Clever clever Bertie the #BorderCollie. We try and incorporate some fun into every lesson with our weekly attendees.
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Another entry from Tink the #Cockapoo (she needs her own page, Wendy!). Practising her stand and ALWAYS wagging her tail. Such a little Ray of sunshine.
#cockapoosofinstagram #cockapoolove #cockapootraining #cockapoo_corner #standposition #dogclass #dogclasses #rewardbaseddogtraining #eghamdogtraining #happydog #happygirl #alwayswagging #loveher #specialgirl
We've been working on proofing our chin rest by working towards applying ear drops. Many dogs run away when a bottle comes anywhere near their ears and that's often because a positive buffer isn't present. We're teaching our dogs that bottles coming near the ears doesn't mean anything bad, in fact, it just means a treat will soon be given!
We done Team Gregg for being amazing as always.
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Clever Cooper the #australianlabradoodle has mastered his "cross paws" trick. Now to teach him to uncross them and cross back the other way!
#rewardbaseddogtraining #dogclass #eghamdogtraining #dogclasses #surreydogtraining #dogtrainingclasses #dogtrainingclass #trickdog #australianlabradoodlesofinstagram #australianlabradoodles #labdradoodle #labradoodletraining #labradoodlesofinstagram
This is a fun little trick we've been working on in some of our classes. Poppy the #workingcockerspaniel is one if my top "hold" dogs and she got this in minutes. Special girl ๐ฅฐ๐งก
This is a trick we've been working on with some of our regulars. Star the #bordercollie has nailed it. Clever Collie! โค
#bordercollietraining #bordercollietricks #bordercolliesofinstagram #colliesofinstagram #collielovers #collielove #collielife #trickdog #tricktraining #tricks #clickertrainingfordogs #rewardbaseddogtraining
We adore @basiltheboxer. Training a #Boxer is always a unique experience. Basil brings so much to the table and makes us all laugh constantly, but he is the nosiest dog I think we've ever trained. He does what he's told and is a super boy, but he just has to watch what everyone else is doing first ๐คฃ.
People think Boxers need harsh training methods. WRONG! Here he's showing he can be top of the class, with not a slip lead or harsh word in sight.
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I'm so proud of this boy. We've been adding another layer of self control into our targeted distance sits when moving away from the owner. The dog thinks they are likely to be allowed to eat the treat on the plate when they hear the release cue. You can see that was Elvis' intention, but he then heard his guardian say "come" and he did just that. He was, of course, allowed to eat the treat off the plate after that. What a good boy ๐. Well done Team Elvis ๐บ
#rewardbaseddogtraining #dogclass #eghamdogtraining #dogclasses #dogtrainingclass #dogtrainingclasses #surreydogtraining #emergencysit #emergencystop #colliecrosstraining #colliecross #cleverboy #teamelvis
The weather has been SO rubbish this week ๐ง. We're all for wrapping up and walking in it, but the princess doesn't really enjoy it, so we cut walks slightly short and practise some #scentwork instead. We've been practising recently on some teeny weeny little penguins. You can see when she's found the right one as she hovers her nose over it. It absolutely takes longer to pick them all up than partake in the training!
#scentworktraining #scentworkinstructor #scentworkfun #scentworkfordogs #scentworkuk #scentdiscrimination #whippetscentwork #whippettraining #rainydaytraining
Clever little Poppy the #workingcockerspaniel. The objective was to stop in the box before getting to the plate of food. Smashed it!
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Jessie the ex street dog may have had to dodge some bullets in the past, but thankfully they are now only bullets of love ๐
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Bonty's "stand" from a distance is coming along well. Clever little #Lhasa!
#LhasaApso #lhasalovers #lhasalove #lhasatraining #lhasaapso #lahsaapsotraining #rewardbaseddogtraining #dogtrainingclass #eghamdogtraining #dogclasses #dogtrainingclasses #surreydogtraining #standposition