When looking at horses' feet, we rarely see ones that are perfectly symmetrical. Even if it is subtle, there may be a slightly steeper wall, or a side that is a bit more worn. At the end of a cycle, we can often see the way that hoof has worn over the last however many weeks - maybe a toe worn a bit to one side, or a flare creeping up if the cycle has been a bit long.
As a hoofcare provider, I am always looking to see what these patterns might be telling me, and how I can improve each horse's feet to the best of my ability with what that horse has for conformation, previous injuries, environment in regards to turn out, etc.
Because of this, I have always been fascinated with Ula Krzanowska's posts on "The Hoof Architect," and how Ula sees various patterns in feet and is able to identify them and label them to a specific conformation or how the body is put together above those feet. I reached out to her to chat about her architecture background, how it has helped her with hoofcare, and some common patterns she sees.
You can hear the entire conversation on any podcast app under "The Humble Hoof," or directly at this link: https://thehumblehoof.com/2024/11/22/recognizing-patterns-in-hooves/
And if you want to meet Ula in person, we have a few limited spots left for our clinic next year in Amesbury, MA! You can learn more and register at thehumblehoof.com/product/clinic .
Thank you to our amazing sponsors:
Equithrive offers supplements for everything from metabolic health to joint support – get 20% off your first order at equithrive.com with code HUMBLEHOOF
Cavallo Hoof Boots is offering 15% off a pair of Trek hoof boots at cavallo-inc.com with code HRN
A special shout out to Grid as New, Mud Control Grids – they are a game changer for any mud issues, big or small! – mudcontrolgrids.com
Also be sure to check out HayBoss Feeders – haybossfeeders.com – for all your slow-feeding needs. I get my Hay Boss feeders from Mountain Lane Farm in NH!