K9 Coaching Evesham

K9 Coaching Evesham At K9 Coaching, our trainers like to coach handlers to train their dogs. Building confidence and skills while having lots of fun. APDT. ABTC-ATI.

Whether thats puppy/adult dog lifeskills or sports such as hoopers and rally, we will help you to reach your goals. Dogs have such an important impact on our lives and we are here to help you to build a relationship that will provide you and you four legged friend great memories for years to come. We are accredited to the following bodies IMDT. All trainers are accredited to organizations promotin

g reward based training and specialize in various sports

We offer APDT Good CompanionCompanions or KC GCs training

Beginner puppy classes are limited strictly to 6 dogs, this enables us to offer more individual attention when needed. Of course it’s your choice and you may just want to train without being part of a scheme and that’s fine too. Older puppy/dog classes are again limited to 6 dogs and structured to enable you to recognize and build on your achievements and to provide you with the stepping stones toward a happy and healthy partnership. We have trainers that do 121s
Please ask and you will be given the details

Workshops and courses are strictly limited to 6 per class, including Scent work, Canine Hoopers, Trick training, Clicker Training, Play/Reliable recall, loose lead walking

We are committed to using science based, positive reinforcement methods, delivering effective and long lasting results

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎Sue Gilkes, Janet Rowbotham, Julie Harris-StephensDrop a comment to welcome them t...

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

Sue Gilkes, Janet Rowbotham, Julie Harris-Stephens

Drop a comment to welcome them to our community, fans


Dog daycare has grown hugely in popularity in recent years. And, like any new industry which has grown rapidly, the quality of the provision varies greatly. So how do you decide –

• whether daycare is right for your dog?
• which daycare to choose?

𝗜𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗗𝗼𝗴?
Daycare isn’t right for every dog. Here are some points to consider when deciding if it might be right for yours –

• Is your dog anxious or lacking in confidence? While an under confident dog might grow in confidence in a smaller daycare they are likely (in my experience) to struggle in a large scale daycare. It can be tempting to think that by being around other dogs they will ‘get used to it’ but, very often, it’s totally overwhelming for them and can make existing problems worse.
• Is your dog super interested in other dogs? If so, is giving him pretty much unrestricted access to lots of other dogs likely to be helpful? Or do you run the risk of turning him into a hypersocial dog with no boundaries?
• Can your dog settle and relax around other dogs? If not they are going to be exhausted (and not in a good way…) after a day at day care.
• Can your dog tolerate rude, socially clumsy dogs? Do they have the social skills to defuse and de-escalate tension or might they react if they feel painted into a corner?
• Are you prepared to neuter your dog early? Many local authorities make neutering by a given age (often as young as 6 months) a condition of daycare licensing however early neutering can often be at odds with the health and well being of the dog, particularly for large breeds.
• Why do you need/want daycare for your dog? Is additional care a necessity, for example, if you are out of the home for long periods or your dog has separation related problems which mean they need access to a human at all times? Or are you simply looking for a socialisation opportunity for your dog in which case what other options are available and which would suit your dog best? Would they get more out of spending time outdoors in a smaller group with a dog walker? Would a trip to the park meet their socialisation needs (always bearing in mind that socialisation is not just about meeting other dogs)?
• How will you mitigate or avoid the potential behavioural problems which can arise from daycare? The lessons your dog might learn in day care are unlikely to be helpful in their life outside of daycare. Think about what daycare might teach them…they get unrestricted access to play with lots of dogs lots of the time, they may get little practice settling and switching off, they are kept physiologically aroused a lot of the time, they often practice using their voice a lot. Are these things that might become problematic in contexts other than daycare? How will the young, adolescent dog who plays all day with every dog in daycare react when he’s out in the world and can’t interact with every dog there? Frustration? Barking? Pulling?

If you’ve answered these questions and are happy that your dog would benefit from (NB not just cope with...) a day care environment how do choose the right daycare?

𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲?
There are many different styles of daycare from small, in home facilities to large, industrial scale daycares. So what should you consider when choosing a daycare?

• Size. How many dogs are cared for at any one time? There’s a world of difference between being in a group of 6 dogs and one of 60. What will your dog be comfortable with (and what are you comfortable with)?
• What size are the daycare's groups? Will your dog be in a small group (

Mr Edd- Ted to his friends 😂

Mr Edd- Ted to his friends 😂

One of the best things to teach a pup is- to have an off buttonLet them chill, they don’t need to be racing around being...

One of the best things to teach a pup is- to have an off button
Let them chill, they don’t need to be racing around being trained and played with - they need to learn to settle

We are very pleased with Elvis who has not only gained his APDT good companions Improvers award but our K9 coaching awar...

We are very pleased with Elvis who has not only gained his APDT good companions Improvers award but our K9 coaching award for commitment to training
Congratulations Emily and Elvis


9.30 this morning we did a  class- soon became apparent that the doggies weren’t happy- even with going from field to co...

9.30 this morning we did a class
- soon became apparent that the doggies weren’t happy- even with going from field to cold shaded area

So we have made the decision to


PLEASE DONT WALK YOUR DOGS IN THIS WEATHER- do some hide and seek in the house. Use rolled t towels frozen with treats inside.
Or a licki mat with yogurt frozen
Or chilled fruit cubes- melon. Apple, other safe fruits.

Frozen carrots or hearts of veg

No dog died from missing a walk

Well a mixed bag but I’m very very pleased with young Raisin.A clear round and Judges specialThankyou Jan and Ali for pu...

Well a mixed bag but I’m very very pleased with young Raisin.
A clear round and Judges special
Thankyou Jan and Ali for putting it on and to Joy for allowing us to compete at the venue.
Great to see some familiar faces and to see those lovely dogs
Thanks for a great day

I absolutely love thisIt’s a must for a new puppy family

I absolutely love this
It’s a must for a new puppy family


1 - They don’t turn up understanding anything you expect of them. Show them how to get by, don’t just wait to have a go at them when they get it wrong.

2 - Puppies are puppies. Expect them to bark, bite, p**s, s**t, growl, jump, whine etc. It’s what you sign up for when you get a puppy. Appropriate training will help both you and then live in harmony. If you’re not sure how, get a decent trainer to help you.

3 - They are not out there to dominate anyone or anything. They are just trying to get by in your made up world. Help show them how to get by.

4 - They need a lot of sleep! Don’t try to tire them out, they don’t need to be exhausted. They just need down time constantly throughout the day.

5 - Play with them as much as you can. Reinforcement is what drives a behaviour and most people use food. But if you use play from the get go you’ll build a much better reinforcer that they will likely want to engage with as they get older no matter what the competing motivators are. Especially if you play with them in a way that they REALLY love. Get a trainer to show you how.

6 - Expose them to things but don’t over do it. Socialisation is about teaching dogs to be less sensitive to things they will need to be around as they get older. We don’t want them to be excited about these things, we just want them to accept and be comfortable around these things.

7 - If they’re acting up, the chances are they are tired. Don’t try to train them, create an environment that they can relax in.

8 - Use their food to reward the stuff you like. Don’t just feed them out of a bowl. Use their daily allowance and capture the stuff you like so they offer those behaviours more often.

9 - Expect them to frustrate you. Raising a puppy isn’t always fun. Expect things to go wrong. If you get through the puppy stage without them s**tting in the carpet I commend you. Just don’t lose your s**t towards them.

10 - Don’t listen to a word the dog daddy says. He’s a t**t.


Tell us what you’ve gained from this sport

Tell us what you’ve gained from this sport


***Awareness Post***

We've had two requests to search for dogs recently. Sadly they've drowned and at this time of year they have resurfaced before we could get there, leaving their owners with a traumatic task of recovering them.

There are a number of breeds that CANT SWIM or are POOR SWIMMERS. They can sink very quickly and with best efforts to save them it is often not possible.

You rarely get a second chance with water.

Your dog may never have shown an interest in water, or may just paddle. But dogs are instinct reactive and it only takes one accident.

Please don't take the risk. Please keep breeds that are known to be poor swimmers on a lead near water. At least then you have a chance of saving them.

Some of the breeds most known that can't swim/poor swimmers and most at risk are...

• French Bulldogs
• English Bulldogs
• Pocket Bully's
• Pugs
• Dachshunds
• Boxers
• Shih Tzu's
• Basset Hounds
• Corgi's
• Maltese

So today the dogs and I are off to Aston Sommerville Fete by the LakeThis year I’m gonna be using my new side kick Crumb...

So today the dogs and I are off to Aston Sommerville Fete by the Lake

This year I’m gonna be using my new side kick Crumble and her mum Grace to demo

If you think you’d like to join in then come and joined us
The fete starts at 2pm


I gained 38 followers, created 129 posts and received 924 reactions in the past 90 days! Thank you all for your continued support. I could not have done it without you. 🙏🤗🎉

SUNDAY WE ARE AT FETE BY THE LAKEIN Aston sommervilleCome and join in the fun

IN Aston sommerville
Come and join in the fun


Really happy to accept insurance work, many pet insurers are now processing direct claims so it’s just the excess for clients to pay out! Check your policy and get in touch to find out more👌



NOVA HAS BEEN FOUND ALIVE AND WELL! She is settling down again today and will go to the vet tomorrow. No further news at the moment, we will update you when we get more information. Thank you all for your help 🐾❤️🐾 7th July 2024.

Update from team (lost dog capture, drone sar, doglost and CEAsAR) were setting up cameras and a food station and the sausages on the bbq were just making us all realise we had missed lunch! Nova walked passed us and up to her mum ###
Last edited: 2024-07-07 18:16:12 by Emma S -- Regional DogLost co-ordinator Central


Disappeared from WESTON LAWNS FARM, Bedworth, Warwickshire, on 4th July 2024 at 8am.

REWARD for information regarding the whereabouts or information that will lead us to Nova or bring Nova home.

After having a great delivery of her first litter she went missing yesterday around 8am. She had a puppy at 6am and by 8am there was no sign of anything happening. She went out for a brief wee and has not been back. She NEVER runs off and sticks to my side like glue.

We’ve had sniffer dogs and thermal cameras out yesterday. Hoping to get a drone out today. We do have cctv on the place -

If anyone has taken her please bring her back. She has had pups that need her. Please, even if you drop her at the end of my drive anonymously. There’s no cameras there and she can find her way back too me from there. Please I just need her back.

Please share and bring my baby home 😭😭 This dog is my whole world 💔

Contact Police on 101 or call Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800555111

Registered on Doglost.co.uk
Doglost link: https://doglost.co.uk/dog-blog.php?dogId=193146

Contacting Drone SAR Lost Dogs UK for assistance with thermal imaging drones and ground searchers.


Puppies are not clean slates !
You often hear people say 'get a puppy they are a clean slate'

As a behaviourist and breeder I can confidently tell you this is not true. Both nature and nurture has a huge impact.
A puppy will inherit genes from its parents and these genes will impact the puppies genetic potential to behave in a particular way.
Such as :
Using aggression as a strategy to deal with difficult situations
Sociability towards people and dogs
Fearful responses
Sound sensitivity
Strong instinctive behaviour to hunt, chase, grab, hold and guard.
Trainability which includes the ability to learn self control as humans desire it.

When people breed dogs they sometimes select for specific traits and sometimes not. If someone is breeding for a particular look, colour or just money then these traits can become altered becoming stronger or weaker or unbalanced. This can make a dog dangerous for example breeding a dog with gameness and reducing human sociability.

Then the puppy is born and the first 8 weeks learning with the breeder will have an huge impact on the development of all these genetic traits.

My five puppies have all come from the same parents and been reared in the same environment. They have very individual personalities. The training and socialisation they receive in their new homes will only influence the genes and first learning, it won't change their personalities.

So if you are looking for a puppy
Firstly learn about breed traits and instincts and make sure you pick a puppy that will suit your lifestyle. For example there no point getting a breed that is 'aloof with strangers' if you have 3 young children and lots of friends visiting.

Secondly meet the parents or (genes), see what they are like. Make sure you are meeting the actual parents, some people buy in puppy farmed litters and then 'hire' an adult of the same breed to pretend the puppies were bred there!!

Thirdly make sure the puppy has had plenty of early neurological stimulation and learning before it leaves the litter. Ask these questions.
1) What have the puppies seen?
2) Who and what have they met?
2) What have they learnt?
3) How have they learned to play?
4) What do they do if they get frustrated?
5) What do they do if they get bored?

A professional trainer can help support and guide you on the process of looking for a puppy. Don't wait till afterwards for help.

Prevention IS better than Cure. This goes for training and socialisation too, get a professional to help and guide you.

Puppies are building neural pathways with every experience, every day, make sure they're building ones you like.

First Learning is the strongest, make sure you get it right first time.

Written by Jane Ardern BSc (Hons) KCAI (WG)
WaggaWuffins Canine College
Bury Lancashire

*Permission to share this post from this source. No cutting and pasting please and pretending you wrote it yourself 🙄


I want to thank everyone who bought a raffle ticket

We have recieved an email today today they recieved our donation

Dear Lisa

Thank you for the £50 donation that arrived safely on 1st July, This donation is truly appreciated and will help immensely with our ever increasing Veterinary Care and Medication expenditure which we provide for our needy Labradors who come to us with previous existing medical conditions, all of which are uninsurable.

The Trust is totally reliant on public donations to fund everything we undertake in connection with our work, we receive no Government assistance or funding and without your support we would be unable to function. It is a lifetime funding commitment to the dogs by The Trust, thus ensuring they receive the best treatment and care possible. The welfare of the dog is always paramount and will continue to be our main priority.

Thank you again for your support

Kind Regards

Liz Hemmings
On behalf of Jen Richardson
The Treasurer
The Labrador Rescue Trust

A great first show- a lovely gift from Becky

A great first show- a lovely gift from Becky


BROADVIEW FARM, Twyford, WR11 4TP, , EVESHAM WORCESTERSHIRE, , What 3 Words, Tedious. Oblige. Collected

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:30am - 11:30am
Wednesday 11:30am - 3:30am
Saturday 9am - 10am


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