It’s easy to overlook the dental needs of small ponies, especially those on restricted diets for weight management. However, these smaller equines sometimes face unique dental challenges due to the size of their petite heads. These tiny heads must accommodate the same number of teeth as their larger counterparts, 12 incisors and 24 molars, however with limited space it can often result in significant dental problems.
Smaller breeds, such as Welsh As, Welsh Bs, and Shetlands, are particularly prone to:
• Overcrowding and tooth displacement: This can lead to diastemata (gaps between teeth) and painful periodontal disease.
• Uneven wear patterns: Misaligned teeth wear abnormally, leading to occlusal overgrowths which can impact comfort and chewing efficiency.
• Missing molars: Due to lack of space sometimes molars are absent, therefore the opposing teeth will hyper-erupt, leading to large, very uncomfortable overgrowths that will continually worsen over time if not addressed. These large overgrowths will cause a lot of pain over their lifetime and will cause difficulty eating.
Routine dental checks, at least once or twice per year, are so important for ensuring:
• Early detection of dental disease and discomfort.
• Proper maintenance of chewing surfaces to promote efficient mastication.
• Comfort from sharp enamel points and occlusal overgrowths, which are inevitable without intervention.
Since horses, ponies, and donkeys have hypsodont teeth (continuously erupting throughout their lives), dental issues will ALWAYS escalate if left untreated.
At this time of year, equine dental technicians frequently encounter older small ponies struggling to chew hay. Often, these ponies have been overlooked due to their reputation as “good doers.” Unfortunately, by the time their difficulty eating is noticed, their dental issues may be severe, causing unnecessary pain and possibly even malnutrition.
By prioritising regular dental care, we can improve the welfare of these animals. Together, we can ensure they remain comfortable, healthy, and able to enjoy their food as they age.