Well it’s safe to say our dune geckos LOVE being on our leopard gecko bedding
Who’s egg-cited for baby geckos 🥰😍
Do you need an ultra fine mist on a larger scale?
Then no need to look any further! Tell your friends that the Rainmaker has you covered 😎
They say a photo speaks a thousand words
Well… here’s a video to show how simple, yet mighty our rainmaker is 😁
What’s the one reptile you never see until lights go out?
Have you topped up your substrates yet!?
We have said it once
We will say it again!
Finding decor that fits the needs of your pets is so important
Not only does it help to make them feel more comfortable in our homes, it also gives you a chance to possibly see more natural behaviours!!
Like this false chameleon on our Grapevine 😁
Easy to build
Easy to move
Easy to clean
Wonderful to look at
Water tight bottom
Black out sides
Humidifier cap on the lid
Do you need me to go on? 👀
We’ve teamed up with Responsible Reptile Keeping to launch the Worldwide Reptile Super Survey!
The data collected will help governments make sensible laws and ensure reptiles are kept responsibly, so a few minutes of your time can make an enormous difference.
Follow the link in our bio, watch the quick video, and then complete the survey.
You’ll receive a free digital magazine and you could even win a big cash prize!
#WorldwideReptileSuperSurvey #DatalsKing #Setting TheRecordStraight #TeamRRK #RRK
#ResponsibleReptileKeeping #TheKeeperMagazine #TKM #Reptilekeeping #Reptilekeeper #Responsiblekeeping #Responsiblekeeper #Ethicalreptilekeeping #Ethicalreptilekeeper #ReptileEnrichment #AnimalWelfare #ReptileWelfare #AnimalHusbandry #ReptileHusbandry #Reptile Conservation #ReptileAdvocacy #Herpetology #ReptileEducation #Reptilecare
#Reptilepets #Companionreptile
When you realise the person cleaning isn’t dinner 😭
We want to wish you all a wonderful new year
Eyes peeled for 2025 👀👀
Love team HabiStat 💚
This Bauers chameleon gecko is enjoying some of our crested gecko diet over at @penfoldsreptiles 😁