I am also a distributor for the wonderful Emmi Ultrasonic products and can provide you with brilliant deals on the latest products!
So if you need additional brush heads, paste or sticks then drop me a 📨 message to jump on.
Take a look at these exclusive offers, available while stocks last!
🚀 Boost your income (professional groomers) and your dog's oral health with the NEW EmmiPet 2.0, now just £165 POSTED including Brush, heads, paste, sticks, gloves and hand disinfectant. Improve your results and upgrade today!
🦠 Keep you, your clients and staff safe with the pet friendly room disinfector including unit and disinfectant for just £90 POSTED!
🧼 Clean thar equipment thoroughly with the Ultrasonic cleaner + disinfectant fluids to stop ❌ cross contamination. £75 POSTED!