💛🖤 Happy Sunday Everyone🖤💛
I realise I haven’t just done a content post for a while, it’s normally regarding time off etc… so here’s Alejandro, the Leopard Gecko, enjoying some lunch!🐆 🦎
He is here on his holidays whilst his owners enjoy their honeymoon. We are happy to accept pretty much all reptiles for homeboarding so always something to consider if you need a hand!
Hope you all have a lovely sunday 🙂🙂🙂
#leopardgecko #leopardgeckosofinstagram #leopardgeckosofig #exoticpets #exoticpet #reptiles #reptilelover #reptilesofinstagram #reptile #oat #reptileboarding #reptileboardinguk #petsitter #petsitting #petsitterlife #petsittingservices #petsitters #lovemyjob #happy #sunday #happysunday #happysundayeveryone
🐓 The most friendliest cockerel and his wives 🐓
Chickens are one of my most favourite animals, just love their mannerisms and little noises 🥰🥹
#chicken #chickensofinstagram #chickens #chickensofig #hens #hensofinstagram #cockerel #cockerelsofinstagram #cockerels #rooster #roostersofinstagram #petsitter #petsitting #petsitterlife #petsittingservices #petsitters #petsittersofinstagram #petsitterslife #petsittingbusiness
How scrummy are these babies! All enjoying a some fresh cool water together in this heat. So adorable ☺️ #chick #chickensofinstagram #chicken #littlechick #babies #babiesofinstagram #babychickens #thirstywork #cheepcheep #cheepcheepcheep
What’s your sunday morning look like? Mines spent bathing this boy 🐢😂 #tortoise #tortoiselife #tortoiselove #tortoisesofinstagram #bath #bathtime #bathtimefun #squeakyclean
First time dog sitting Nina and Luna… Do you think Nina likes me? 😂😂😛
She definitely is a kiss on the first date kinda gal 🙈
#dogsitting #dogsitter #dogsit #dogsittingservices #dogsitterlife #kissonthefirstdate #doggykisses #doggykiss #
What A Gorgeous Morning For Dog Walking 🐾 🖤 ☀️ 🤩 #packwalk #packwalknation #packwalking #dog #dogsofinsta #dogwalker #dogwalkersofinstagram #dogwalking #dogwalk #dogwalkerlife #dogwalkingservices #dogwalks #dogwalkinglife #sun #sunshine #sunnyday #beautiful #happyday #happydogs
🐀 Cutest Little Wrinkle Butts 🐀
Tiki and Peaches having their playtime, absolutely love these girls 🩷
#rat #rats #ratstagram #ratsofinstagram #ratsareawesome #rexrat #rexratsofinstagram #rexratofinstagram #rexrats #playtime #playtimefun #cute #cuteanimals #cutenessoverload
🤎🖤 Rolo & Freya 🖤🤎
These two matchy matchy doggos met today and instantly hit it off.
Lovely day dog sitting Freya with a visit to Rolo in the mix. We went into town, out for a pub lunch and down to pocket park 🐾
#rottweiler #rottweilersofinstagram #rottweilerpuppy #jackrussell #jackrussellterrier #jackrussellsofinstagram #dogsitting #dogsitter #dogsitterlife #dogsittingservices #dogsittinglife #saturdaymarket #saturdayvibes
🥰 Ok video is for size context… He’s a biiiig boy 😂
Can anyone guess what breed Merle is… Nope not Irish Wolfhound, he is a cross between something completely different! 🐶
#big #dog #bigdog #bigdogsofinstagram #bigdogsrule #giant #giantdogs #giantdogsofinstagram #crossbreed #guesswho #guesswhat #what #breed #whatbreedisthis #dogsitter #dogsitterlife #dogsit #dogsittersofinstagram #dogsittingservices #dogsittinglife #dogsittingadventures #dogsitters
🐾 I WISH I had my phone out a few mins before this video when everyone was going completely bonkers playing together 😂🙈
I missed it but here’s todays group walk, everyone nice and chilled after playing a mad game of chase 😂😂😂🐾🐾
Indie, Huxley, Lady and Derek 🖤
#packwalk #packwalksofinstagram #dog #dogsofinstagram #dog #walk #dogwalk #dogwalkersofinstagram #dogwalker #dogwalkerlife #dogwalkingservices #dogwalkingbusiness #coldday❄️ #coldweather
I can only apologise for the fun had today by Eddie and Daisy 🙈🙈 #mudmonster #muddypuddles #dirtydog #wetwalks #splash #dog #dogsofinstagram #labrador #labradorretriever #labradorsofinstagram #sillydogsofinstagram #sillydog #sillydoggo #dog #walk #dogwalk #dogwalkersofinstagram #dogwalker #dogwalkerlife
🧡 Ginger Fun Club This Morning 🧡
#redhairdontcare #gingerdog #gingerdogs #gingerdogsofinstagram #redlab #cavapoo #duck #to #ducktollingretriever #foggy #foggymorning