
Wildwoods Wildwoods has been a pioneer in the field of aquatics for more than 40 years. At Wildwoods, there really is something for everyone ! Our 250 sq. metre! NEW!

On a visit to Wildwoods you will find:

A huge aquarium showroom featuring tanks of all shapes and sizes, representing all the major brands. metre award winning fish house is brimming with thousands of tropical freshwater and marine fishes including some of the rarest species you will ever see. A comprehensive range of aquarium equipment, food and treatments from all the biggest manufacturers

including: Eheim, Hagen, Interpet, Tetra, Aquarian, JBL, Esha, Supafish, TMC and many others. Every fibreglass pre-formed pond available in the UK is on display as well as a large selection of plastic ponds, sumps and reservoirs. A choice of PVC or rubber pond lining materials - off the shelf or cut from the roll to your requirements. A fantastic choice of pond pumps, filters, pond lighting and UV’s to rival anywhere in the country. Working displays of water features, fountains, self-contained ornaments and pond statuary by all the leading manufacturers. The finest selection of pond and coldwater aquarium fishes available including koi, orfe, goldfish, sarasa comets, shubunkins, tench, grass carp, sturgeon and many others. An amazing 1000 sq. purpose built plant house housing hundreds of pond plants, waterside plants and floating plants including many rare and unusual species and varieties as well as an exceptional array of the finest home grown water lilies. Everything you’ll need to maintain your pond plants including baskets, floating islands, soil, gravel, fertilisers and much more. Swimming Pool, Spa, Hot tub chemicals. Chlorine granules, oxyshock, pH balancers and a whole lot more at unbeatable prices. A great variety of Turtles and Axolotls with all the equipment you’ll need to look after them properly.

Despite the inclement weather of late, when the sun shines so do the water lilies. You tell us we have the best selectio...

Despite the inclement weather of late, when the sun shines so do the water lilies. You tell us we have the best selection to be found, we're inclined to agree. Pop over soon and see the flowers in all their glory.

# waterlilies

Just in ! Stunning adult male wallacei stingray. Superb condition and a fantastic example of this rarely available speci...

Just in ! Stunning adult male wallacei stingray. Superb condition and a fantastic example of this rarely available species.

fish # aquariumfish

You can also follow us on Instagram

You can also follow us on Instagram

Another tropical update for those that have been asking. Not by any means our full stocklist but just a few of our recen...

Another tropical update for those that have been asking. Not by any means our full stocklist but just a few of our recently added fishes that may be of interest. Everything has been quarantined and is ready to go although Mail Order won't resume until the new year. A couple of real highlights are the Morse Code Tetras which are only the 2nd batch we've had and a new and fascinating species for us The Mekong Croaker - Boesemania microlepis, a very well behaved predator.

Enjoy browsing through the new stock and drop us an email or give the Fish House a call if you need any further info.

Altolamprologus compressiceps Sumbu Shell Dweller
Altolamprologus calvus Black Pearl
Amblydoras hancockii
Ancistrus species Gold
Ancistrus species Gold Longfin
Ancistrus Sp German Red
Apistogramma agasizzi Alenquer
Apistogramma agasizzi Flame
Apteronotus albifrons
Argolebias nigripinnis Villa Soriano
Asterophysus batrachus
Auriglobus modestus
Axelrodia risei
Baryancistrus xanthellus L177
Boesemania microlepis
Botia kubotai
Carinotetraodon travancoricus
Channa andrao
Chilatherina senteniensis
Chilatherina Sp. Upper Tor river
Chilatherina fasciata Nimbokrang
Copadichromis chrysonotus
Copadichromis borleyi Kadango Red
Copella meinkeni
Crossocheilus reticulatus
Ctenolucius hujeta
Cyphotilapia frontosa Black Widow
Cyprinella lutrensis
Danio choprae
Danio erythromicron
Danio nigrofasciatus
Danio margarititus
Danio tinwini
Dario tigris
Datniodes campbelli
Datniodes polota
Datnioides undecimradiatus
Dawkisia tambraparnei
Discherondontus ashmeadi
Distochodus tegeulsi
Enantiopus melanogenys Kasanga
Fundulopanchax gardneri Makurdai
Fundulopanchax gardneri Lafia Gold
Fundulopanchax scheeli
Garra flavatra
Geophagus brasiliensis
Geophagus winemilleri
Geophagus altifrons
Geophagus pyrocephalus
Gnathonemus petersi
Gobiodes brousennetii
Gymnogeophagus balzani
Hemiarius stormii
Hemibagrus nemurus
Hemigrammus hyanuary
Hemigrammus Sp Lime Green Line
Hemigrammus Sp. Morse Code
Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus
Hyphessobrycon elachys
Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus
Hyphessobrycon jackrobertsi
Hypsibarbus wetmorei
Iguanodectes adujai
Iriatherina werneri
Ladigesia roloffi
Lamontichthys filamentosa
Lamprologus speciosus
Lamprologus meleagris
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi
Melanotaenia lacustris
Melanotaenia rubrovittatus Red Lazer
Melanotaenia boesemani Aves creek
Melanotaenia maraisi
Melanotaenia Sp Aitufah
Melanotaenia Sp Kali Tawa
Mettynis fasciatus
Microdevario kubotai
Mochokiella paynei
Myleus schomburgki Blackberry
Myleus schomburgki Thin Bar
Myloplus ternetzi
Mystus bimaculatus
Nandus nebulosus
Nannaethiops unitaeniatus
Nannostomus eques
Neolamprologus gracilis
Neolamprologus falcicula (cygnus)
Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Kapampa
Neolamprologus ocellatus Kasanga Gold
Neolebias phillipei
Neolebias trewavassae
Nomorhamphus liemi
Osteochillus vittatus Gold
Oxydoras niger
Panoqolus maccus L104
Pantodon bucholzi
Paracheirodon simulans
Parambassis pulcinella
Phalocronotus apogon
Phenacogrammus aurantiacus
Physoschistura mango
Pimelodus ornatus
Platysilurus mucosus
Polypterus ansorgeii
Polypterus endlicheri
Polypterus ornatipinnis
Pseudanthicus pirarara L25
Rasbora borapatensis
Rasbora pauciperforata
Rhinigobius duospilus
Rhinodoras gallagheri
Rhinogobius rubromaculatus
Rhodeus ocellatus
Schistura balteata
Scobinancistrus aureatus L14
Semaprochilodus taeniurus
Serrasalmus eigenmanni
Serrasalmus elongatus
Serrasalmus gouldingi
Serrasalmus maculatus
Serrasalmus manueli
Sinibotia zebra
Sorubim lima
Sperata acicularis
Steatocranus tinanti
Striuntius lineatus
Synodontis nigrita Yellow Custard
Systomus endecanalis
Tanakia himentegus
Tanichthys micagemmae
Tenellus trimaculatus
Tetraodon baileyi
Tetraodon schoutedeni
Toxotes microlepis
Trichopsis pumilla
Tropheus moorii Moliro
Tucanoichthys tucano
Uaru amphiacanthoides
Variobilichromis moorii
Vieja maculicauda
Xiphophorus pygmaea
Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki
Zoogoneticus tequila

Cracking fancy goldfish now ready for sale. Lots of varieties, sizes and great quality.

Cracking fancy goldfish now ready for sale. Lots of varieties, sizes and great quality.

A few nice looking fishes showing off in the Fish House this morning. Lots of new stock coming in at the moment.

A few nice looking fishes showing off in the Fish House this morning. Lots of new stock coming in at the moment.

End of Season Sale on Water Features. Limited stock - once they've gone, they've gone!

End of Season Sale on Water Features. Limited stock - once they've gone, they've gone!

A few pics just to whet the appetite. Lots of additions this week and a few standout species still on this list. Just to...

A few pics just to whet the appetite. Lots of additions this week and a few standout species still on this list.

Just to reiterate, this list is far from our entire stock list - we have many, many more species.

Give the Fish House a call for more info or to arrange next day delivery.

Acestrorynchus falcatus
Ageniosus Sp lll Green Stripe
Alestopetersius caudalis
Altolamprologus compressiceps Sumbu Shell Dweller
Ameca splendens
Ancistrus Sp German Red
Ancistrus Sp. Rio Itanez L519
Ancistrus Sp. Rio Tocantins
Aphyocharax anisitsi
Bagrichthys micracanthus
Bagroides melapterus
Boraras brigittae
Boraras maculatus
Boraras naevus
Botia dario
Botia kubotai
Brevibora dorsiocellata
Candidia barbata
Centromoclus Sp Peru
Cephalosilurus apurensis
Cetopsis orinoco
Channa aurantimaculata
Channa bankanensis
Channa pardalis
Channa pulchra
Channa quinquefasciata
Channa Sp Green Fantasy
Chilatherina alleni Wapoga Red Form
Chilatherina fasciatus Kali Web
Chilatherina senteniensis
Chilotilapia rhoadeseii
Chindongo elongatus Mpanga
Cichla kelberi
Cichla orinocoensis
Colomesus asellus
Copella arnoldi
Corydoras hastatus
Corydoras paleatus Albino
Corydoras panda
Corydoras pygmaeus
Corydoras robinae
Corydoras robustus
Corydoras similis
Corydoras virginae
Corydoras weitzmani
Corydoras ornatus
Ctenopoma acutirostre
Cynotilapia afra Gallireya Reef
Cyprinella lutrensis
Cyrtocara moorii Locally bred
Danio choprae
Danio erythromicron
Danio margarititus
Danio nigrofasciatus
Datniodes campbelli
Dawkinsia asimillis
Dicrossus filamentosa
Discherondontus ashmeadi
Distochodus tegeulsi
Enantiopus melanogenys Karemba F1
Enteromius fasciolatus
Enteromius jae
Epiplatys annulatus
Erpetoichthys calabaricus
Fossorochromis rostratus
Garra flavatra
Geophagus abalios
Geophagus aporema
Geophagus brasiliensis
Geophagus megasema
Geophagus pyrocephalus
Geophagus Sp Rio Negro
Geophagus pindare
Glossamia aprion
Glossolepis dorityi
Glossolepis incisus
Glossolepis wanamensis
Gobiodes brousennetii
Gymnogeophagus balzani
Haludaria fasciata
Hemiarius stormii
Hemigrammus amapaensis
Hemigrammus hyanuary
Hemigrammus rhodostomus Diamond
Hepsetes odoe
Heros liberifer
Heros Sp rotkeil
Heterocharax virgulatus
Hoplerythrinus Sp Shuyo Morado Purple
Hyphessobrycon bentosi White Fin
Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus
Hyphessobrycon elachys
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus
Hyphessobrycon jackrobertsi
Hyphessobrycon procyon
Hypseleotris compressa
Hypselobarbus jerdoni
Iriatherina werneri
Kryptopterus cryptopterus
L034 Ancistrus ranunculus
L168 Dekeyseria picta
L262 Hypancistrus Sp Moondust
L27 Panaque armbrusteri Jamanxin
L27a Panaque nigrolineatus Tocantins
L310 Hypostoms cochliodon
L330 Panaque nigrolineatus Watermelon
L398 Panoqolus tankei
Labeotropheus trewavassae Thumbi Red
Lamontichthys filamentosus
Lamontichthys llanero
Lamprologus leleupi Orange
Lamprologus ocellatus Gold
Lamprologus ornatipinns
Lamprologus tretocephalus
Lepidarchus adonis
Lepistoseus platyrynchus
Limia nigrofasciata
Limia tridens
Luciosoma setigerum
Malapterus electricus
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
Maylandia callainos F1
Megalechis thoracata Albino
Melanochromis cyanorhabdos
Melanotaenia affinis Pagwi Village
Melanotaenia duboulayi Snapper Creek
Melanotaenia fredericki Kali Klawai
Melanotaenia kamaka
Melanotaenia picta
Melanotaenia pygmaea
Melanotaenia Sp Meyado Village
Melanotaenia seusii
Melanotaenia trifasciata Cato River
Melanotaenia vanheurni
Melanotaenia ammeri Lengguru
Melanotaenia maraisi
Melanotaenia Sp Aitufah
Melanotaenia Sp Kali Tawa
Melenotaenia boesemani Aves Creek
Mettynis fasciatus
Microdevario kubotai
Micronemacheilus cruciatus
Moenkhausia costae
Moenkhausia hekoi
Moenkhausia copei
Moenkhausia hemmigramoides
Moenkhausia pitteri
Myleus rubripinnis
Myleus schomburgki Blackberry
Myleus schomburgki Thin Bar
Myloplus torquatus
Nannostomus beckfordi
Nannostomus marginatus
Nannostomus mortenthaleri
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus
Nannostomus unifasciatus
Nematobrycon lacortei
Neolamprologus brevis Ikola
Neolamprologus brichardi Albino
Neolebias phillipei
Neolissochilus stracheyi
Nimbochromis livingstonii
Nimbochromis venustus
Nomorhamphus liemi
Notropis chrosomus
Orinocodoras eigenmanni
Oxydoras niger
Pao abei
Pao leiurus
Pao palembangensis
Paracheirodon simulans
Parosphromenus anjunganensis
Pelmotilapia mariae
Pethia bandula
Pethia padamya
Pethia phutunio
Petruichthys Sp Rosy
Phalocronotus apogon
Pimelodus ornatus
Platysilurus mucosus
Polypterus ansorgeii
Polypterus endlicheri
Polypterus ornatipinnis
Polypterus senegalus Albino
Polypterus senegalus Platinum
Protopterus annectans
Pseudogastromyzon myersi
Pseudotropheus acei Luwala
Pseudotropheus williamsi North
Pygocentrus caribe
Rasbora borapatensis
Rasbora pauciperforata
Rhinigobius duospilus
Rhinodoras gallagheri
Rhodeus ocellatus
Satanoperca jurupari
Sawbwa resplendens
Schistura Sp. Crimson
Scianochromis fryeri Iceberg
Scobinancistrus aureatus L14
Serrasalmus eigenmanni
Serrasalmus elongatus
Serrasalmus gouldingi
Serrasalmus maculatus
Serrasalmus manueli
Sewelia breviventralis
Sicyopus exallisquamulus
Sicyopus lagocephalus
Sinibotia pulchra
Sinibotia robusta
Sinibotia zebra
Sorubim lima
Sperata acicularis
Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
Sphaerichthys vaillanti
Squaliforma emarginata
Stiphodon atropurpureus
Stiphodon ornatus
Striuntius lineatus
Sundadanio axelrodi Blue
Synaptolaemus latofasciatus
Synodontis batensoda
Synodontis petricola Locally Bred
Tanichthys micagemmae
Tetraodon baileyi
Tetraodon lineatus
Tetraodon schoutedeni
Triportheus rotundatus
Tucanoichthys tucano
Variobilichromis moorii
Vieja argentea
Vieja melanurus Blue Spot
Xenotoca lyonsi Rio Tamazula
Xiphophorus pygmaea
Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki
Zoogoneticus tequila

Well you've asked for more Fish Lists so we've obliged! The following are some of the more interesting species currently...

Well you've asked for more Fish Lists so we've obliged!

The following are some of the more interesting species currently in stock as well as just some of this week's new stock.

As always, give us a call or send an email for further information - some items are in low numbers.

Thanks for looking :)

Acarichthys heckeli Wild Caught
Acarichthys heckeli Albino
Altolamprologus calvus Zaire Black F1
Altolamprologus compressiceps Sumbu Shell Dweller
Ameca splendens
Ancistrus Sp Longfin
Ancistrus Sp Snow White
Ancistrus Sp German Red
Ancistrus Sp. Rio Itenez L519
Ancistrus Sp. Rio Tocantins
Anostomus ternetzi
Apistogramma agasizzii Flame
Apistogramma baenschi
Bagrichthys micracanthus
Barbonymus schwanefeldii Platinum
Betta splendens Dumbo Female
Betta splendens Koi Female
Biotodoma cupido
Boraras brigittae
Boraras maculatus
Boraras naevus
Botia dario
Botia kubotai
Candidia barbata
Cephalosilurus apurensis
Cetopsis orinoco
Chalinochromis bifrenatus
Chilodus punctatus
Colomesus asellus
Copella arnoldi
Corydoras hastatus
Corydoras robustus
Corydoras panda
Corydoras pygmaeus
Corydoras ornatus
Crossocheilus langei
Crossocheilus reticulatus
Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu
Cyprichromis leptosoma Utinta
Cyprinella lutrensis
Cyrtocara moorii Locally bred
Danio choprae
Danio sondhi
Danio nigrofasciatus
Datniodes campbelli
Datniodes polota
Dawkinsia asimillis
Dawkinsia rohani
Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus
Dicrossus filamentosa
Discherondontus ashmeadi
Distochodus tegeulsi
Enantiopus melanogenys Karemba F1
Enteromius jae
Enteromius fasciolatus
Erpetoichthys calabaricus
Garra flavatra
Geophagus abalios
Geophagus aporema
Geophagus megasema
Geophagus pyrocephalus
Geophagus Sp Rio Negro
Gephagus pindare
Glossamia aprion
Glossolepis multisquamata
Haludaria fasciata
Hemigrammus rhodostomus Diamond
Hemigrammus amapaensis
Hepsetes odoe
Heros liberifer
Heros Sp rotkeil
Heterocharax virgulatus
Hoplerythrinus Sp Shuyo Morado Purple
Hyphessobrycon bentosi White Fin
Hyphessobrycon elachys
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus
Hyphessobrycon nigricintus
Hyphessobrycon procyon
Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus
Hyphessobrycon bentosi White Fin
Hypseleotris compressa
Hypselobarbus jerdoni
Kryptopterus cryptopterus
Ladigesia roloffi
Lamprologus leleupi Orange
Lamprologus ocellatus Gold
Lamprologus tretocephalus
Lepidarchus adonis
Lepistoseus platyrynchus
Limia nigrofasciata
Limia tridens
Luciosoma setigerum
Malapterus electricus
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
Megalechis thoracata Albino
Melanotaenia seusii
Melanotaenia pygmaea
Melanotaenia Sp Aitufah
Melanotaenia Sp Kali Tawa
Melanotaenia maraisi
Mesoheros festae
Mettynis fasciatus
Microdevario kubotai
Micronemacheilus cruciatus
Moenkhausia costae
Moenkhausia hekoi
Myleus rubripinnis
Myleus schomburgki Blackberry
Myleus schomburgki Thin Bar
Myloplus torquatus
Nannostomus beckfordi
Nannostomus eques
Nannostomus mortenthaleri
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus
Nannostomus unifasciatus
Nematobrycon lacortei
Neolamprologus brevis Ikola
Neolamprologus caudopunctata Kapamba
Neolamprologus crassus
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus Tanzania Gold
Neolebias phillipei
Neolissochilus stracheyi
Nomorhamphus liemi
Notropis chrosomus
Orinocodoras eigenmanni
Oxydoras niger
Paracheirodon simulans
Pelmotilapia mariae
Pethia bandula
Pethia padamya
Pethia phutunio
Petruichthys Sp Rosy
Phalocronotus apogon
Pimelodus ornatus
Platysilurus mucosus
Polypterus endlicheri
Polypterus ornatipinnis
Polypterus senegalus Albino
Polypterus senegalus Platinum
Protopterus annectans
Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru IV
Puntigrus tetrazona Platinum
Pygocentrus caribe
Retroculus lapidifer
Sawbwa resplendens
Schistura Sp. Crimson
Scobinancistrus aureatus L14
Serrasalmus eigenmanni
Serrasalmus elongatus
Serrasalmus gouldingi
Serrasalmus maculatus
Serrasalmus manueli
Sicyopus lagocephalus
Sinibotia pulchra
Sinibotia robusta
Sinibotia zebra
Sorubim lima
Sperata acicularis
Squaliforma emarginata
Stiphodon atropurpureus
Stiphodon ornatus
Striuntius lineatus
Sundadanio axelrodi Blue
Synaptolaemus latofasciatus
Synodontis batensoda
Synodontis petricola Locally Bred
Tanichthys micagemmae
Tetraodon baileyi
Triportheus rotundatus
Tucanoichthys tucano
Vieja argentea
Vieja melanurus Blue Spot
Xenotoca lyonsi Rio Tamazula
Xiphophorus pygmaea
Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki
Yunannilus pulcherimus
Zoogoneticus tequila

Add a splash of colour to your pond! Many marginal and waterside plants are now coming into flower bringing a vibrant ra...

Add a splash of colour to your pond!

Many marginal and waterside plants are now coming into flower bringing a vibrant range of colour to your pond or water garden.

It's unlikely that you will find a better range of pond plants anywhere so why not pay us a visit. New stock arriving every few days.

Beautiful Butterfly Koi now out of quarantine and ready for sale. Super condition fish - lots to choose from.           ...

Beautiful Butterfly Koi now out of quarantine and ready for sale. Super condition fish - lots to choose from.

Beautiful high quality Japanese Tanchos in stock now - limited numbers. 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵

Beautiful high quality Japanese Tanchos in stock now - limited numbers. 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵

Looking for water features? Drop in and see us, we have plenty in stock to suit all tastes. Lots of new models for this ...

Looking for water features? Drop in and see us, we have plenty in stock to suit all tastes. Lots of new models for this year all on display - the only problem you'll have is choosing from our vast range!

These photos only represent a fraction of our models, there's plenty more to choose from.

Looking for stem plants ? We have some fabulous varieties in stock at the moment and more arriving all the time.        ...

Looking for stem plants ? We have some fabulous varieties in stock at the moment and more arriving all the time.

Rare and unusual temperate loaches are very scarce in the UK but we've pushed the boat out with these five cracking spec...

Rare and unusual temperate loaches are very scarce in the UK but we've pushed the boat out with these five cracking species. They won't be here long so get in quick if you are interested. Mail order or collection.

Just a small selection of some of our lovely fancy goldfish- lots of new stock out this week and a fresh shipment in soo...

Just a small selection of some of our lovely fancy goldfish- lots of new stock out this week and a fresh shipment in soon. Pop instore for a look and don't forget, our mail order service covers most of the country.

People ask us why we put courgettes in the tanks, we think the pics speak for themselves - they ❤️ it.Used to supplement...

People ask us why we put courgettes in the tanks, we think the pics speak for themselves - they ❤️ it.

Used to supplement off the shelf foods, courgettes are sought out by most loricarids as well as many other species and are one of the reasons they grow well and stay healthy.

Of course when you have as many different fishes as us, they are essential.

We are all looking at ways of saving on energy costs at the moment and one way is to install an energy saver pond pump. ...

We are all looking at ways of saving on energy costs at the moment and one way is to install an energy saver pond pump. At times of the year when a lower flow is acceptable, these pumps offer the ability to be turned down which reduces their electrical consumption quite dramatically. Why not pop instore for a demonstration.

Now here's a handy little bit of kit - Oase Crystalskim. A small aquarium skimmer that removes small floating debris, du...

Now here's a handy little bit of kit - Oase Crystalskim. A small aquarium skimmer that removes small floating debris, dust and other particles that may settle on the surface of the water. Two sizes, in stock now.

Our Fish House is filling up nicely as more shipments arrive. We always have plenty of common and community species in s...

Our Fish House is filling up nicely as more shipments arrive. We always have plenty of common and community species in stock but as usual, we are always after the rare and unusual fish too.

We know some of you love a fish list, and this is just some of the new fishes that have arrived in the past week or so.😁

More fish are arriving all the time so if you are looking for anything special, just get in touch. Don't forget, we can ship any of these fishes (Mainland UK - No Islands, No Highlands) if you are unable to get to us.

Acantopsis dialuzona
Acaricthys heckeli albino
Akysis prashadi
Ancistrus Sp Super Starlight
Ancistrus Sp German Red
Ancistrus Sp L144 Blue Eye
Ancistrus Sp L144 Snow White
Ancistrus Sp Longfin
Ancistrus Sp Longfin Golden
Austrolebias nigripinnis La Peregrina
Axelrodia stigmatias
Carinotetraodon travincoricus
Channa asiatica
Chilatherina bleheri
Cichla piquiti
Clithon diadema
Colomesus asellus
Corydoras hastatus
Corydoras virginae
Corydoras aneus Longfin
Crenicara filamentosa
Ctenolucius hujeta
Dario dario
Dario tigris
Desmopuntius johorensis
Eristhes jerdoni
Geophagus sveni
Geophagus abalios
Geophagus winemilleri
Glossolepis Sp. Gidomen
Hyphessobrycon bentosi Whitefin
Hypseleotris compressa
Inlecypris auropurpureus
Labeotropheus fuelleborni Marmalade Cat
Limia isla
Limia nigrofasciata
Luciosoma setegerum
Macrognathus aral
Macrognathus zebrinus
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
Melanotaenia lacustris
Melanotaenia boesemani Aves Creek
Melanotaenia susii
Melanotaenia fascinensis
Melanotaenia etnaensis
Melanotaenia Sp Kali Moysi
Melanotaenia Sp Mairasi
Melanotaenia trifasciata Goyder River
Mesonoemacheilus triangularis
Metynnis fasciata
Nematobrycon lacortei
Neolamprologus signatus
Pangio cuneovirgata
Pao palembangensis
Parosphronemus gunawani
Peckoltia compta
Petruichthys Sp Rosy
Poecilocharax weitzmani
Rasbora borapatensis
Rhinogobius rubromaculatus
Rineloricaria microlepidogastor
Rineloricaria Sp atabapo
Sinibotia zebra
Sturisoma panamense
Tucanoicthys tucano
Uaru amphiacanthoides
Vieja synspilum Blue Spot

A few quick pics of some stunning new additions to our fancy goldfish stocks. New fish are arriving every couple of week...

A few quick pics of some stunning new additions to our fancy goldfish stocks. New fish are arriving every couple of weeks and are fully quarantined before going on sale. Our breeders are shipping us some cracking quality fishes so pop in to view or give us a call for further details. More pics in a few days time.


Theobalds Park Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am - 5:30pm
Sunday 10am - 4:30pm




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Our Story

On a visit to Wildwoods you will find: A huge aquarium showroom featuring tanks of all shapes and sizes, representing all the major brands. Our 250 sq. metre award winning fish house is brimming with thousands of tropical freshwater and marine fishes including some of the rarest species you will ever see. Don’t miss our fabulous aquarium plants from the best growers in Holland, Denmark and the Far East, we keep many rarer and unusual varieties that are restocked twice weekly throughout the season. A comprehensive range of aquarium equipment, food and treatments from all the biggest manufacturers including: Eheim, Hagen, Interpet, Tetra, Aquarian, JBL, Esha, Supafish, TMC and many others. Every fibreglass pre-formed pond available in the UK is on display as well as a large selection of plastic ponds, sumps and reservoirs. A choice of PVC or rubber pond lining materials - off the shelf or cut from the roll to your requirements. A fantastic choice of pond pumps, filters, pond lighting and UV’s to rival anywhere in the country. Working displays of water features, fountains, self-contained ornaments and pond statuary by all the leading manufacturers. The finest selection of pond and coldwater aquarium fishes available including koi, orfe, goldfish, sarasa comets, shubunkins, tench, grass carp, sturgeon and many others. Our range and quality of fancy goldfish is legendary - customers travel from all over the country to buy them! An amazing 1000 sq. metre! purpose built plant house housing hundreds of pond plants, waterside plants and floating plants including many rare and unusual species and varieties as well as an exceptional array of the finest home grown water lilies - all available in season. Everything you’ll need to maintain your pond plants including baskets, floating islands, soil, gravel, fertilisers and much more. NEW! Swimming Pool, Spa, Hot tub chemicals. Chlorine granules, oxyshock, pH balancers and a whole lot more at unbeatable prices. A great variety of Turtles and Terrapins with all the equipment you’ll need to look after them correctly. At Wildwoods, there really is something for everyone !

Wildwoods has been awarded a 5 Star Rating by Enfield Council and has attained the Highest Standard in Animal Welfare. Licence No: LN/200800801 Premises: World of Water @ Wildwoods, Wildwoods, Theobalds Park Road, ENFIELD, EN2 9BW

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