 15 secs each set until you are down to 15 secs.
Braw Bootcampers, great effort and thank you for coming out!.
Back next Saturday at 10am.
Have a great w/end
#brawbootcamp #strengthandconditioning #pilrigpark #leithfitness #groupfitness #endurance #outdoorexercise #edinburghfitness #CoreChallenge
Finisher at Bootcamp this morning:
What a team, what a effort!.
Thanks for coming out folks.
Back next Saturday at 10am.
Have a great w/end
#brawbootcamp #strengthandconditioning #groupfitness #outdoorexercise #leithfitness #pilrigpark #CoreStrength #brawbootcamp #endurancetraining #CoreChallenge
Nice to be back this morning after having last week off.
The focus of today was high repetitions individually, in pairs and as a group for the finisher below. High reps and low/moderate weights really help build muscular endurance. However on the finisher below the use of the bag was to build power.
Each person does 10 overhead bag slams whilst the others do either mountain climbers or burpees. Once 150 bag slams have been done job done!.
Great to have you back team.
Welcome back Nadia!.
Have a great w/end
#brawbootcamp #leithfitness #strengthandconditioning #groupfitness #outdoorexercise #Bootcamp #endurancetraining #pilrigpark #CoreStrength #edinburghfitness
A little clip form the finisher this morning:
1 min plank hold. Every 5 secs do a push up.
1 min squat hold. Every 5 secs do a squat jump.
Repeat and take off 15 secs each round.
Great for building core strength and muscular endurance in the lower and upper body.
As always great effort and special shout out to Kirsten!.
Back next Saturday at 10am.
Have a great w/end
#brawbootcamp #strengthandconditioning #groupfitness #outdoorfitness #coreworkout #endurancetraining #hiitworkout #leithfitness #edinburghfitness #pilrigpark #Bootcamp
The Braw Bootcamp team were a bit quiet for this finisher this morning: 😢
1 min weighted high knee sprints
1 minute lateral hurdle jumps
Do a bear crawl in between & switch:
Do twice in total then do a 200 metre run + 50 power jacks!.
Great effort as always team!!!
Back next Saturday at 10am.
Have a great w/end
#brawbootcamp #leithfitness #groupexercise #outdoorexercise #pilrigpark #endurance #strengthandconditioning #EasyPeasy #groupfitness #outdoorfitness #coreexercises #Bootcamp