LTPK9 Dog Trainer and Behaviourist based in Surrey, UK. Instagram -
Email - [email protected]

To cheer up your Wednesday how about a game of ‘Which is Koda and which is a Velociraptor?’ Good luck.

To cheer up your Wednesday how about a game of ‘Which is Koda and which is a Velociraptor?’

Good luck.

Aggression is f*cking scary.I’m not talking about a bit of barking at cyclists; I’m talking actual, forward driven fear-...

Aggression is f*cking scary.

I’m not talking about a bit of barking at cyclists; I’m talking actual, forward driven fear-aggression from a dog that doesn’t know how to walk away and has the capacity to turn you into a sieve.

Im terrified of this boy - I won’t lie. He’s at least half my bodyweight and tall enough to do me in the face if he stands on his back legs. As far as the rules go, he’s on his last chance and throwing treats on the floor won’t fix it.

Despite a couple of mishaps, yesterday was the first time he’s let me handle him without losing it completely; he even ventured over to Jen to investigate her without being asked.

It’s not a quick fix. It’ll take months, maybe a year or more, of what will undoubtably be heartbreaking hard work, but he’s a genuinely lovely dog and while he’ll never be off-lead or outside without a muzzle, he will be able to live a relatively normal life.

That summer GSD moult 🤦‍♀️🤣 Our house will be covered in small balls of hair for the next two months no matter how much ...

That summer GSD moult 🤦‍♀️🤣

Our house will be covered in small balls of hair for the next two months no matter how much grooming we do. On the bright side it must mean summer is coming 🙌☀️

Who did it better - Cassie v Koda

Who did it better - Cassie v Koda

Cassie-Jean, CDEx - Ben and Cassie entered into the KC Working Trials CD Stake at the Championships in Enfield on Saturd...

Cassie-Jean, CDEx -

Ben and Cassie entered into the KC Working Trials CD Stake at the Championships in Enfield on Saturday.

Despite all the hard work over the years we weren’t expecting a huge amount - just qualifying would have been a huge success for us, but despite some strict judging from Le Newman, she blew us away by not only qualifying but taking 1st place with a score of 91/100, with no criticism of the dog from the judge (Ben obviously got some Stick but he deserves it).

Big news at LTPK9! Message for more details ♥️🐾

Big news at LTPK9! Message for more details ♥️🐾

Insta vs Reality in their  🥰

Insta vs Reality in their 🥰

Todays break from work consisted of Cassie and Koda making sure no puddle was left unexplored 🐾Don’t worry though, two s...

Todays break from work consisted of Cassie and Koda making sure no puddle was left unexplored 🐾
Don’t worry though, two showers each and they’re now clean as a whistle and looking forward to Christmas 🎄


Mable -

The progress this girl has made in the last 5 weeks is unreal. The issue is…her owner couldn’t see what was right under her nose. She’s worked unbelievably hard on all the basics - building the foundations for good engagement, obedience, understanding lead pressure, luring, marking and rewarding - but when you see it every day, you don’t often notice the progress you’re making until someone points it out.

Take a step back, look at how far you’ve come and give yourself credit.

7 weeks ago this dog was lunging, unresponsive, didn’t know it’s own name, fought lead pressure, wouldn’t walk nicely on the lead…now she’s all over it, so we spent some time tidying it up and fine tuning it, and learning some other exercises to put in place going forward.


Simba and Kora -
We’ve posted a few bits about these two over the last couple of weeks but here is the culmination of five sessions and two months work.

These two haven’t been out for a proper walk for over four months due to the injury Julie sustained as a result of their nervous, anxiety driven erratic behaviour. Today we got out through the woods for 40 minutes, around other dogs and various furry critters with no problems at all. We finished on this little confidence builder with Julie walking both on her own.

Neither of these dogs could be considered conventionally dangerous but at somewhere in the 40-55kg range each (and they’re still only pups!), they can do some real harm by virtue of their size and weight when the anxiety and fear takes hold.

All of this started by fixing some small issues at home and the rest fell into place.

Consistency. Calm. Clarity.

Simba and Kora -These two came to us after they dislocated their owners shoulder…At 40-Something Kilos each, these two G...

Simba and Kora -

These two came to us after they dislocated their owners shoulder…

At 40-Something Kilos each, these two Great Danes can be a handful but Julie has really taken up the challenge despite the uphill battle ahead of her.

Kora is pretty nervy and hyper dependant on her biological brother, Simba. Separation causes her to figuratively melt down in quite the display of sheer panic. This isn’t something that can be fixed by throwing a switch. Its a daily process involving adjustments at home and plenty of work building her confidence. Its taken 4 weeks but they can now be separated and they’re both learning to relax while the other works or exercises independently. They’re calmer around visitors, less boisterous and destructive in the house and they sleep in their own space.

Giving Kora the confidence to separate from Simba has allowed him some breathing space and a chance to calm down rather than having to ride a constant emotional rollercoaster which was affecting him far more than came across at first glance.

Next comes loose lead walking together and more exposure/socialisation.

📷: Simba; flying solo because Kora refused to be photographed.

Make sure to keep your dogs cool in this warm weather 🐾

Make sure to keep your dogs cool in this warm weather 🐾

There’s been a few articles recently that Belgian malinois’ may be the next banned breed because they’re ‘dangerous’ so,...

There’s been a few articles recently that Belgian malinois’ may be the next banned breed because they’re ‘dangerous’ so, while we can, we’d like to say a big happy 1st birthday to this beer drinking, thieving, cat mauling, dangerous pervert! 🤍

Maybe we should start blaming the owners and not the breed..

The patient and the cause. This week, after a lovely summer evening walk, Koda came home itching his left ear, shaking h...

The patient and the cause.

This week, after a lovely summer evening walk, Koda came home itching his left ear, shaking his head and generally looking uncomfortable. There was some tall grass on the field where we had been so we suspected he may have a grass seed in his ear.
Together we had a look and couldn’t see anything so decided to call the vet who promptly asked us to bring him in. Unfortunately Koda refused to let the vet see in his ear which lead to him being sedated and the grass seed removed.

Koda is on the mend now after his expensive walk however this does serve as a reminder to check your dogs regularly particularly in these summer months.

Online advice for grass seeds includes using olive oil and water to flush it out, THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED.

If you think your dog has a grass seed in their ear, nose or eyes please contact a vet immediately to avoid making a problem worse.
Make sure to check their paws for anything stuck in them and, while you’re at it, have a look for ticks too. Tis the season after all 🐾🖤


Environmental conditioning and socialisation - proper socialisation isn’t about letting your dog play with every dog or person it sees, despite what the internet and all the dog-mum groups would have you believe. It’s about exposing your dog gradually, promoting engagement and teaching calm.

A couple of days ago, on the way home from running some errands, I noticed an event going on in town - loads of people, performers, noise and music. I ran home, got Koda and headed back into town for an hour to do a bit of socialisation and conditioning.

This isn’t something you can just go 0-60 with if you’ve never done it before - it’s not fair on your dog and failure is almost guaranteed. Take time, be gentle. Expose them gradually and make it rewarding. Set them up to win from the get-go and you’ll see the results when you have a dog that can calmly walk through a crowd of excitable kids without so much as a sniff.

Learn | Train | PerformYou may have noticed we’ve changed our name…But it’s a sign of good things to come.PrometheusK9 h...

Learn | Train | Perform

You may have noticed we’ve changed our name…But it’s a sign of good things to come.

PrometheusK9 has become LTP K9. When we started this business we didn’t expect it to get so far in such a short time but thanks to the sheer trust you have all placed in us, we’ve decided to open some more doors. LTP K9 represents an ethos that has served us well and hopefully will continue to reflect an expansion in the services we will be seeking to offer in future. It’s also a damn sight easier to remember (and spell) than Prometheus…

Over the next few weeks we’ll be taking a short hiatus from the majority of business to finish up some work at LTPK9 HQ but we will be back in full swing before you know it. We will still be open for training but with a reduced availability.

When dealing with dog-reactivity, it’s important to start the desensitisation process slowly, in a controlled environmen...

When dealing with dog-reactivity, it’s important to start the desensitisation process slowly, in a controlled environment using a safe, well tempered dog as the “trigger”. From here we start making the careful transition out into the real world. Reactivity takes time and careful planning to fix. It can’t be rushed. Here’s Cassie earning her keep with one of our smallest clients, Boris. 💜


Problem solving - do you find getting your dog out of the car can be a bit of a juggling act? Do they hit the end of the lead in excitement, try to drag you into traffic or wander around wrapping you up in the lead?

While Koda no longer launches himself out of the car at warp factor 6 as soon as the door cracks, he does have a tendency to want to chip off for a bit of a sniff as soon as he’s out which brings its own problems. So we begin problem solving…

Here Ben is teaching Koda to down at the back wheel immediately on dismounting from the car. He’s using the “Place” mat to mark where the downs needs to happen.

Cueing him with already learned commands, as soon as Koda gets into the down position on the mat Ben marks and rewards with food and praise.

Over a relatively short space of time, Koda will eventually learn that the first thing he needs to do on leaving the car is lay down next to the rear wheel. To generalise this behaviour, we’ll replicate this process on the lead as well as from the crate in the boot once he’s got the idea.

This position works for us because it puts him at our feet, secure between us and the car meaning we can shut the door without juggling bags, kit and a struggling dog, without worrying about traffic, people or other dogs. It also allows him to calm down and regain his composure. However, you can teach your dog to go to any position or place that works for you using this process.

The key to this is to teach the place command first! We’ll be posting a video on this soon.

Queen of the Hill.Gem stopped by for a visit this weekend for some exercise and a bit of break for mum and dad. We’ve be...

Queen of the Hill.

Gem stopped by for a visit this weekend for some exercise and a bit of break for mum and dad. We’ve been training together on and off for almost a year now and the difference from day 1 out of the adoption centre is unreal. This absolute bear of a dog has gone from an anxious, timid, rescue-home-Shepherd to a confident, relaxed, vocal little lady who now tells me what to do…

Gem and can prove it: put in the work and you’ll get the kind of dog you want.

Do it for your dog!

Happy Mother’s Day to all our fur Mums 💐

Happy Mother’s Day to all our fur Mums 💐

ALMOST FULLY BOOKED - again. We are now nearing full capacity until the beginning of May with only 6 sessions still avai...


We are now nearing full capacity until the beginning of May with only 6 sessions still available:

2x 22nd March
2x 7th April
1x 25th April
1x 28th April

We are getting a lot of requests for last minute bookings which we’re now unfortunately having to turn down.

With this in mind, if you would like sessions please try to book in good time to avoid disappointment.

For our regular clients amongst our growing followers - we’ll be sending out an email shortly with more information.

As always, thank you for the support; and yes, he does sleep like that sometimes.


Kodas first swimming lesson 🖤 Great morning at Paws in the Pool and two very tired pups 🐾

If you’re looking at a different way to exercise your dogs we can’t recommend this place enough 🙌

With the upcoming release of Channing Tatum’s “Dog”, and the sheer number of videos on social media of Malinois doing al...

With the upcoming release of Channing Tatum’s “Dog”, and the sheer number of videos on social media of Malinois doing all sorts of cool stuff, I’m under no illusion that there will be an influx of enquiries into the availability of malinois puppies - PSA: They are not fun. They are not pets. They are not status symbols. They are working animals. Sure they’re affectionate as hell at times but they bite. They chew through sofas for fun. They can become wildly neurotic and without the right knowledge of how to handle one, they can and will turn on you. And it hurts.

Fortunately for us, Koda is more balanced than a monk stacking stones, with a temperament to match, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t come without his challenges. This is the first time he’s damaged any furniture, but we’ve seen worse.

If you’re thinking of getting one or you think they’re the right dog for your family; think before you commit - do your research and heed the warnings. They are a full time job. They are not dogs that you can get away with walking for 20 minutes on the lead every day while you scroll through Instagram. That said, the rewards are worth it. They are incredible dogs and they’ll repay you 10 times what you put in (that goes for the negatives too, mind you!)

If you’re even considering it, call us for some free advice. If you’ve already got one and you’re starting to realise you’re in over your head, call us for training. Do it for your dog.


Yesterday we were out training in the middle of Storm Eunice. But why?! Adverse conditions can drastically impair a dogs senses and impact on their ability to focus or perform to the standard we might be used to in good conditions. Training in the middle of a torrential downpour or a snowstorm gives your dogs a chance to learn to do what needs to be done whatever the weather. Don’t miss out on this opportunity - where it’s safe to do, get out and get in the middle of it! Get cold, get wet, get uncomfortable. The results will speak for themselves!

Once again, we’re nearing capacity for the coming two months with less than 10 spaces available in February and March! D...

Once again, we’re nearing capacity for the coming two months with less than 10 spaces available in February and March! Drop us a message to get booked in before they get snapped up.

The smartest person in the room is the one who knows they don’t know enough.Whilst working full time jobs and running a ...

The smartest person in the room is the one who knows they don’t know enough.

Whilst working full time jobs and running a business, Jen is also at university studying Law and Ben has gone back to college to study Canine Behaviour and Psychology with the view of pursuing a BSc in Applied Canine Science. On top of that, both hold nationally recognised Canine First Aid qualifications and Ben is a certified clinician providing front-line emergency healthcare.

At PK9, we know there’s more than one way to train a dog. We don’t settle on one theory or system and we’re constantly working to keep ahead of the learning curve to offer the best style of training for your dog.

Time to start learning the NePoPo System!


“How long will it take?”

Kayli came to us around 3 months ago, massively dog reactive, popping off at (and occasionally trying to fight) anything within 100 meters. 3 sessions later, she’s learned to set her own boundaries with other dogs in a way that doesn’t result in her ending up stressed and pumped full of adrenaline.

Today she spent an hour mostly off lead with our very own little tweaker, Koda, putting it all into practice without a hint of conflict.

The secret? - consistency. Her owner got fully stuck in to the training with us and worked immensely hard, every single day outside of the sessions. An absolutely amazing team!

There is no quick fix or one size fits all solution. Sometimes it just takes as long as it takes but if you put the work in, the results are worth it.


Training isn’t just training a behaviour to a dog or correcting bad behaviour. Training can be about building a bond with your dog, giving them some mental stimulation and avoiding boredom (a big factor in destructive behaviour)
Cassie loves her obedience training and let’s be honest.. how cute is her little tail wag 🐾❤️

We know it’s cold and you want nothing more than to be snuggled up on the sofa with your pooch BUT did you know the long...

We know it’s cold and you want nothing more than to be snuggled up on the sofa with your pooch BUT did you know the longer you leave a problem with your dog the longer it takes to fix?

If you have any queries and for bookings contact us on [email protected] 🐾🖤
T&Cs apply
📸 Instagram


The easiest way to teach the “quiet” is to teach your dog to speak first.
Cue the “speak” and then mark and reward as soon as they stop. Phase in the “quiet” command and repeat until it’s bomb proof…


Spot the Mali 🔍

5 month old Koda is smashing his recall training which is a vital behaviour in any dog for both their safety and others, dog or human..

If you need help with your dog and it’s recall contact us on [email protected] to book a session. We still have some availability for November and December sessions are now open 🐾

Take your dogs hiking. It’s fun. (Just make sure they’re rested and hydrated.)Boots from . There’s nothing worse than ge...

Take your dogs hiking. It’s fun. (Just make sure they’re rested and hydrated.)

Boots from . There’s nothing worse than getting half way up a mountain for your dog to cut a pad on some shale leaving you with a 8km tab back to the car with a 30kg GSD on your back. The right gear for the right situations.


A few days back we had Tor in for his third session. His owners wanted to improve his recall but he was so easily distracted and interested in everything else it made teaching near impossible. After two weeks of solid work on engagement by his owners, Tor turned up to his session a totally different boy to last time we met - engaged, willing to work, responsive to reward and correction. An absolute pleasure to work with. We were even able to start working on some exposure and counter conditioning.

‘No victory without sacrifice’ 🌹

‘No victory without sacrifice’ 🌹


Recently we saw Pippin for his second session dealing with dog and people reactivity, something which was obviously caus...

Recently we saw Pippin for his second session dealing with dog and people reactivity, something which was obviously causing a lot of anxiety. Thanks to a few bad experiences in the past, our boy here suffers from some real nerve reactivity towards people and fear based aggression towards dogs.

Last week we set about dealing with some foundational work - understanding reward and correction and getting the loose lead walking done right. In todays session we got to work showing Pippin how to communicate properly and that other dogs don't necessarily mean bad things. After 15 minutes around Roo, he was a different dog. Within 45 minutes he'd gone from lashing out at any dog who came within about 7 meters of him to walking side by side with a dog he hadn't met until the start of this session.

The best part about today was seeing his owner realise that this problem has an end in sight 🖤🐾

When you have a little brother but you’re not quite ready to share the attention 🌚

When you have a little brother but you’re not quite ready to share the attention 🌚




Today we had Buddy in for his 6th (yes…6th) session. We worked on proofing recall under distraction and at distance.

The amount of time, dedication and commitment Buddy’s owners have put into him over the last few months is absolutely amazing. They’ve worked unbelievably hard and it shows. The work is paying off.


Koda - 12 weeks old. Loose lead walking like a pro. No pulling, no lead chewing, no jumping.

“How long did that take?!” You ask?
1 hour.

If you need help with your dog pulling on the lead during walks contact [email protected] for your free consultation



Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 9pm
Tuesday 8am - 9pm
Wednesday 8am - 9pm
Thursday 8am - 9pm
Friday 8am - 9pm
Saturday 8am - 9pm
Sunday 8am - 9pm




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