If you hate, nay, loathe cleaning and tidying and honestly can’t think of any way to make it bearable, because as an adult you recognise it still needs doing, here’s some ideas.
Create a playlist, put on it the most grrr songs you can find that you still enjoy, but only like 2-3 songs. Pick an area, play the music and while it’s running you clean or tidy. When the music stops, you stop. Unless you’re on a roll, then you can switch the music to something upbeat and carry on.
For larger tasks, designate a day for things. Find a Pomodoro method timer for your phone and set it up to something reasonable for the work / rest ratio. Make sure you have a treat ready for yourself during the breaks or afterwards, when you’ve done the big horrible project.
Nobody says we HAVE to grow out of using a rewards system, right? If stickers work for kids maybe a nice manicure and a glass of chilled white will work for you.
The final suggestion is to ask for help. Not in the sense of deputising the kids and making them ‘help’ but really you spend more energy wrangling them than on the task, but in the sense of asking a friend or hiring a professional.
As humans, we often seem to get stuck on the idea that we should manage all aspects of our hone ourselves, unless a CORGI certification is required. Paint a room? You can do it. Clean the kitchen? You can do it. Declutter the kids’ belongings? You can do it. And it’s true, you can. If you have the time, the energy, and the know-how. And the energy. But honestly, it’s OK to ask for help. It’s OK to pay for help. It can be your little secret for having it all, or you can tell all your friends about the life changing experience of having a cleaner. Help is a marvellous idea, really.
I don’t clean houses, I hired a cleaner myself, but I design kitchens and declutter wardrobes and kids rooms and I design home office space and I create order out of chaos.