Rodent-shaming! And *deep breath* an actual update
1. Mouspital is still Mouspital-ing. Also quite full, and with a good few mice who have ongoing medical needs and considerable vet bills. (Paypal is q***r_farm_mouspital (at) gmail.com, obviously no pressure at all 😊 )
1b). Life is... A Lot, and has been for the past (yikes) 2 years or so, with little chance of getting better anytime soon. I'm more ok than I was?
2. The page/ being online.
Between fancy phone cameras with more software than they used for the Moon landings*, and social media peer-pressuring us into this bu****it editorialism
over even the most trivial parts of life... I'd like to post considerably more, with considerably less perfectionism and angst. (See also: "done is better than perfect")
So. I'm going to have a go at a bit of a ~rodent-shaming~ series, because it'll be funny and maybe informative, and also involve less of the "spending 15 minutes trying to get a single photo that looks like a mouse not an eldritch monstrosity while pi***ng them off, when I could instead be playing with said mouse". Because now I'm actually thinking about how doing the social media dance has affected my priorities, and ugh.)
Love to all of you, and thank you for swinging by and being excellent humans to your various animals 🩵
*not fact-checked but seems a reasonable guess
(A) See human? The perfect pattern of teeth marks around the cinnamon swirl *improves* it.
(B) Bonus points and mouse kisses to anyone who identifies this proprietary (former) charger cable and keeps the comments section ~appropriate~ 😅💀