🥶Morning all!❄️
Not everyone’s favourite weather, but I do love a frosty morning to get my brain working!
What do you and your dog think about it?
Personally the dogs I have walked have loved the Sniffarri! When it’s cold, smells stay closer to the ground and it’s all been about noses to the floor!
Though… it’s not the best day to let off your dog, unless they have a flashing beacon on their heads! 🚨 Especially if they don’t have a strong recall or stay close!
Iv seen a few dogs being chastised this morning…
❓I want you to think about this -
🤔 Whose fault is it!!
⚠️ Think before you let them off!! ⚠️
If you need help with recall, take a look at this link https://www.fourpawsandtrails.co.uk/service-page/explore-school-5?referral=service_list_widget
The next group starts on Sunday 23rd March 23rd March at 10am
#dogsadvocate #achieveyourgoals #knowledgeiskey #fourpawstrainingacademy
🏞️🌳 Out and About! 🌳🏞️
One of my favourite parts of our groups sessions, is the out and abouts! Why? Seeing everyone in a natural environment and putting what we’ve learnt into practice.
Most importantly we are on hand to help, give advice and see the improvements. We will always advise next steps continue your learning with your companions.
We do our and about sessions with all our groups and I also do them in my one to ones.
It’s important for me to know that everyone has the skills that’s needed to help their companions.
For more information on our next available group, please follow this link 🔗 https://www.fourpawsandtrails.co.uk/service-page/explore-school-4?referral=service_list_widget
#dogbehaviourtraining #dogtrainingleicester #dogtraininggroupclasses #dogtrainingisfun #dogtrainingleicestershire
✨🦮Are you getting a new dog soon? 🐾✨
👉🏻 We have one place left on the Discovery School that starts on Sunday 5th Jan at 11:15am.
❓Who will be the last lucky new caregivers to join us with their companion on our first 2025 Discovery School group.
💡Why choose Discovery School?
To form a strong bond and relationship with your new dog.
🗺️ Begin your new journey with a positive and informative start, understanding what your dog is telling you and why they can’t do certain things. With this knowledge you will have a firm foundation to teach the first steps of training.
Want to know more? https://www.fourpawsandtrails.co.uk/service-page/discovery-school-3?referral=service_list_widget
Only five dogs per group, learning to socialise and be calm with each other. Indoor and outdoor facilities. Out and about sessions in the real world. All under the watchful eye of two qualified trainers and a behaviourist.
All the training and equipment is non aversive. All dogs have a choice and will not be put into situations that they’re uncomfortable with.
#DogsAreIndividuals #discoveryschool #achieveyourgoals #calmnessiskey #knowledgeiskey #gettoknowyourdog #puppytrainingclass #rescuedogtraining
🎄✨ Christmas Events✨🎁
😁 I’m excited to say we will be returning to these Christmas Light Switch On Events again this year.✨
🐶 We will have all our Natural Treats, Enrichment Items and Christmas Gift Boxes on the stall. 🎁
🐕🦺 If you’re bringing your dog along, bring them to our Enrichment Taster! 🦴
🎄Plus, everyone that books on one of our New Year Groups (Starting on Sunday 5th Jan) will receive 10% off when booking at the event.👌🏻
🎄✨ Hope to see you there…
#christmasevent #lightswitchon #dogtraininggoals #fourpawstrainingacademy #christmasshopping #christmasmarket
🏞️Mr F’s challenge🏞️ What’s new for Mr F today? A different environment and a ride in the van. ❓Why is this a big deal? It’s been a long time since he’s been in my van and especially with other dogs present.💡This is one of Mr F’s wind ups! His anxiety can hit the roof when in close proximity of other dogs. I’m glad to say he settled straight the way! 💡Then we went to a different park! Big time sensory overload. We started with some games in and out of the van to get him to focus, then off we went! ✋🏻BUT… as you can tell my walks are rather different. I wanted to keep his focus and engagement with me as this wasn’t our normally walk! This can be really had to do for an anxious dog! I kept the games the same to what he would normally do with me and as you can tell I still had the engagement. It was an absolute delight. ☺️Think about what you are doing with your companion! It’s not about putting g a lead on them and walking! It’s knowing how they think and what their limits are. Let us help you gain the knowledge that you need! 💡Discovery School and Explore School🗺️ Start Sun 5th Jan at Littlethorpe Scouts Building, Narborough, LE19 2HR. https://www.fourpawsandtrails.co.uk/book-online
✨ Relationship✨
💡Check ins, close lead walking, you dog staying near, dropping an item, and recall. These are all major behaviours what most care givers would like their dogs to do.
💡If you have a dog that doesn’t do any of the above, my question would be “Why?”🤔
A relationship is the bond in between caregiver and companion. Even though you are keeping them safe, feeding them and giving them a home, doesn’t mean there is a relationship. This is the part that helps your companion choose you and not the environment, other people, dogs, and in some case anything that moves. 🐿️🐕🦺🐦⬛🐇🐑🐄🐅
Let us help you with the relationship bit!
💡Discovery School and Explore School🗺️
Start Sun 5th Jan at Littlethorpe Scouts Building, Narborough, LE19 2HR.
🤔 That’s a first! 💡
Has your companion done anything out the blue? Have you ever said they’ve not done that before?
This morning, Tigs decided to rip up some cardboard. You may thinking… so what! This was a first for him. He doesn’t rip things up, not even his toys. He tends to carry them in his mouth, like any other gun dog, Labrador retriever would do. 🦮
So why has he decided to rip up this cardboard?
Could he be copying Miss O?
Could there be a smell or a taste to the cardboard that he likes?
This would be what any person would say that observed this video.
As you know I’m a dog behaviourist and this is really unusual behaviour for him. So I want to look into it a little bit more.
It’s not necessarily what is happening in the moment. It’s more than likely what is happened previous to the behaviour.
What is different for Tigs?
-Theres more people are in the house.
-We have a young home boarding dog at the moment.
-We’ve had interrupted Sleep overnight.
-He’s not had the normal amount of rest he would normally have had.
All of the above can trigger different behaviours.
I know shredding can be a very relaxing behaviour for a dog. It can produce happy and calm hormones to help them relax, switching off his anxiety and allowing him to decompress. It doesn’t matter about the mess. It’s about knowing why your dog is doing the unusual behaviour.
So what happened after? A lot of snoring by both of them!
So when your dog does something out of the blue, put a question mark on it and ask yourself why…
#caninedecompression #caninechoice #DogsAreIndividuals #calmnessiskey #knowledgeiskey #knowledgeiskeytosuccess
🐕🦺✨Superstar Mr F!✨🐕🦺 At the start of the year Mr F’s caregivers were a little concerned with the behaviours he was showing. Change was needed, management was put in place and a plan was made. I rarely walk solo walks and I definitely didn’t walk and train, but this boy reminds me of a young Tigs (My companion) and I wasn’t going to let him down. I have given him time and patience. Allowed him to make mistakes and not reprimanded him! And I certainly haven’t used any punishing equipment or actions. Now he walks by my side most of the time, he has a loose leash when walking, I can’t shake him off when he has length of the leash and he wants to be with me! I see him with his guardians and he listens and enjoys being close to them. There is no switch I can click that will make this happen instantly, it takes time!! You need knowledge and patience. #dogsarecompanions #LEARNINGtoBeKIND #knowledgeiskey #dogbehaviormodification #achieveyourgoals
🐾👏🏻 Oh Mr B! 🥳🐾
Something very special happened in this session! One which myself and Heidi were privileged to be apart of and witness. It’s will be a session that I won’t forget and this is why…
Mr B is a shy boy, anxious and will only take food (Only chicken, cheese and liver pate) from his caregiver. He gets very nervous, verbalises towards other dogs and when his caregiver isn’t near he panic’s. He doesn’t stray far.
This session was a opportunity to help him relax. There were no other dogs around and we left him to initiate contact and do what he wanted.
We saw a happy relaxed boy, loving life and enjoying the good feelings! He interacted beautifully with his caregiver and then something special….
For the first time Mr B interacted with me and Heidi. He took food… which wasn’t his favourites! Offered behaviours and actions with both of us and even walked by my side with no leash or prompting, as cool as a cucumber. His caregiver was totally amazed, as were me and Heidi.
It goes to show what anxiety does to a dogs brain and body, but given the opportunity, magic can happen and grow into something amazing! This is something that will grow with time and we’re so happy to be apart of it!
#gratefuldogtrainer #dogsarecompanions #dogbehaviormodification #knowledgeiskey #SkillsForLife #learningtobekind #gettoknowyourdog
🗺️🐕🦺 How’s are Discovery School Companions Doing? 🐕🦺🗺️
What a delight it’s been to meet these super companions! I can’t believe they’re on the fourth week!
🤯 We introduce the dogs to their new training environment, giving them easy win tasks too boost not only the companions confidence, but also their caregivers!
🧰 Second week we got their caregivers to become more independent in their learning and start building their toolbox of knowledge and to manage situations.
👃👂🏻👅 Third week (My favourite week!) Novelty and Enrichment!! The most powerful part of building a dog’s confidence and optimism. 🤫 Other words, Maria making a big mess of the field with meaningful junk and letting the dogs investigate and use their senses! 👏🏻
Relationships and bonds being forged! Watching the dogs enjoy their time with their care givers. Listening and building confidence with each other.
Are you getting a puppy or a rescue dog? Do you have a dog that doesn’t listen? Struggling to get your dog to do what you ask? Do you want to know more about your dog?
Why not join us on our next Discovery School, starting on Sun 5th Jan.
More details can be found here…
#dogsarecompanions #discoveryschool #achieveyourgoals #calmnessiskey #knowledgeiskey
Dog Training
☺️ Only kind methods are taught, allowing both guardian and dog to grow confidence together. 🐩🧍🏻
✨ We listen and give you up to date, scientific knowledge to understand why your dog does what it does, and teach you the skills to help and rectify your dog's behavior. 💡🐾
📅 New group sessions starting on Sunday 20th October. At Littlethorpe Scouts Building, LE19 2HR
🐾🐶 For Puppies, Rescues, or dogs that don't listen! 🏫 Discovery School is for you…
🌐 More details are on the website: Click here to book online (https://www.fourpawsandtrails.co.uk/book-online) 🐾💻