Wonderful progression from this young lady, as she demonstrates a distance wait and return to heel, not always easy for an enthusiastic cocker. How did we get to this, bucketfuls of patience and small steps building up each component separately. #distancewait #smallsteps #bubblycocker
Lost for things to do with your dogs? Hang about in a car showroom, making out you are considering buying a new vehicle. You get a chance to habituate your dogs to the car showroom but also get free coffee!! #pleasedontakemeseriously #waitingformot
Nearly regretted taking my boots off for today's behaviour consultation but Ross's (@londondogco)hard case idea, once again to the rescue, added to which was the smell of sausage (copyright tip!). #angryshihtzu #aggressiveshihtzu
Practicing the @cidbt distance down challenge with the incredible force that is Conan the GSD. I know what this Friday's class will be working on!! #cidbtfamily #distancedownchallenge
Set the task of finding a new challenge by @cidbt family member @londondogco, I've called this the #pauldanielschallenge ( for those of you lucky enough to be under 40, look him up). Some dogs find it difficult to remain where they are when you are out of sight, so it may take a little practice, good luck CIDBT family. PS you aren't expected to find a field of hay bales!! #cidbtfamily #pauldanielschallenge
99/100 Ted would have missed this, in the blackberry catch game, hence the quick reaction of opportunists Welly and Tee Tee and even Ted!, as they look on the floor for the often dropped prize! Go Ted. #miraclesdohappen #blackberrycatchgame
Wilbur putting in the practice with the @perfectdogtraining impulse control challenge. All good prep for his handler's @cidbt instructors course next week. #rydogs #scentandsniffdogscornwall #cidbtcourse #impulsecontrol
Inspired by @cidbt family member's @perfectdogtraining exercise and @_countrytails attempt, we practiced a little self control with Tee Tee, as ever she doesn't disappoint #cidbtfamily self-control
Early morning training under grey skies ( now there's a surprise!!) before a busy day with clients. I get fidgety if I haven't done something every day, even if it is a basic recall. It doesn't take long but provides great reinforcement of desirable behaviour. #alittleeveryday #justalittlebit #alternaterecall
Whilst Noodle the whippet loves nothing better than curling up on the sofa, this soon changes when a chase commences. Whatever paper they're wrapped up in, dogs are predators and have been given the skills to act as such. In the case of the whippet, its great sight to detect movement and fleet of foot to pursue its prey. Try being sexier than a squirrel when your predator pet is in hot pursuit of prey, especially at this speed !#whippetspeed #notsosexierthanasquirrel #whippetchase
Whether you live in an urban environment or, like me, a more rural setting, it's important to get your dog used to the environment in which they live. Habituating them with everything around, be that of buses, bikes, or heavy traffic is as important as preventing them from getting over excited about the presence of chickens! It can also make their life far less stressful. Carry it out gradually and ensure you always have control of your dog.#chickenavoidance #doggonechicken
More work required on proofing the stay command....how dam rude!!!!!!! #ungratefuldogs #nofoodforyou
He may not be part of the shooting fraternity but that doesn't stop this one enjoying gundog activities. #petsprocker #gundoggames #rydogs
Tee Tee having a day off from her training and having fun showing the big boys how it's done. #springsinherheels #rydogs #tailsfromthejump #cockerfun
Whilst considering a dogs acute hearing. I carried out a little experiment with a small recording device attached to a dog's collar. There are two audios. The first the dog runs with a collar and traditional dog id tag, the dog stops at around 6 seconds to pick up a dummy and returns. Then there is a slight pause and we go again but this time with no tag but same action, dog goes out and picks up the dummy. It's not science and I suspect it's full of flaws as an experiment but it does ask a few questions, including, does the tag have an impact on my dog's ability to hear me when running with this much intent?? I tend to use inline engraved tags, mainly because of losing the other type so often and hadn't really considered this until having a random conversation with my @cidbt buddies. And no, I've not got better things to do with my time!!!#louddogtags #dogshearing
After a rather awkward session ( I'm being polite), with an apparently top field trial spaniel trainer yesterday, I've decided to do it my way with Tee Tee and wherever we get to then so beit. She's not the type to appreciate pressure and will close down if too much is applied. She loves to please, so we'll set her up for success as much as we can. An immediate stop when there are distractions going on is key going forward and she's certainly moving in the right direction with a little distance added too. Every dog is different and responds in different ways to training techniques, I have had the good fortune of being trained by the @cidbt and be in the presence of many trainers who provide so many tools for my training tool box and are always on hand to offer snippets of advice (thankyou @pennydaviescanineconsultant), we don't know it all and it would be rather arrogant and shortsighted if we thought we did. Onwards and upwards Tee Tee. #cidbtfamily #setthemuptosucceed #cockerstop
Sunday stay...if you can't do your training ground exercises on your walks, what's the point...train for the moment. #trainforthemoment #sundaystay #rydogs
Little Tee Tee really working out her raison d''etre and beginning to use her hunting skills to find retrieves. Important I let her get on with it when she's trying to find the dummy, too much interference and she'll become reliant on me to find it for her. Gosh she's come on so much these last couple of weeks. It always helps that she has a strong desire to please me. #tinycocker #rydogs #cockerhunting
Encouraged by @pupstartsbreeders and her chat to the @cidbt family on social media (this is not indicative of the type of people they are, I'm just grumpy!), I thought I'd share this tip I gave out late last year. Based on this morning's interactions, I'm not convinced it had any effect on the target market! Apologies for the language to any lip readers and also apologies to any female cyclists who feel they are excluded from the advice. #angrycyclist #dogwalkmayhem #rydogs
Can't tell you how many times people have said, I bought a whistle for the dog's recall and it didn't work!! I suspect in all of these cases, the whistle worked, unless it's got some chewing gum stuck in the end of it!, but the operator has not made a solid enough link with the whistle and tried to use it before the dog understands the link. This link or conditioning, starts before any recall with it is even considered. If done correctly it can be a very useful means of providing a clear and precise form of communication for the individual and multiple dogs. #whistlerecall #rydogs #acmewhistle