And so that brings us to the end of huge chapter in this Devon gal’s life.
5 1/2 years ago I was encouraged to start up dog walking as an outdoor embracing, mud reveller and dog petting lover, that was in need of something to help me in at a time of struggle. I picked up my first doggy client Alfie 🌟 and made my first bond, which paved the way for so much unconditional love that helped piece me back together.
To say that this has been (dare I say it) “a journey” would be an under statement and I find it hard to find to describe, but my four legged friends and all the wonderful clients that have supported me along the way through the ups and downs, through broken down vans, a global pandemic, rising costs and gritty winters (that seem to be half a year-long!), have kept me going and made me feel so appreciated and I am so so grateful.
It’s time for me to move on to something different now, but this looking back on this time will remind me of what I can do if I stay true to myself, but more than anything, how amazing dogs are and how much love and happiness they can bring, even when they’re rolling in 💩! They’ve looked after me just as much as I have them and I will miss them dearly, hopefully I’ll get to see some from time to time.
Thank you as well to my fellow dog walkers for being your beautiful selves, the support and laughter has meant so much more than you know and thank you also to everyone that has ever supported me, you’ve helped a small business bring adventure to some amazing dogs’ lives and also to mine.
Love Harriet 🐾💚