Four Paws Training Academy

Four Paws Training Academy Positive game based dog training to build both your confidence and your dogs. This was all pre-knowledge of Dog Training and being a Behaviourist!

Hello there, Im Maria Dent...
I know what it’s like to have an anxious rescue dog… or two! Previously we had an angel of a Black Labrador from eight weeks old, though this time we fell in love with an adolescent, nine-month-old, Chocolate Labrador, and knew he was the one! Apparently, he was very boisterous, needed the chop, and he would walk nicely with a facial harness – Sold! Can you see where

this is going? Tigger came to his forever home after being neutered, with issues with his eyes, ears, and tummy, fitted with a facial harness and either growling or lunging towards dogs or people! Does this sound familiar? We had advice coming from all different directions and it was very confusing. We went to different trainers, but that was to teach him how to sit and walk next to me! It got to the point that I was doing a lot of reading, courses and really enjoying working Tigger out! What did I learn? He was in pain! His previous diet had given him inflammatory bowel disease. His ears and eyes were uncomfortable and inflamed he needed medication. Eliminating many allergens from his diet certainly helped. Because he was in pain and uncomfortable, he was grumpy. Wouldn’t you be? Over a period of time, this had built up with being unhappy in his previous life, in the rescue, in a new life, with different people, and environments. He didn’t know what to do! He was uncomfortable with hash walking equipment. We hadn’t given him enough time to settle, decompress and get used to his new life. This doesn’t take minutes, hours, or days… it takes months. His hormones were everywhere! A ticking time bomb of a teenager, that had also been neutered much too early for him to cope with the consequences. He was overwalked at a period of time of growth. Not enough downtime and enrichment. Our relationship and bond needed building. Us both working each other out, observing each other’s body language, starting again with how we talked to each other, playing games instead of being yanked and pulled about into position and him knowing he was safe and there was unconditioned love. Many courses later, I started my Dog Walking business Four Paws and Trails in 2018, learning many lessons with challenging dogs along the way! Four Paws Training Academy was then formed, in 2020, when I qualified as a Trainer and Behaviourist. With the knowledge I gained from my experiences with Tigger, I help new guardians to give their puppies and dogs the best start they can have. To build a positive relationship and settle them into their new lives and give them the confidence and guidance to help them in the future. Now, Tigger lives life to the full! Most of the issues he had have gone or are working in progress and managed. He also has a sister whom we adopted a few years ago, a Border Terrier called Scooby. They both live a super life with their walking friends and they come to our training groups as stooge or demo dogs. We love a good old ramble through the countryside. Though not everything is dog related. I love mixed media textile art and creating it, a good rugby match, reading to calm the brain, and maybe a mud run or two throughout the year to get the adrenaline rush and covered in the good stuff! I love the path in life that Tigger gave me. One of which I feel at home with. I observe and learn, with each new dog I meet. They show us and I am there to listen and help.


🥶Morning all!❄️

Not everyone’s favourite weather, but I do love a frosty morning to get my brain working!

What do you and your dog think about it?

Personally the dogs I have walked have loved the Sniffarri! When it’s cold, smells stay closer to the ground and it’s all been about noses to the floor!

Though… it’s not the best day to let off your dog, unless they have a flashing beacon on their heads! 🚨 Especially if they don’t have a strong recall or stay close!

Iv seen a few dogs being chastised this morning…
❓I want you to think about this -
🤔 Whose fault is it!!

⚠️ Think before you let them off!! ⚠️

If you need help with recall, take a look at this link
The next group starts on Sunday 23rd March 23rd March at 10am

A super write-up to help describe what is happening to your companions and not to label them with just a word. Thank you...

A super write-up to help describe what is happening to your companions and not to label them with just a word.
Thank you Confident Canine with Sonia Catherall

Labels Don’t Define Your Dog – Look Beyond Them 🐾

We often use labels to describe our dogs, and while they can be helpful at times, they can also simplify the complexities of their behaviour. Labels like "shy," "high-energy," or "reactive" can provide some insight, but they don’t always capture what’s really happening beneath the surface. Relying on labels might prevent us from truly understanding the underlying emotions or needs causing their behaviour and can influence how we, and others, respond to them.

Here’s the thing: labels often do more harm than good. They can overshadow the unique individual in front of us and limit our ability to truly understand and support our dogs.

Why Labels Can Be Problematic 🐕

🔸They Don’t Describe the Behaviour
When we label a dog as "stubborn," what does that actually mean? Are they unsure? Distracted? Struggling to understand what’s being asked of them? Labels like these miss the why behind a dog’s behaviour, which is often where we can find the key to supporting them.

🔸Labels Can Be Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Calling a dog "naughty" or "aggressive" might unintentionally shape how we interact with them. Worse, it could affect how others treat them, too. Over time, the label reinforces itself, and we might miss the opportunity to uncover what the dog really needs.
🔸They Close the Door on Understanding
When we use labels, we may stop asking important questions:
- What is causing my dog’s behaviour?
- What can I do to support them?
- How can I help my dog to feel safe and understood?

By focusing on the label, we can overlook potential solutions or miss seeing the dog as a unique individual.

What You Can Do Instead 🌟

🔸Describe, Don’t Define
Instead of saying, “My dog is aggressive,” try describing the specific behaviour: “When my dog is near other dogs, they tend to bark and lunge.” This shift in language opens the door to understanding and problem-solving, allowing us to better identify what causes our dog’s behaviour. Rather than labelling, we can focus on the behaviour our dog is demonstrating and work towards helping them feel safe and secure in different situations or environments.

🔸Reframe Your Mindset
Be mindful of the language we use about our dogs. Labels like "difficult" or "reactive" can unintentionally reinforce negative feelings or frustration, but changing the language we use can encourage a more understanding and supportive approach. For example, instead of saying "reactive," try thinking of your dog as "sensitive to their environment." This shift helps us approach their behaviour with empathy and opens the door to more effective solutions.

🔸See the Dog in Front of You
Every dog is unique, and they, like us, are constantly learning and adapting. Rather than focusing on labels, let's appreciate their individuality, embracing their quirks, celebrating their strengths, and recognising how awesome they are each day.

The language we use matters. It shapes how we see our dogs, how others perceive them, and how we approach their care. When we let go of labels and focus on understanding the unique dog in front of us, we create opportunities for trust, connection, and understanding.

💬 Have you ever shifted the way you think about or describe your dog? What difference did it make?

The "Unlabel Me" graphic was created by Dr. Susan Friedman and Behaviour Works.

🐾🚶‍♂️ Walking Your Dog Near Roads 🚶‍♀️🐾Did you know that the Highway Code advises against letting dogs roam freely by th...

🐾🚶‍♂️ Walking Your Dog Near Roads 🚶‍♀️🐾

Did you know that the Highway Code advises against letting dogs roam freely by the road? According to rule 56, it's important to keep your furry friend on a short lead when you're out walking.

Furthermore, your local authorities can designate certain roads where it's mandatory to keep dogs on leads.

While there isn’t a nationwide rule prohibiting off-lead walking on all roads, it’s vital to keep your dog securely on a lead whenever you're near traffic. This simple precaution helps keep both your pet and motorists safe from accidents.

Stay responsible and enjoy your walks while keeping your dog safe! Please attach a lead to your dog! 🚦🐶

For more info, check the Road Traffic Act 1988, section 27.

✨A true legend!✨I’m sad to hear the news that Karen Pryor has passed away. Karen has been an icon in modern dog training...

✨A true legend!✨

I’m sad to hear the news that Karen Pryor has passed away. Karen has been an icon in modern dog training and I have referenced her books hundreds of times! Karen’s legacy will continue in many behaviourist and trainers hearts around the world.

🤔🐾Chronic barking at other dogs isn't a choice, it's a stress response.🐾🤔Have you wondered why your dog barks at other d...

🤔🐾Chronic barking at other dogs isn't a choice, it's a stress response.🐾🤔

Have you wondered why your dog barks at other dogs on a walk? Or lunges, snarls, growls…

🤔 How do you feel when this happens?
Embarrassed? Annoyed? Confused?

🤔 What’s your initial reaction to this behaviour?
A sharp tug of the lead? Quick to apologise? Say they haven’t done that before? Tell them off?

🤔 This is them showing you a behaviour to say “I’m not happy with this situation!”

Please listen to your companion. This isn’t something that you can train. It’s understanding and observing their body language to be able to help them. You can do this by strengthening your connection, and trust with each other. Finding out the “WHY” first and strengthening your relationship is where you start!

This is where we can help you on Explore School. 💡

Follow the link to learn more: (

✨🍾GOODBYE 2024 AND HELLO 2025🍾✨I wanted to thank everyone for their continued support in 2024. It has been a privilege t...

✨🍾GOODBYE 2024 AND HELLO 2025🍾✨

I wanted to thank everyone for their continued support in 2024. It has been a privilege to be asked to guide you all to help your companions. Your dogs have been fabulous tutors and I have learn’t so much from them.

This year has been a year of changing the way I teach caregivers and their companions. I have been privileged to be guided by many new tutors with skills I am fascinated with. I continue to absorb what our companions are telling me and continue my learning into 2025.

May you all have a super 2025! I look forward to continue working with present and new caregivers in the new year.

✨🐾GOT TO LOVE A REVIEW 🐾✨Thank you!


Thank you!

🐾💡 MY DOGS HAVE FORGOTTEN THEIR PUPPY TRAINING! 💡🐾You've completed puppy training, and everything seems perfect. Your bo...


You've completed puppy training, and everything seems perfect. Your bond is strong, recalls improve, lead walking is a work in progress, biting has subsided, toilet training is successful, and they sleep through the night. But suddenly, around 7-9 months old, everything changes! 😤

Out of nowhere, your dog dislikes their harness, seeks out every other dog, stops to sniff every blade of grass, bites the lead, and exhibits unwanted behaviours like hu***ng and destructive chewing. Your once-adorable puppy transforms into a little raptor! 🦖😱

This is when many owners reach out for help or resort to various internet solutions, often involving harsh methods—like figure-of-eight collars, slip leads, or even water pistols. These methods may provide temporary relief but can lead to fear and aggression.😔

💡So, what do we need to ask ourselves?


Your learning journey doesn't end after puppy class. I'm here to guide you through these challenging adolescent years.

💡 Explore School is designed for adolescent dogs. Is well as dogs that pull like freight trains and those who refuse to come back! 🚂

Follow the link to learn more: (

💡🐩 STAY WITH ME! COME BACK! 🦮💡🐾✨ Is your furry friend more excited about saying hello to other dogs than returning to yo...


🐾✨ Is your furry friend more excited about saying hello to other dogs than returning to you? It might be time to get some help and start to rethink your approach! 🐶💚

🦮🐩Dogs are social animals like us, and it’s perfectly natural for them to want to make new friends on their walks, on or off lead! But what if you could learn the skills to become a more interesting and rewarding choice for your dog!👍🏻

This is what Explore School is all about! 💡Incorporating fun activities during your walks!
💡Learn to keep things engaging.
💡Practice new cues, rewards and when they respond.
💡Strengthen your bond and relationship.
💡Understand what your dog needs to help them be more responsive out and about!
💡Practice what you’ve learnt out and about under the watchful eye of qualified trainers and behaviourist.

Remember, the goal is to be the ultimate adventure companion, not just a one foot in-front of the other!

By making small changes, knowing “Why” your dog do what they do and apply new skills, you’ll soon find that your dog is just as eager to come back and walk by your side. 🥳🐕

💡Explore School… for troublesome adolescent dogs, dogs that pull like a freight train and the won’t come back dogs!! Follow the 🔗

You both have been working on Relationships and Bond, and it's time to Strengthen, Grow and Explore, with Confidence and Focus. We concentrate on the following in Explore School: - Dog and human greeting - Walking with a loose lead - Staying close and coming - Back Settling Focus Making good choices...


🏞️🌳 Out and About! 🌳🏞️

One of my favourite parts of our groups sessions, is the out and abouts! Why? Seeing everyone in a natural environment and putting what we’ve learnt into practice.

Most importantly we are on hand to help, give advice and see the improvements. We will always advise next steps continue your learning with your companions.

We do our and about sessions with all our groups and I also do them in my one to ones.
It’s important for me to know that everyone has the skills that’s needed to help their companions.

For more information on our next available group, please follow this link 🔗

✨🎁 Wishing you all a super dooper Christmas! 🎄🎅🏻

✨🎁 Wishing you all a super dooper Christmas! 🎄🎅🏻


Statistics released in 2022 by The Kennel Club showed that dogs are 53% more likely to be treated for eating human food that is poisonous to them, or ingesting ‘foreign bodies’, in December, compared to any other month of the year.

The statistics, collected by the dog welfare organisation’s insurance partner, Agria Pet Insurance, show that December has consistently been the highest month for intoxication claims since 2015, with the highest claim reaching over £1,600 following a dog eating a mince pie.

Every Christmas there are thousands of cases of dogs needing veterinary treatment after consuming chocolate and other unsuitable festive foods like mince pies, stollen, Christmas pudding and Christmas cake. Try and keep any food out of reach from your dog – this includes advent calendars, chocolate coins and edible tree decorations.


⛔️CHOCOLATE⛔️ is poisonous to dogs so it’s vital to keep any away from your dog and make sure any visitors do the same – don’t forget decorations or gifts under the tree

⛔️CHRISTMAS DINNER⛔️ involves a large amount of dangerous foods for your dog, either through being toxic, too salty or too fatty. Be wary of feeding them traditional turkey, goose and chicken as bones can easily splinter, particularly when cooked, causing an obstruction and possibly even piercing your dog’s tummy

⛔️CHRISTMAS CAKE, MINCE PIES & CHRISTMAS PUDDING⛔️ all contain dried fruits such as raisins, currants or sultanas which are toxic to dogs

Other festive foods to avoid include: MACADAMIA NUTS, BLUE CHEESE, ALCOHOL and MOULDY FOOD.

If you think your dog may have eaten something that they shouldn’t or they have symptoms including sickness and diarrhoea, speak to your vet straight away.

📸 Photo - Please can I have some?? 🎄 Look at those eyes?? How can you say no? 🎄 It’s just a little bit, a one off! 🎄 A C...

📸 Photo - Please can I have some??

🎄 Look at those eyes?? How can you say no?

🎄 It’s just a little bit, a one off!

🎄 A Christmas dinner won’t hurt them!

Actually if you dog isn’t used to different foods, apart from their usual diet, then it can be fatal!

Dogs don’t digest foods like we do and when things are to rich, allergenic, toxic they can make them very poorly, or uncomfortable.

How do you feel when you’ve eaten to much, get acid reflux, feel sick, be sick, have an irritated bowel or diarrhoea! Does this change how you feel? Cause your mood to change?
Well, it certainly will change your dogs behaviour if they don’t feel well.

How about, sticking to their normal diet and help them have a comfortable festive time.

Please do take a look at the following pictures to help you make good choices for your companions.

❓How do you feel when your dogs pulling you like a freight train? 🚂 🐾 Walking a dog can be challenging! Here are some fe...

❓How do you feel when your dogs pulling you like a freight train? 🚂

🐾 Walking a dog can be challenging! Here are some feelings that caregivers say they feel:

🤔 Frustration: It can be difficult to enjoy our walks.
🤔 Concern: The lead slipping out of your hand. Being pulled over leading to injury.
🤔 Understanding: Dogs supposed to be restrained? They are naturally curious and energetic.
🤔 Embarrassed and Failure: Others look at you gone out!
🤔 Want to give up: Not wanting to walk them as you don’t enjoy the experience.
🤔 Want to try anything: You seek equipment that should stop them pulling, but it doesn’t!

All the above makes any caregiver feel dread, asking yourself why doesn’t my dog walk nicely?

Explore School is where we help you as a caregiver understand why pulling happens. We help you and your dog enjoy spending time together. Giving you the knowledge that makes sense!✨🐕

Give your dog the best start in 2025…. For more information please follow this link 🔗

🐾 New Furry Member! 🐾One thing I’ve noticed is that there are quite a few new puppies walking around, and many rescue ch...

🐾 New Furry Member! 🐾

One thing I’ve noticed is that there are quite a few new puppies walking around, and many rescue charities are posting pictures of adoptions. This is an exciting time for families with a new companion in their homes.

Here are a few tips for settling your new companions into your homes…

🐾 Be prepared to change your plans! Dogs don’t adapt straight away to new environments! Everything is new to them - sounds, smells, sights, touches, and tastes. Give them time… days and months for this process.

🐾 Keep their world small! Start with one room and the garden. Let them acclimatise to one area for a few days, and then add another area. This will help reduce anxiety in the home.

🐾 Limit interactions to your immediate family. Please don’t invite everyone around to meet them straight away! Avoid taking them everywhere to immediately meet other dogs and people. Gradually invite people to meet your new companion over the course of weeks, not minutes!

🐾 There’s no rush to socialise your new companion! You are the most important person in their life, and it's your job to help them feel safe and loved.

🐾 Remember, socialisation is about helping your companion remain calm in the presence of others - humans, felines, and dogs. It’s not about them being bounced on or bouncing on others! Don’t set your dog up to fail, feel scared, hurt, or anxious! This part is crucial to get right and will be an important factor for the rest of their lives!

🐾 Don’t immediately change their food. Let them settle first! A dog can have an upset stomach due to anxiety, so don’t add to the problem.

🐾 Toileting indoors… 🤔
Give them time to adapt and learn where to toilet, and for you to recognise their signs!

🐾 Don’t immediately place items on their body that they aren’t used to! Do they really need a harness on yet, as they certainly don’t need to be walked? Place the harness near them, on their bed, to transfer scent, and introduce your dog to the equipment gradually.

🐾 They’re not eating! Don’t panic! Sometimes a dog’s anxiety can block their desire to eat. They will eventually eat, so give them time!

🐾 Let sleeping dogs lie! Allow them to sleep as much as they need to process what’s happening. Sleep is when a dog absorbs what they have learned.

🐾 Give them the love they need and crave. They have been taken away from everything they know. They are scared, anxious, and terrified, and this is a fine line before your new companion might show behaviours that they really don’t want to display.

🐾 If they show behaviours you don’t understand, ask yourself, “Why are they doing that?” Think about it before saying “No!” or doing anything else!

🐾 If you don’t like what they’re doing, ignore it and redirect them! Offer them something else to do. For example, if they wee indoors, it’s happened; ignore it, take them outside, stay with them, praise them when they do it outside, and then clean up the mess indoors!

🐾 Don’t rush — enjoy the time and process!

If in doubt, you know where to find me!

🎅🏻Dogs at family occasions 🥳Family and friends get togethers can be the best part of Christmas. Every year I have messag...

🎅🏻Dogs at family occasions 🥳

Family and friends get togethers can be the best part of Christmas.

Every year I have messages or phone calls explaining that their dogs behaviour has changed and they don’t know what to do. Let’s take a few moments to prepare to help our dogs, before they get to the point of showing us they’re stressed. (Lip licking, chewing their feet, hiding, barking, growling, snarling, nipping, stop eating, stop listening, stop tolieting, or toliet in the house… etc)

Prepare a room that they are comfortable in for them to have time out. Place their bed in there, a few enrichment items that their used too, some music or pop the tv on.

If your dog gets excited when people enter the house, either pop them in a secure room or place them on a lead. Distract them whilst people settle in your home. Ask people to calmly greet them and keep contact to the bare minimum.

Don’t dress them in things they aren’t used to!
Keep them away from children they aren’t used to.

Watch your dogs body language! Look at their ears, tail, mouths. Are they trying to hide, be on their own, want comfort? Please don’t ignore these signs, your dog is communicating! Please be aware that your dogs behaviour will escalate if they are ignored. They have short fuses…

If your dogs show behaviours showing that they are uncomfortable, use that prepared room and let them decompress. Sit with them and take sometime out yourself. Let them rest and sleep!

If your dog was to get aggressive, let them rest for a few days. No walks, family occasions, or excited play etc. Use calming games and enrichment to help them decompress further.

If in doubt… Decompress!

✨2024… What a year! 💡I must say that my learning has evolved considerably this year after completing my Distinctive Dog ...

✨2024… What a year! 💡

I must say that my learning has evolved considerably this year after completing my Distinctive Dog Training and ACE Module One. I’m no longer just "training". I want to empower caregivers with the knowledge of why their dogs behave the way they do.

The primary focus of all my observations is analysing the relationship between caregivers and their companions. It's about fostering calmness, enhancing connection, and building confidence on both sides.

Once this foundation is established, the training truly begins…

Let's embark on this journey together in 2025! 🐾❤️

💡Training in 2025💡

❓Do you enjoy walking your dog?
❓Are you embarrassed?
❓Are you feeling ignored?
❓Do they prefer other dogs and people to you?

Explore School is there to help you feel more confident, listened too, valued and proud of your dog. Let’s help you connect again and enjoy being with each other.

For more details follow the 🔗


Coleridge Drive

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm


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