On this festival of Nityananda Triodasi, we are very grateful to all our supporters. We would like to announce that we received £7,694 in our GoFundMe appeal which has covered new bedding mats, a small garden tractor, trailer, fencing materials and food for the cows. We also have received additional finances to help with getting the washer for the sheds and yard and to contribute to the work with the digger and fencing. So on this auspicious day I'd like to mention 'Stan the Man' for his contribution of €100, Noeleen McCarney for €100, Luke McCarney for €50, our long time friend and supporter Gary for €250 and our friend and fashion designer extrodinaire Emily Nayhree Dawson for €200. Also to mention Louise Freeman who contributed to the campaign for £30. Our heart felt thanks to you all, may you be ever be blessed for all your kind consideration and service to our boys and girls. Here's quick snippets of Padma hogging the brush that Gary got the cows a couple of years ago. She's not so eager to share it with the others!😄🙏🙏🙏🐄🐮
Strutting into the Autumn Green
We'd like to thank everyone who has helped us getting over the half-way mark in our Winter appeal. Today the cows went into the cutting field (which we never use to avoid damage) for the first time in several years. The land is marshy up here in Fermanagh so we always avoid any damage to maximise yields. But we are already down in silage by 1/3 so we are getting every last bit of grass into them before their winter housing. Oblivious to all of this, our boys and girls were running, heel-kicking and strutting around to explore their new grazing...all on a windy, sunny autumnal day. May you all recieve the blessings and shelter of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govinda. Always be Kind2Cows.
Care and share our link to get to our target: gf.me/u/y4c2if
Ciara, Denis & Jorge - no not a multicultural event but the handiwork of nature! Yep it's official we're under water, well at least the pastures are in the lower part of the fields. These are the ones we spent last couple of weeks tidying up and low and behold its spot the field. Well what can we do?
Land management is a really big part of the Go Seva and cow protection. Not many realise how much time goes into this but as we said earlier we're already planning where and when the cows graze and the winter fodder is cut. Now it will not be possible to turn them out on time into these fields. Krishna is always testing us and our devotion. Still you can see how much work is ahead of us. don't forget to care and share - we still need to reach a minimum of 100 patrons to make the programme sustainable, and that is not even the long term development of it. Download our patronage form on www.kind2cows.org
When we think of cow protection and care we sometimes think it's all about petting and cuddling (Oooh how we wish it was! We so like to pet our cows!)
But most of the hard work takes place unseen, unlike the lavish pictures all around of cute cows and cowherders cuddling, and basking in the glory of cow protection.
Eh, reality check, especially given recent storms and weather! A lot of it involves working, maintaining and improving the lands. While most know, from our posts, that we've recently bought in more grains to supplement winter silage, we're already thinking of next year's winter fodder and summer grazing. Here's some of the work we've been doing to improve access to Fairy wood, removing damaged braches and drain cleaning. Note the damaged trees we're trying to work around and the plight of the woods. A lot of summer shade and sleeping takes place here but the trees are old and damaged.
We'll post in the news on our website, which is fixed, issues with links etc. Thanks to Supriya for that and to the many who drew our attention to it like Niamh and Terry our loyal supporters (engaged in business patronage) Great you guys, love all the background thumbs up and help. Www.kind2cows.org. Enjoy the not so cute part of the service, and our updated contact details. Hoping to have a better system for our non-Irish patrons in the near future but IBAN details etc. are all on the site.
Wishing all our supporters, sponsors, friends and family a wonderful festive season.
Thank you for thinking of the cows even with so many of life"s demands.
Remember we are still very far from securing our boys and girls, beloved cows of Sri Sri Radha Govinda and desperately need to hit our first 100 patrons. Spread the Christmas Spirit, spread the cheer and please spread the details. Like us on Facebook and share the page. A burden shared (not that we see Krishna's cows as burdens) but as the saying goes, its definitely halved, quartered, minimised
Wishing all our supporters, sponsors, friends and family a wonderful festive season!
Staying Kind2Cows
Yummy Treats!
Ah, instant karma! Having gone about our business today brought back some carrot treats for the boys and girls.
But Gauranga being the fussy and food obsessive cutie that he is, was trying to control ALL the carrots. But just see what happened when I said I wasn't getting one out of the trough, he tried to take them all from the bag and I ended up having to fish the phone out if the trough!!! Should've just got the carrot in the first place.
The moral of the story....be careful how you talk to Govinda's cows!
Sweet Treats
They don't demand much of us - just love and care.
Just chilling in the sunny lakeside
Kicking back in the afternoon sun - the boys and girls are feeling the gratitude for all their supporter's care...they are sooooo worth it - aren't they????
For those who support the cows...
Everyone benefits by GoSeva, but especially the cows...
Giving Pleasure to the Cows...so dear to Krishna
Here's another drop of nectar....