Change isn't always easy, even when it's for positive reasons. Doing something different can threaten our sense of safety, our comfort in familiarity. We tend to stick with what we know, even when it no longer serves us. Letting go is a tricky concept for many of us, and I'm no exception.
Recently, I made a change that was needed for both the welfare of my herd and for my own wellbeing and peace of mind. Despite it being my choice, it wasn't easy. Stepping away from places, people, or dreams we've become attached to, can evoke conflicting emotions. Excitement of the new sits with grief at losing the old, and our future plans lie beside all that we've left behind.
It's ok to change, and it's ok if it's not easy. It's ok if no-one else gets it; that doesn't make your choice any less valid. All that matters is that you know why you've taken those steps and that they sit well with you. 💗