Kind2Cows - Go Raksa Bhaktas

Kind2Cows - Go Raksa Bhaktas Protecting the most humble creature that is so exploited is our mission, our passion and our honour.

Beside the lake, beneath the trees....we can't promise you ooems by William Wordsworth, but can promise you'll find thes...

Beside the lake, beneath the trees....we can't promise you ooems by William Wordsworth, but can promise you'll find these BEAUTIES!

Say hello to Bhima with his mum and sister Hamsi and Padma sitting on either side of him. We ask thst on the celebration of Janmastami that you offer to Sri Sri Radha Govinda a pledge to support them. Our team is now up and running and we are first prioritising their winter feed, supports and bedding , not all has been secured this year.

To be a patron of Govinda's cows please contact us. Just a small weekly donation can help guarantee lifelong unconditional love and care. Every little helps.

We are extremely grateful to have had devotees at the Dublin Ratha Yatra festival promoting care for the cows and inviti...

We are extremely grateful to have had devotees at the Dublin Ratha Yatra festival promoting care for the cows and inviting people to become part of that protest. Gary, Kevin and Amanda were there with the new leaflets but for anyone else, here are the details to become a regular supporter or for a one off contribution. Please, please care and share - we have not secured grains, straw or supplements etc., for this winter.

We've had low density growth with lack of rain in May and overly dry conditions, followed by the wettest July on record. This means poor quality and low quantity of fodder leaving a deficit. To counteract this for future years we need to drain and re-seed the main grazing and cutting fields. This needs to happen this autumn so it will be available next year. All drains also need to be cleared and other essential work as part of housing and land management.

If you can assist please do. A lot of sacrifice is not required. You can sponsor one of the cows from as little as it takes for one soft drink and snack weekly - how many times do we unconsciously just buy these? If we are serious about protecting these beautiful, special creatures, the most dear to Sri Sri Radha Govinda, and demonstrating unconditional love for these gentle, lovable souls, then do a mobile transfer, scan a QR or contact us.

Please share this as widely as possible. Providing protection and care for Sri Govinda's cows is not limited by location, borders or other material restrictions. Share digitally, consider a local fundraiser, and let's get them fed this winter and beyond. Every little really does help. 🙏🙏💓💓🐄🐄🐂🐂🐮🐮👍👍

Dear friends and supporters, after decades of struggling to protect the Govindadvipa herd, we now have linked with a new...

Dear friends and supporters, after decades of struggling to protect the Govindadvipa herd, we now have linked with a new organising group (comprising of some of our previous supporters), and a new website and campaign for affordable long term support has been launched. Remember charitable donations are tax.deductible and it can be for a regular amount that is manageable and affordable. Family and group sponsorships are a good way of trying to do something to help. One off donations and birthday appeals are also fantastic!

The purpose of this appeal is long term sustainability and we have a dedicated account with members of the team overseeing updates and transparency. Thanks to Amanda Vikrama, Gary and Sweetadvipa for their work (and others) on the work. Check out our sponsorship options and check out the website on

Recently, as we are getting older, we tried with the temple management, to make life long protection a reality for our b...

Recently, as we are getting older, we tried with the temple management, to make life long protection a reality for our beautiful darlings, Govindas cows. The reason being that, without offence in these turbulent times when everyone is struggling, there just simply isn't enough support to care for them here at present. It take more than just grass and fence posts, it's so much more.
So without that guaranteed support, it has been a constant struggle, and a few kind souls over the years has kept it going - with our eternal gratitude. But the truth is that these ARE Sri Sri Radha Govinda's temple cows and yet,their images appear on funding posters for everything but their actual care - buildings, futuristic farms, eco Sustainability etc Why??

In a world that cares for pets - cats dogs, and so on, there is no expectation that you will gain anything financially or something other than reciprocal love. Yet when we consider Krishnas cows, there is always a -what's in it for us' mentality. Will they entertain us with cart rides, giving continuous milk, producing cute calves so we can picture our kids petting etc. These are SECONDARY to actually loving and protecting unconditionally, and service to Gopal Govinda. Unconditional love and protection for them, not for gain. Utilisation can not happen in a vacuum which requires more land, breeding or projects than we have.

Milk production requires impregnation with reducing volumes. You simply cannot continuously inflict that annually on animals with each calf needing more acreage for grazing, more health & protection costs, more labour hours and fir each calf a life long protection guarantee -25+ years! So first proper, respectful service and protection, anything after that is a bonus Let us recognise and start where we actually are - five cows that need 20+ years protection.

The recent efforts to transport our beautiful cows was filled with fear, trauma, and horror to put it in realistic terms. The cows were crying, distressed and did not want to go

We were crying, distressed, angry and completely devastated. The cows did not want to leave, they belong here with Sri Govinda - but that takes support.

We are again appealing for this urgently! We are putting a small group/committee around us to help us give lifelong protection There can be no surer way to understand the purport of Govinda, protector of the cows, than to support His herd, the ones that are here now.

Please don't make them face any further trauma. We could not, and will not face it again as we couldn't bear it. Please Save our Cows, Be Kind2Cows, Go SevA Cow today!

We need to cover this year's food - nothing in the kitty - Urgent needs, pay for fodder, grains, bedding, supplements.
We need to reseed their fields that were dug up by others and never repaired to ensure sufficient grass density & quality.

We need a visitation space in the future so everyone can see them and we need full focus on these cows being here now, not deviation by use of their images for other purposes

We need to cover the cost of running & managing,the project so development can happen, and that land management is sustained.

We need you - your help to build support for their protection.

Please contact us to support us
Details and more info to come.

One off donations appreciated but please consider regular steady contributions that are within your means Thank You 🙏3

Wishing Sweetadvipa and Amanda Vikrama every blessing on their upcoming fire yajna in India, just as they will receive t...

Wishing Sweetadvipa and Amanda Vikrama every blessing on their upcoming fire yajna in India, just as they will receive the blessings of supporting Govinda's dear most cows. Their donation of €150 will help with extra grains and medicine. Thank you so much prabhus and best wishes from the Kind to Cows crew.

We'd like to thank Kanaka & Norman for their kind donation  of £200 that came just as we were trying to get straw for ou...

We'd like to thank Kanaka & Norman for their kind donation of £200 that came just as we were trying to get straw for our darling cows. Supercool in action I believe. So grateful to you both. Sri Sri Radha Govinda's mercy is sure to be yours


we would like to thank Radheya Mansel for stepping in when we were away a few weeks back, and wouldn't you know Gauranga went and stuck his head in where he shouldn't. Anyway all was sorted and it's great to know that there are people out there who are genuinely Kind to Cows 🙏🙏👍👍 Radheya takes a break from his studies and visits the cows to help out some afternoons. We'd also like to thank Kevin for dropping in recently to help mucking out, there's nothing like cow protection to keep you humble 😁😁 And we'd like to thank Gary for his continued support and donations towards the cows, Tulasi Priya prabhu and everyone who is kind to our beautiful cows. Update photos coming....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


The worship of our beloved cows takes place tomorrow on Go Puja. An arti will take place at 10.45am at the goshalla with grain and food offerings for the cows. In advance we have completed the first phase of painting the cow yard with sign and decoration to follow.

Please come and offer respects with us. 🙏🙏🐄🐮🐄🐮


On this festival of Nityananda Triodasi, we are very grateful to all our supporters. We would like to announce that we received £7,694 in our GoFundMe appeal which has covered new bedding mats, a small garden tractor, trailer, fencing materials and food for the cows. We also have received additional finances to help with getting the washer for the sheds and yard and to contribute to the work with the digger and fencing. So on this auspicious day I'd like to mention 'Stan the Man' for his contribution of €100, Noeleen McCarney for €100, Luke McCarney for €50, our long time friend and supporter Gary for €250 and our friend and fashion designer extrodinaire Emily Nayhree Dawson for €200. Also to mention Louise Freeman who contributed to the campaign for £30. Our heart felt thanks to you all, may you be ever be blessed for all your kind consideration and service to our boys and girls. Here's quick snippets of Padma hogging the brush that Gary got the cows a couple of years ago. She's not so eager to share it with the others!😄🙏🙏🙏🐄🐮


Thanks to our awesome supporters we have reached phase 1 target!

We're almost there and are really bowled over by your support - thank you so much!!

We're almost there and are really bowled over by your support - thank you so much!!

Crazy busy these days....just took a delivery of much needed grains - really sparked Gauranga's interest. Plus we picked...

Crazy busy these days....just took a delivery of much needed grains - really sparked Gauranga's interest. Plus we picked up three sacks ourselves waiting for the delivery to come.

Wonderful we again say thanks. Prahlada went out on his morning walk and came back with two donations! ...

Wonderful we again say thanks. Prahlada went out on his morning walk and came back with two donations! I'll have to send him out more often! Then we had callers to the house and another two donations - Wow, we are blown away by everyone's support! And the icing on the cake was receiving a copy of the new Tribhuvanatha Dasa book from our neighbour Derek. A fantastic gift.

Tribhuvanatha prabhu was very involved with the cow protection programme here when he was Temple President at Govindadvipa and instrumental in the gifting of the famous padayatra oxen to Bhaktivedanta Manor in Hertfordshire. Burfi was one of them and I remember him so fondly as a rascal when he was young, always stealing food from people's plates! He was joined by Jaya and Bhima (the first) and with Parasurama at the helm, they continued to bring the message of simple living, high thinking and Krishna consciousness to many thousands. Our family have a deep affection for Tribhuvanatha and are aware that modern day saints walk among us, leaving a trail and blazing light for us to follow.

Our supporters rock!!

Our supporters rock!!

Just 1% a day will get us to our target!! Thanks everybody for your support...please make it a green Friday supporting t...

Just 1% a day will get us to our target!! Thanks everybody for your support...please make it a green Friday supporting the Cows, the land and the environment....and of course a 12% days of Christmas!

Happy Gopasthami! This is the day when Lord Krishna, along with his brother Balarama, were given the responsibility to c...

Happy Gopasthami! This is the day when Lord Krishna, along with his brother Balarama, were given the responsibility to care for the cows. Nanda Maharaja offered puja to the cows as his sons came of age and the eternal relationship of Krishna and His cows is honoured on this day.
Gopasthami takes place on the 8th day after diwali in the auspicious month of Kartika - when every act of devotion is magnified hundreds of times. During Kartika we celebrate the victory of good over evil, the worship of Giridhari Krishna (where He said worship the land and the cows instead of the demigods) and Gopuja, worship of Go Mata. When the earth became distressed Mother Earth, in the form of the cow, appealed for help and Krishna reciprocated. He then took His divine birth and lived as a cowherder, tending, caring and protecting these beautiful creatures and Mother Earth (Bhumi) herself. So another festival centred on the cow and cow protection in such an auspicious month is no accident. It places a hugely significant emphasis on cow protection and care - being kind2cows. We cannot state that we worship Gopala Krishna, Govinda and not care for His cows, Bhumidevi, Mother Earth. It is our duty to protect them, love them and care for them.

Therefore we wish to thank all those who support our efforts to sustainably protect and live alongside these gentle creatures. We are now at 86% of our winter appeal and thank wholeheartedly those that have supported us and those that support us whenever they can. We know that this has been a trying and tough year for everybody and it is hard to sometimes support everything we would like. Therefore we would reiterate our appeal to try to make the final push for our immediate needs (this is only phase 1 and does not sustain the cows indefinitely). But more importantly would be to try to fill our patron slots which would see the need for these appeals fade into history and allow us to have a sustainable programme, managed with experience and giving future care to the herd and land. This is not as daunting as it might seem. A patron slot is as little as £6.50 a week or as much as can be comfortably afforded. For the price of some quick lunch, drink or snack, we could work towards giving a lifetime protection guarantee to Govinda's cows and develop and manage the land with succession planning. What an offering that would be.

If you can help with our appeal or patronage, message me directly or use our link. At the very least - offer a prayer to our wonderful cows that they may always be protected and loved and share our link as widely as possible. Many hands make light work and everyone who helps benefits immensely, especially on this day, especially in Kartika.

The divine Kamadhenu is said to have appeared on Gopasthami and within the cow resides all the demigods. So to offer prayers, care or love to Sri Sri Radha Govinda's cows on this day will bring eternal spiritual benefit.

For our friends of other and no specific spiritual beliefs - this day is a day of focus that you may or may not fully align to, and that is fine. I know that you, and many, many like you, see the great benefit of having a sustainable, cruelty free, and ecologically sound approach to living - simple living and high thinking. That is also within our philosophy. But Mother Earth is in need of our help now, to educate in cow protection and sustainable land use is more vital than ever and we thank you for your continued support.

Please share our link
Sri Sri Radha Govinda picture courtesy of Maha Mantra dd.

Aggrhhhh....spent some considerable time this week trying to convincea stranger on the other end of the phone that the w...

Aggrhhhh....spent some considerable time this week trying to convincea stranger on the other end of the phone that the web link was indeed down. Don't you just hate that kind of interaction. Anyway if sharing our link it still comes up under Google sites but hope to have the link reconnected in the next day or so. Meanwhile I'll be working to update the page as we come into winter.

Great news also is that we received some additional donations this week from new campaign supporters and we are so grateful to them and our stalwarts who simply love the cows. Thanks to all your kindness to the cows, we are at 86%! We were able to go and order the grains and the machinery today, get their early meds for over winter and a treasured fork for lifting their fodder. A full update to follow but from the depths of our hearts - a massive thanks to everyone. We are going for the last push to make our target so we can put our energy into their care and hopefully filling our sustainable patron slots so we can move into the future in that way.

Please continue to share our link so we can have a very Moosive Christmas break. 🐮🐮🐂🐄🐂🐄 and always be kind2cows

We have a list of development needs and time is bearing down on us … Ananda Maya Devi Dasi needs your support for Kind2Cows Govinda's Cow Protection Programme



Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 5pm
Tuesday 11am - 5pm
Wednesday 11am - 5pm
Thursday 11am - 5pm
Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 2pm - 5pm
Sunday 2pm - 5pm


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