Wishing you all a bright and happy holiday, from our furry family to yours 🐾🎄❤️#MerryChristmas #DogsOfChristmas #HolidayLove
🐾 Introducing Our New Fishy #SlobberBox Treat Box for Dogs! 🐟
We're excited to launch a delicious and healthy treat box packed with all-natural fish snacks your pup will love! 🌿🐕 Perfect for dogs of all sizes, these treats are packed with protein, omega-3s, and essential nutrients to support their health and happiness. 🐾💚
🌊 100% natural fish 🐕 Great for training or spoiling your furry friend 💪 Supports healthy skin, coat, dental hygene and joints
Treat your dog to something truly special today! 🐾💙
#HealthyPets #NaturalDogTreats #FishTreats #DogLovers #HappyPup #HealthySnacks #DogTreatBox
🐾✨ Question Time! ✨🐾 What’s your pet’s favorite weekend activity? 🐶🐱 Do they love long walks, cozy naps, or maybe playtime at the park? 🌳⚽️ Share your pet’s weekend plans in the comments below! Let’s see how our furry friends like to spend their days off! 🥰⬇️
#PetQuestion #WeekendVibes #PetActivities #PetLovers #FurryFriends # #mrslobberchops #slobberchops
Love seeing our customers bowls 🥰
@10_shihtzus_and_counting are taste testing our new powder and send this shortly video of their pooches food bowls 😳
We have been told that they have clean bowls all round 👏👏
#newpowder #newstockalert #newproductcomingsoon #tastetest #cleanbowls #mrslobberchops #slobberchops #naturalpethealth #producttester
Today is National take your dog to work day......🐕
Show us your pictures of your dogs at work ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#nationaltakeyourdogtoworkday #takeyourdogtoworkday #dogsatwork #whatdoesyourdogdo #slobberchops #mrslobberchops #naturalpethealth
Where are our products made, you ask? 🤔
When looking for products, lotions and potions for you or your animals, we encourage you to always ask questions! Like what are the ingredients and where does it come from?
Here at Mr Slobberchops we have been passionate about the prevention of fleas and ticks for a number of years, so let us share our sourcing with you for full transparency.
So where does it all come from? 🤔
All of our Gels, Balms, Spot ons and Don’t Bug Me sprays are made in house 🥰
Our Don’t Bug Me Supplement is made for us here in the UK to our own recipe, and our powders such as Milk thistle for example also come from trusted, clean, ethical sources from the UK.
All these products are from or formulated in the South Coast where we reside, this means we can work closely with our manufacturers 😊
All products are our own formulations which are created by our lovely Tami ❣️
Our Amber collars are sourced from the baltics and are pure amber
Our flea collars are from china as we cannot currently source them in the uk.
The collars are made from our chosen oils and resourcing is always on-going, we hope to change this to a UK or European manufacturer in the near future.
If there is anything endangered or overly sourced we will find an alternative rather than add to the problem.
Issues with chemical flea and tick medicines have been highlighted for quite a few years now, here are some links from 2020 onwards are included here for your perusal 🧐
#whereareourproductsfrom #whomakeswhat #ourownformula #dontbugmenow #dontbugme #mrslobberchops #slobberchops #naturalpethealth #completetransparancy
#openpolicy #honestandopen #fleaandtickprevention #fleaandtick #nochemicalshere #allnaturalproducts
Do not forget to enter our giveaway before midnight!!!
One lucky winner will receive a £100 of products...... absolutely free!
#closingsoon #timesensitive #bequick #dontmissout #mrslobberchops #winnerwinner #whowillwin #closingtonight #slobberchops #1yearanniversary #comesofar
It has been almost a whole year since we acquired the Mr Slobberchops brand 😳
We have decided to celebrate with you by offering a giveaway 🎉🎉
All we ask is that you comment on our post, invite your friends to follow us and share our amazing products with your fellow pet owners.
The cut off for entering is midnight Wednesday 12th June, winner will be picked at random and will receive the contents of the basket shown in the video 🥰
Get tagging, sharing and commenting ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
#anniversarygiveaway #luckywinner #dontbugmenow #mrslobberchops #slobberdogs #slobberchops #giveaway #dogsofinstagram #notjustfordogs #lovemyjob #loveourcustomers #shareaway #commentbelow #inviteyourfriends #tellyourfriendsaboutus
We can't believe how popular this product has already been 😳
The amount of messages we have received from our customer keen to add it to their orders 🥰
One our customers uses our Dog spot on for her Shih tzus but purchased it for her little chihuahua 🐾
Thank you so much for all your support and love ❣️
#newproductlaunch #newproduct #herbalcatspoton #catspoton #fleaandtickprevention #fleaswhatfleas #idealforsmalldogs #catsofinsta #instagramcats #newtothemarket #slobberchops #chihuahua #shihtzu #notjustforcats #loveourcustomers
Mr Slobberchops for Cats!
Some of you had already guessed what we were up to 🙈 But now the secret is out of the bag!!!
After two years in the making we are finally proud to launch our first ever Cat product 🎉🎉
During the last two years there have been many phone calls, emails and people at shows outright begging for a cat product. After much testing, our NEW Cat Spot On has finally been born!
Although not proven it is thought that many cats do not have the ability to break down some of the components in some essential oils. These are called 'Phenols' and can cause liver damage or worse. However Research in this area is ongoing.
We have therefore chosen super low & Phenol free, pure, therapeutic grade essential oils & hydrosols for our cat spot on for this reason. We use very high dilutions of essential oils and never scented oils.
There are always going to be those that even the most gentle of products do not suit, but we can assure you that no fillers, harsh chemicals or neurotoxins are involved in any of our products.
But can I use this on my dog, we hear your scream 🗣️
Our dog spot-on CANNOT be used on cats, but the cat version can be used on dogs and is more suited to those more sensitive and teeny tiny dogs.
How To Use?
Using oils with animals especially with cats, we suggest opening the bottle and leaving it in a room that the cat is in and watching what they do. If they run, try again another time and see if they get used to it but do not apply at this time. If they like it, let them get accustomed to the scent before applying. Some cats choose to lay by oils whilst others run a mile. Cats are way more sensitive than most dogs so go as slow as is needed.
A word of Caution for Epileptic pets and people
Essential oils and Epilepsy is something we are often asked about. Epilepsy triggers are sometimes easy to spot, but not always. It is known that essential oils can often be triggers for those Epileptics so we say to stay clear just i
We are hoping to have our subscription boxes back up and running again soon ☺️
These proved popular previously and with the addition of new products it helps take out the stress of having to remember to purchase items.
Not only will we have the Feclab worming kits set up as a subscription, but also boxes with our amazing products in ☺️
We may also in time bring back the treat ones if you would like them 😋
#subscriptionboxes #onelessthingtoremeber #mrslobberchops #slobberchops #naturalpethealth #doggysubscriptionbox #shopsmall #supportingsmallbusinesses #dogsmatteetoo #subscriptionboxfordogs
#fleaticksandworms #parasiteprevention #dontbugmenow #dontbugmenow #fleaswhatfleas
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 🐾
#happynewyear #healthynewyear #prosperousnewyear #mrslobberchops #slobberchops